• out of stock

Galaxy Note 4 $718.40, Tab S 8.4/10.5 - $287.20/ $367.20 + Shipping from TGG eBay Store


Available from 10am AEDT. Shipping was $6.44 to North QLD from Melbourne, so YMMV.

Galaxy Note 4 as part of the eBay 20% off sale brings the price down to well below grey import prices for Australian stock. For example Kogan still has it at $849.

Also available in black: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Samsung-SM-N910GZKEXSA-Galaxy-Not…
Tab S 8.4 16GB- http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Samsung-SM-T700NZWAXSA-Galaxy-Tab…
Tab S 10.5- http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Samsung-SM-T800NZWAXSA-Galaxy-Tab…

Credit to a handful of posters from this thread: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/171817
Particularly Vermin76

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The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • shipping is $5 when i click the link?
    oh so tempted but….$700 for a phone? never…

    • +2

      Early adopter fee…should retain resale value quite well until the next release. I see it as cost minus guesstimated resale value.

      • only for apple i think. example note 3 now is $420-450 second hand. originally was also $800-850 i think? one year almost half…

        • +3

          I wouldn't go on %, I would argue that most flagship phones would drop $200-400 in value after the release of a newer version. For example in these situations:

          $1000 Iphone 5S sold for $700
          $700 Note 3 sold for $400
          $500 Nexus 4 sold for $200

          All equal the same amount of money you have spent even though the %s are different.

    • +3

      Bit besides the point though matey, its a good price for what it is and if you want it ;)

  • -5

    The voucher code can't be used for your purchase
    This voucher code is not yet ready for use. Please try again later.

    • +5

      From 10AM AEDT, as per the post.

      • sorry. and thanks

  • +1

    If only they had the tablets in titanium bronze. A darker bezel just makes the screen look better imo…

    • +1

      I don't like the white either. It's going to get dirty so easily. I will be looking for a nice cover to change the look of it.

  • -4

    tried the note 4 the other day, not really special at all, if the TouchWiz thing and crap bloatwares gone, it's all good

    • +7

      Agreed, Touchwiz is junk. I had a Note 8 and didn't use it until I read into it and realised you can install different launchers. Changed the whole experience and you don't need to root. I use Nova launcher which is free and makes my tablets and phones as I want them.

      • I prefer touchwiz over the other launchers we have tried too.

    • +2

      Touchwiz is awesome, better than vanilla nexus, which got nothing to offer.

      • +21

        "Touchwiz is awesome." First time I have heard someone say that before!

    • +2

      It's got pros and cons. If you knew Android, you'd know that you'd disable the crap you don't need, but use the good stuff, e.g. Multi Window and Blocking Mode. Both should be standard, yet are Samsung (and LG) exclusives.

      • Had both features disabled since the day I got them… along with 1/2 the other wanky features I can't see a need/want for.


        • Samsung takes a "throw **** at a wall approach* to features rather than making devices people will use by design like some companies coughapple***cough do but is it really that bad that theyre just there if you don't use them?

        • Chill.

          If you don't like them, I don't care. Also, disabled since you got it? Sounds like you haven't even used them. You should've saved $$$ and just bought a Nexus?

          Personally, on a 10.1 inch screen, I would like to do two things… like YouTube AND browse the internet. That's useful.

        • @inose:
          I'm chilled, relax.
          The bold was a coding problem. Meant to be a Hashtag joke.

          Love my Samsungs to bits. Bought them ubercheap "preloved". Got no problem with extra features. I find they offer more problem than benefit, though.

    • I have been reading that though the Touchwiz in Note 4 is still Touchwiz it's definitely the most likeable TW yet.

      Valid point about the apps though, it almost insane to have at least 2 apps for everything the phone's stock apps do and up to 5 for some of those functions.

    • +13

      happy for you champ

    • you were just saying that to see how many negs you were going to get, right? XD

  • Don't forget the 'Cash Rewards' when purchasing for the extra 2%

    • "purchasing for the extra 2%"

      Spending $100 just to get $2 back

      True OzBargain spirit!

  • +1


  • +14

    Think I'm going to grab a Note 4 and sell my iPhone 6 Plus.

  • mannnn good thing i didnt wait.. everyone's snapping up the samsung tab s T.T

  • Great deal. Just bought one myself.

  • Grabbed the Tab S 10.5. I can't wait till I give this to my dad. Also, I am sorta side tracking, but apparently Samsung is going to release Wacom pen, as an additional accessory for Note 4, that's better than the current one.

  • +1

    EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!! got a note 4

  • Damn it.

    The discount code was not applied because my Paypal account was registered (ten years ago) oversea (although I live in Australia and it is tied with an Australian credit card).


    Quick phone call and issue solved :)

  • Will Officeworks price match this?

    • Unlikely, the advertised prices are their catalogue price, so $359/$459 for the tablets.

  • +1

    Grabbed both a Tab S 8.4 and 10.5. Picking up one of the tabs from TGG down the road and the other one from a store 35km away…..it was the only store that had stock

    • How did you contact them so quickly to pick it up?

      • yeah interested to know too

      • Tgg has that option when you buy.

        • Mine said that they will contact me once it's ready.

        • hmm mine doesn't give me that option

    • I just did the same thing

  • +1

    Got a Tab S 8.4, no store around Brisbane has stock so opted for shipping.

  • In response to Lenneth above:

    When going through the checkout process there are 2 options - one for delivery and the other for local pick-up. When you select local pick-up it asks for your postcode then brings up a list of The Good Guys stores and shows the availability/stock levels at each store.

    Every store had stock of the 10.5, it was the 8.4 that is obviously very popular and only showed one store as having stock out of the list of stores shown

    • Ok thanks. I must have missed that. We're in Brisbane and judging by the other comment above theres no stock around anyway. Ah well only $5.

      • No stock in Brisbane for the 8.4 wifi

        Lots of stock around for the 10.5 wifi

  • +4

    For anyone stuck on deciding between the 8.4 and 10.5 I found this video:


  • thanks I'm getting 10.5

    • Nice troll. And you edited you post.

      • I edited my post because it had my ebay username, but if u managed to catch it before i edited it, then u saw i was telling the truth. Several were sold for that price. This is the item, check the sold listing

        • http://offer.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&item…

          ^ Where/how is your username in the link?

        • -1

          I believe it shows up if you are not logged in to your own account. please remove it. I'm only posting what's been sold for what price. to those lucky people, good on em. Some guy bought 3

        • +1

          @tchi6: all orders cancelled mate. No one got it for $79

        • +1

          You're missing a few important details. Everything on the store was $79 due to a technical glitch. Everyone will get a refund.

          wtf beat me to it.

  • +1

    The Tab S 10.5 4 G version also has a $50 Store Credit as a promo running with the GG at the moment. It does not apply to the Wi Fi model though.

  • Great deal mate. Just snagged myself a Note 4.

  • +2

    The note 4 is a pretty good price, I don't see why anyone would wait around to pay extra for the nexus 6.

    • waiting for Motorola's Turbo Droid/Max (international version with battery easily last for 2 days ;) )

  • Two questions about the note 4:

    1. Are you able to purchase it and pick it up in-store?

    2. Are we still eligible for the bonus store credit ($100)?


    • +1
      1. 'May' be able to pick it up, definitely if it says stock is available at a local store on checkout and maybe if not in stock but you ring up to the store the order is allocated to.

      2. Check the T&Cs for your state re store credit, the state I am in specifically says ebay store is ok.

      • I cannot see anywhere on the GG web site where there is a $100 bonus store credit for the Note 4. Is it actually valid as I cannot see it?

        • Appears to be QLD only. There was an Australia wide promotion which ran up until 24 Nov. If what you're looking for isn't on that page then it doesn't exist.

  • thanks op bought a white note 4. Need a screen protector and a case as the metal sides get scratched easily. Any recommendation? Should I buy it from the 90% off xtremeguard offer?

  • This is going to be interesting, purchased my note 4 last weekend from the good guys, they have a 120% price garuntee…for 30 days, wish me luck trying to claim this, just hope they still have stock by the time they open in WA :/

    • Should be no problem. I made a purchase from the Cockburn (WA) store earlier this year, and then less than a week later, they had 30% off the item on their online eBay store. I contacted them, and they provided a refund in-store.

      Also, if you purchased via a 28 degrees credit card (or similar), and have the shoppers protection, you can also claim the price drop (in addition to the refund from Good Guys).

      • Thanks for that, will go visit the store now, the guy when i purchased mentioned the 30-day 120% thing, so if he's there im sure he'll honour it.

        • The Good Guys O'Connor said no, but they were going to refer to their store owner, but i've just gone and had a look more into it, and ironically The Good Guys won't actually garuntee their own pricing… says so here > http://www.thegoodguys.com.au/30-day-price-guarantee right at the bottom… so i guess im SOL.

  • Too bad I signed my soul to Note series forever. I am obliged to buy it day one. Actually I am not sad I love it.

    Funny how any complaints I have are about firmware and software difference with Note 3. People applaud the reductions and less in your faceness of the Note 4 but I get annoyed at even the tiniest changes. For the most part it's always an improvement however.

    I loathe that I cant open the torch by holding the power button and selecting it by example. I could on Note 3. My official samsung flip cover has a torch function thankfully.

    • My Note 3 doesn't have that, just the sound toggles. How do you add the torch? I've added the "assistive light" widget to the homepage, but that's as far as I can see.
      If you didn't work it out yourself, is there a great reference you used for tweaking the Note 3?

      • +1

        It's under accessibility in options.

        • Maybe I'm missing something or there's a tweak I need to make, but I couldn't find it anywhere in the Accessibility section. Also couldn't find any mention via a Google search (though in Pre-KitKat you could hold down up volume after some tweaking).
          Any more specific pointers auna? Would love to get it working without unlocking.

  • Just got a call from tgg to confirm delivery address so all good so far

  • -1

    TGG eBay Store appears to have sold out of tab S 8.4 16GB Wi-Fi :-(

  • -1

    Just picked up in-store even though ebay showed OOS. Got refunded shipping and tax invoice shows $359 so claiming TRS tomorrow to make this a ridiculously cheap tablet.

    • +1

      Did you purchase on ebay then pick up from the store? Did you wait for a message saying it was ready for pickup or just go in straight away?

      • +1

        Yes purchased on eBay. I received an email from TGG not long after saying order XXXXXXX has been allocated to a store, then there's the store name and number. I rang them up and asked if stock was available and could I pick it up. They said yes and put one aside for me.

  • +1

    Just rang the nunawading store in vic, they are too busy sorting out online orders. I was hoping to pickup but they said wait until they sort out the orders. Selling iphone 6 and ordered note 4.

    • +1

      I also ordered the Note 4, going to selling my iPhone 6 Plus.

      • Can I ask why? I have the Note 2 (did have the Note 1) and use a Mac and an iPad. Considering the iPhone 6 Plus.

        • if you have a Mac, go for iPhone because they both work better with new OS X and iOS 8

        • I came from android (S5) to the 6 Plus. Miss the customisation (and I am a Mac user).
          Compared the Note 4 to my 6 Plus, just personally prefer the Note 4.

        • @luztra: Yes, tricky choice. Never been happy with how the Notes work in with the Mac and they seem to date quickly (unlike the iPhones). Now there's a big iPhone I was all set to get one (except for the outrageous price), but then this pops up.

        • @wfdTamar: Oh well, I've gone and OzBargained myself and got it.

        • @wfdTamar:

          Good luck. :)

          I think the price of the Note 4 is hard to pass up, especially for an Android user.

        • @wfdTamar:

          At this price I can't blame anyone buying the note 4 over what the competition is offering.

          I can't believe ozbargain has made me buy a 10.5 tab s. I'm sure its going to make my old asus tab look like a relic. :D

        • @Ronnnie: Now do I get the $79 Pebble watch? Suppose I have to, even though it looks ancient tech by now. But apparently one of the better smart watches.

        • @wfdTamar:

          I don't know anything about the Pebble watch. I bought a gear live a while back, but I rarely wear it because the battery only lasts around a day.

      • you might get back to iPhone 6 Plus very soon, it happens to me twice, first with Note 3 and iPhone 5S, and recently with Note 4 and iPhone 6 Plus, both ended up back to iPhones

  • Ordered Samsung Tab S 8.4 from Rockingham WA store this morning as it was the only store with "stock".
    One hour later, refresh the listing and the only store with stock was osborne park.
    Gave TGG (rocko) a call and the girl says they can't transfer the order to osborne park.
    30 mins later get a call from TGG (rocko) saying that they didnt have any stock, osborne park has 5 in stock and they will transfer the order but it will take a day or two =_=….

    They'll order it in from samsung/find stock elsewhere in the country and hopefully get my hands on this soon :S

  • +1

    Anyone have any recommendations for covers/cases for the 10.5 tab s?

    • Only thing I could find that was recommended (over at whirlpool) was the JJSKY cover from ebay.

  • Not available for delivery any more thegoodguys and not available in store to pick up around me. had to order one more as I am travelling overseas and will collect GST on it. Ordered from dicksmith now 765 after discount.

  • Just picked up the Note 4 after ordering it online. Great experience with these guys, staff were nice too.

  • +1

    Seems they got some stock back, the black is now available with delivery only. However the white is still all over, out of stock.

  • Tab S 8.4" looks like it has returned to normal price > $489.
    Now cheaper to buy the 10.5"

    • Sure your not looking at the 4G model?

      • Nope definitely the one I mentioned (16g wifi), but it's now changed back. Picked it up without going via cash rewards just in case it changed again :)

        • +2

          Maybe the price changed intermittently when they updated the stock levels?

          I ordered two of the 10.5 tabs this morning when the 8.4 went out of stock, and came home from looking at cases only to find out the 8.4 back in stock so I have now ordered two of these and need to cancel the other models.

          Hope I am making right decision for screen size…..

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