Are you curious to know if jv or tightarse or any other member may live in the same suburb as you?
Then tell us what suburb you live in and maybe jv might be a few blocks away from you :)
Are you curious to know if jv or tightarse or any other member may live in the same suburb as you?
Then tell us what suburb you live in and maybe jv might be a few blocks away from you :)
Kinda ironic you live out the west …
my username says it all homeboy
bankstown is west….. more like south west
I remember watching my kitchen rules and the person saying they live out west… Marrickville… WTF
Obviously someone who has never been further west than where they live
It sounds like eastern as in Middle Eastern. The demographic of Bankstown are mainly Middle Eastern. Sorry if I offended some people.
yeh .. im totally offended. :)
Think he is waiting for 'the east' to go on sale
hahaha h e doesnt fit the stereotype though :P
Not ironic in the least, the word you are looking for is 'appropriate' maybe?
Then I'd be more worried about other neighbours, than JV or Tightarse
or the neighbours should be worried
Nooo! I'm representing Bankstown!
we can both represent. But stay away from my territory
a town full of banks?
Funnily enough, there's a few issues keeping banks around here…
Eg. Panania - CBA just left and now no banks there.
That why, every time there is a sale, all gone out of stock within a blink in Bankstown. ;)
Shoot you are my neighbour
I'm starting to get a bit worried with all the profiling going on lately, so far ozbargain know my age, gender, when I shower, my annual salary just to name a few, now you wanna know where I live?? Penrith
With all the condom deals, they may want to know more….
Next question… "Do you pull out or stay in?"…
Anyway I live in an inbetween area which people probably haven't heard of… Glenwood
Stay in, GOSH.
….you're talking about tea bags right?
by all means, please 'come' inside…
A real OzBargainer would master the kegel-clench (and hence the dry climax). Saves on condoms and conserves those precious, precious proteins.
Saves on condoms and conserves those precious, precious proteins.
LOL! I thought it was Tantra like in American Pie =P
Pull out, but usually late
this is the internet where everybody tells the truth. this profiling must be so accurate.
I live in The Shire
you want my details!! take them all!!
sooooooo .. where are those deets O_o
who is jv and tightarse? should i be worried if they live close by?
He ain't no noob, been round since 2012.
I'm more of a noob, and I even I know about JV and TA!
Been around 2012, 0 post.
Not a newbie but still a noob.
JV… yes, you should worry.
… and Mr Arse.., you should be privileged to live in his vicinity. :-)
yes we've all sampled Mr Arse's treaty delights… and worn a dickish remark from JV
I would worry about jv, lol
jv from smallville
if u do something bad……. u have to be worried of him
You probably wouldnt notice tightarse if he lived close by - with all the udemy courses that keeps him busy
I live in the swamps of Dagobah.
Oh great and wise Yoda!
Are you the guy in the cave who likes to dress up as Darth Vader?
feel the force Luke…… i mean matey…..
I live in my favorite suburb :)
if i tell you will you stop it with these inane posts?
Word of the day - Inane
He said inane…. :-)
Did somebody say insane?
I'm a boxcar and a jug of wine.
probably not :p
Melbourne CBD
I live in De Nile
I live next to my neighbours :p
That deserves a lol
You mean the Yamada's.
totoro is way cuter. A bigger version of me. and who does not want a ride on neko bus
@photonaturally: we weren't talking about cuteness here. Anyway, I'm a little concerned that you look like an oversized cat like animal. And good try at complimenting yourself.
photonaturally > Miyazaki season starting SBS Saturday. (Off topic, but relevant to totoro-lovers!)
I'm more worried about why you are trying to get this information from the ozbargain community. I think it's time you disclosed what you are up to.
yeap there's a few of these threads made lately….all made by eastern culture
Its classified
Is it true your known as 'Sheik Yer Booty' by the Security Services!? 0.o
ozbargain genocide?
cant say, classified ops
Eastern Culture = CIA Stooge.
The CIA have a little class. They wouldn't just come out there and ask, they'd waterboard us one by one instead.
Clearly an ASIS stooge :)
Double Bay
Long time lurker, first time poster.
I live in Woollahra!
Lets Tango!
Let me know when your council is doing a pickup of large and bulky rubbish. I need to go shopping.
One of my friends has the initials JV, I'm beginning to suspect him.
Your initials are jm so you may be related the jv
That is classified information.
South Perth. I know TA lives in Melbourne somewhere by one of his posts…
Northern SUburbs of Melbourne =)
Meadow Heights =)
Is this some kind if sophisticated phishing scheme?
I actually fear that TA works in my building! :)
No need to fear. Come say hi :)
your line should be
"SAY MY NAME………. , Who's your daddy?!"
Ill start. I represent Bankstown Baby !!