• expired

Captain Morgan Spiced Rum 700ml Only $29.00 at Dan Murphy's (Usually $40)


Time to stock up if you like spiced rum. Grabbed a couple of bottles to keep me going until the next discount.

Cashback has also just been increased at Dan Murphy's until sunday through https://www.cashrewards.com.au/dan-murphys. Increased to spirits 6.5% , beer 5%, wine 9%
Thanks to ahc99

Still current as of 8/12/2014

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Dan Murphy's
Dan Murphy's

closed Comments

  • Best price since the LiquorLand special two months ago.

  • +1

    Since when was this usually $45 at Dan Murphys?

  • +3

    Thanks OP.

  • Great deal. The only thing holding me back was the fact that I just bought two bottles in LAX Duty Free. Think it cost me around $20 for 1 litre bottles!

    • +5

      I'll give you $29 for one of them :-)

    • I miss duty free went we live and work over sea.

      • +8

        not sure if rapping or mangling

    • +1

      Yup I paid $19 on a Carnival Cruise Ship for 1 litre

  • Cashback has just been increased at Dan Murphy's until sunday through https://www.cashrewards.com.au/dan-murphys. Increased to spirits 6.5% , beer 5%, wine 9%

  • +2

    I've been trying to coin the word "spum" without much luck. Bartenders still look at me funny when I ask for a spum and coke…

    • just sounds dirty…

    • +1

      "You want me to do WHAT into your Coke?"

  • Speaking of Dan Murphy, anyone know of any free delivery codes they've got going at the moment? They've got a few online-only products that I want to try, but their shipping costs kinda suck.

  • I'm not a rum fan and haven't been since some pretty bad experiences when I was young. What's Capn Morgan taste like? Bundy with some spices in it?

    • +1

      I can't stand rum, but this is delicious with coke or dry.

      • Yeah, excellent with coke. I don't often drink it straight. The spices add a refreshingly edgier taste to the common sugary flavour of say a Bacardi or a Bundy.

        Bacardi Oakheart is another smooth, reasonably priced spiced rum. Worth checking out.

        • What's the 'spice'?

      • Some lime doest go astray either

  • How long does this go for

  • +3

    "Captain Morgan favoured the spicy life, and a glass of his favourite spiced rum. Born to wealthy welsh parents, Henry Morgan left the comfortable life for one which proved far more satisfying: that of a buccaneer on the Spanish Main. His feats were many, his exploits endless, and his thirst legendary!"

    So many wasted nights as a youth, fuelled by Spiced Gold and a ceaseless yearning and ill-fated belief that I could woo women by reciting the prose on the back of rum bottles…

  • Is this a good rum? I like Coruba if anyone know's it, and also Bacardi gold.

    Never tasted Captain Morgans though.

    • +2

      Spend a night with the captain - he'd love to pop your cherry.

  • +1

    I prefer Sailor Jerry's myself (awesome when mixed with dry), but CM is still decent. Just stay away from the Captain Morgan's Jamaican Black Rum, that shit be nasty.

    • +1

      Best stick with the sweet girly flowery drinks then sweetheart. :-)

      Leave the REAL rum for us REAL men.

      FWIW CM Dark is a bit weak for me,give me Inner Circle any day.

  • How long does it normally take you lot to get your cashrewards money back? Is available for withdrawal? I've been waiting 5 weeks so far for a previous order…

    • dan murphys currently averages 7 weeks for the cashback to be approved

      • Cheers mate. Guess I'll keep waiting.

  • MAKE YOUR OWN. Buy a still ( most reputable Home brew shops sell them ) + ingredients to brew the spirit. Once brewed & distilled, add the preferred spirit choice to the spirit in a 1.125 bottle & VOILA you have apx.8-9 bottles of whatever your heart desires - rum, scotch,vodka, even baileys & other creamy spirits. Any spirit you want can be brewed including all top shelf such as Drambuie etc. Cost per bottle equates to apx. $13.00.
    The initial price of the still is not cheap - apx. $600.00 - however the life of it with multitudes of use over many years certainly makes it pay for itself. Not sure about your liver though as they are very drinkable as have none of these nasty additives that the bought products have included in them.

    • -_-… I will buy it thanks. Instant gratification. But not a bad idea for those who like DIY

  • Anyone know if this deal is still on?

  • Nope think it finished about mid Dec.

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