The Wii U/3DS Cross Over functionality which they added in was that the 3DS can be used as a separate controller on the Wii U version of the game… perfect to use for the large 8 player modes which they have added in there!
Win a Free Pass to Beta Bar (Melbourne) (Nov 28) from OzBargain

Entry Requirements
Got plans for this Friday night? Why not stop by Beta Bar in the city.
Grab your friends, a jug of beer and join us at the Geekiest party ever!
With over 40 Board/Card Games, XBOX ONE, PS4, XBOX 360, PS3, Oculus Rift, Arcades, Rock Band on Stage & Retro Consoles Beta Bar is part Arcade, part Bar, part Game Night and all fun!
Pull up a chair, grab a drink and settle down with your friends for a game of Cards Against Humanity, Mario Kart, Settlers of Catan, Sports Friends or go for a spin on a Rollercoaster on our Oculus Rift Arcade!
In August, we let you know that we were sponsoring Beta Bar, a gaming based bar by some of the former staff at Mana Bar. The long term plan is to get a full time venue that combines gaming and a bar BUT with an emphasis on the gaming. In the meantime, they will be holding regular events until they secure a venue.
Venue: Portland Hotel (Upstairs)
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Date: Nov 28 to Nov 29
Length: 07:00 pm - 03:00 am
Note: 18+ (It's a bar!)
OK, let's make this simple, so to get a pass:
- Tell us something/anything about video games.
I will PM (Private Message) the people who win on Friday so please make sure to check OzBargain/your email for my message and respond ASAP.
Moderators will judge best entries.
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closed Comments
The only game/franchise I have been playing consistently for ~5 years are the Rock Band games. I'm glad I could use the instruments to good use and even the drumkit is holding up pretty well after all those years.
Oh… I wish the Rock Band series gets a revival soon.
3 entries, 3 winners. Nice work! I've contacted you all via PM.
For a mobile MOBA Vainglory is surprisingly good