Lets Play! Every OzBargainer Owns a .......... ?

Good morning OzBargainers

What is a must that every OzBargainer has to own?

So far what i can think of is At least 5 packs of Eneloops, Pebble Watch, $1 or $5 Slazenger Sports Wear, Every Free Udemy or eBook ever posted on Ozbargain, a COTD account.

What else do you own that every Ozbargainer has ?


  • have to say eneloops
    but I actually don't have any on ur list lol

    • -5

      Say Waaaaa !! You dont have eneloops !! You MUST handover your ozbargain badge immediately !

      • crazy
        also didn't buy any sports wear, don't have ebooks or udemy….

  • Dyson, chromecast and nokia 530

  • A Voss bottle (bought on special of course!)

  • +7

    So far I have none of the items listed.

    28 Degreees card is my suggestion. Or ING Everyday account.

    • The ING colour scheme is suspiciously similar.

  • An SSD

  • +3

    …I feel bad, I own nothing from this list.

  • Device that accesses the internets?

  • Yep, everything on that list, but not the Pebble Watch, yet!

  • +3

    Seriously, when are the mods going to put a stop to this. For goodness sake OzBargainers stop being so naive. Look at the ops other post, it's clearly not some innocent poll.

    • +1

      Yeah agree, but then again EC could just be a closeted voyeur, and some people just love to be a bit exhibitionistic online.

      Guess there could always be a private intel gathering op going on in any forum, but not sure what EC would do with all the data besides stalk them. Or shame people for being frugal?!

    • -1

      Yes chloden, i confess .. Im an undercover agent working for scotty gathering intel for classified ops .. but shush, dont tell anyone

      • So it's just a voyeuristic hobby? It's OK, everyone has a fetish.

      • How about you confess what you are really up to.

      • Why no AMD ?

  • Between zero and one brain?

  • Citibank cc with friends and family offer
    Loyalty card eg edr or flybuys
    Mobile phone
    Pc or laptop

  • An insatiable appetite for bargains

  • +3

    I own nothing. I live a live of non-possession and the only thing I call my own is this mortal vessel, which I will discard once I attain true Buddhahood.

    ˙spuɐɥ pɐǝp pןoɔ ʎɯ ɯoɹɟ ɯǝɥʇ ʎɹd uɐɔ noʎ 'sdooןǝuǝ puɐ s,pss pǝɹpunɥ ɐ ǝʌɐɥ osןɐ ı

  • spuɐɥ pɐǝp pןoɔ ʎɯ ɯoɹɟ ɯǝɥʇ ʎɹd uɐɔ noʎ 'sdooןǝuǝ puɐ s,pss pǝɹpunɥ ɐ ǝʌɐɥ osןɐ ı

    I has to turn my monitor upside down to read that

  • Free beer, discounted delivered wine.
    (no longer owned due to a consumption problem!)

  • +1

    At least 7 or 8 unopened Telstra $30 prepaid sim packs ….. purchased for less than half price of course!

  • I would have to say

    • dicksmith gift card..
    • citi bank platinum or signature fee free for life CC card
  • +1

    $9 Dell printer/scanner (upgraded to the wifi/fax model for free of course)

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