What Nationality/Ethnicity are you Ozbargainers
Im Middle Eastern, How about you :)
What Nationality/Ethnicity are you Ozbargainers
Im Middle Eastern, How about you :)
Nationality: Chinese
Ethnicity: Star wars Jedi knight
A question I get asked on a regular basis. Often the second question asked in conversations with new people after the exchange of names, like it's important that they need to know.
Half Australian (Anglo-Celtic) and Half Indonesian (Javanese) . Born and raised in Australia, with descendants in Australia going back to the colonial days. Still get asked where I'm from. That feel.
Nationality: Australian
Ethnicity: Indian
Religion: Pastafarianism
R'amen to that brother.
Dothraki .
Nationality/Ethnicity : Galaxy Mork - Nanu Nanu (near the black hole)
Ethnicity : Giggity Giggity Giggity Goo
Through bargains, WE UNITE
100% pure unadulterated PC Masterrace
I'm Zerg race, I can multiply at an alarming rate and spawn large armies quickly.
I rather protoss…
they slaughter zergs any day…
tech always wins in any war
6 pool lings = dead protoss =(
My life for Aiur.
pfft… In the pipe, 5 by 5.
Terran all the way!
J'tokoh Zohl!
Ethnicity- Mon Calamarian
It's a trap!
I'm Ozbargainian.
who are bogans here?
would bogans be considered a type of race or separate specie?
a mutation :P
My brother unfortunately is a bogan.
I would not mind it as much, it is just that an Asian bogan somehow makes me cringe.
I am not too sure whether it is from uniqueness of the combination or the fact that I didn't expect my younger brother to use phrases such as "oi, mate" along with list of profanities that I don't wish to write because I don't wanna get banned.
I don't think that's what classifies someone as a bogan…
I use "mate" and swear alot as well… but I don't think I'd be classified as a bogan. In fact, I cringe at the sight of bogans and lads.
@ProjectZero: You don't understand… Let me put it simple, all of his friends are bogans, he basically acts like his friends. I just used language as example because it is the easiest one to write down.
@AznMitch: lol fair enough.
I'm a Korean, fortunately South, not North.
Not surprised. What are the chances of a North Korean?
South, North… What does it matter? They're all the same people
I should know
One is part of the modern world, one denies it exists (though no fault of their own… a bullet for Kim)
I disagree with this.
They've been separated for over 60 years. No contact with each other.
The North Koreans are oblivious to the outside world. South Korea, meanwhile, has become a major player in the world in this time.
Not the same.
Nationality = Global Citizen
Ethnicity = When in Rome be a Roman
Ethnicity I grew up with does not matter anymore (if you were to think like me :) )
Canaussie - Kanuck here to stay.
Part convict, part Italian, pure-bred 100% tight-ass Ozbargainer
I made it!! I've read them all and I didn't find any Roman!!
I'm Italian. My parents are italians. My grandparents were italians as well (only my grandma 93 years old alive and healthier than me….) . I'm married with a Swedish and one day I'll be an Australian citizen :) crap I just realise I haven't look through page 2…
Nationality Australian
Born South Africa
Ethnicity Chinese
Lol I'm quite similar to you! I don't think there's many of us around.
Born in Taiwan
Grew up in South Africa
Now residing in Australia
Citizen of all three countries (gotta catch 'em all) and I speak four languages :) People call me a banana - yellow on the outside, white on the inside. Lmao.
South African
If you're from Africa, why are you white?
Obviously there's a couple of people that didn't like 'Mean Girls' :P
Nationality: Australian
Ethnicity: Half man, half bear, half pig.
I am an Indian:)
Nationality: Australian, Ethnicity: Indian.
Half Klingon & half Ewok
Rahhhhhhh! :)
Croatian :)
Edit: Born in Yugoslavia (what is now Bosnia and Herzegovina), but Croatian ethnicity. Living in Australia for a while now though.
Maso background, but 100% Australian :).
Australian Austrian
I am so mixed I just say planet Earth
Sydney Born - Melbourne raised -Vietnamese decent
My Off-Spring - Melbourne born - Japanese/Vietnamese decent
Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Oi Oi Oi!
Aussie Aussie And Friggin Aussie
born bred and bleed
that's great, but what is your ethnicity? Unless your aboriginal, then your ancestors came from another country.
lots of racists here
so far 7 negs for stating a fact
why dont you show your face rather than just negging
seems pretty gutless to me, but thats how you roll
Easy tiger.
He raised a valid point… and you answered it with your above post (your ethnicity is English btw, in case you'd like to answer this question in the future somewhere).
No need to get so angry. It doesnt matter how many generations you've been in Australia, the simple fact is everyone is descended from elsewhere, except Aboriginals.
Yes its been 200 years, and yes if it wasnt the English it would have any number of other races… but that's not what was being asked.
Chillax, we're all Aussies :).
your ethnicity is English btw, in case you'd like to answer this question in the future somewhere).
Colonial Australians are an unquantifiable mixture of English, Irish, Scottish and other British Isles ethnic groups along with a small amount of German and continental European input, and in some cases Aboriginal admixture as well.
Hence, they qualify as their own ethnic group. I would say a majority of Australians now cannot say with certainty they are 100% English ancestrally, much less name specific points of origin in England or specific ancestors more than three generations ago.
The same way a Mexican is a mixture of Indigenous Amerindians, European settlers and African slaves, but still referred to ethnically, as a Mexican.
Australians have distinct socio-cultural differences from their English forebears; most notably how we speak.
I think we more than meet the criteria to be considered a sovereign ethnic group, if we consider people like Singaporean Chinese, White South Africans, or Pakistanis/Indians/Bengalis distinct ethnic groups as well.
why dont you show your face rather than just negging
seems pretty gutless to me, but thats how you roll
<<< Watch out, we got a badass over here… >>>
@Amar89: and you're probably an indian who undoubtedly got your aussie citizenship paper for $1000.
@zan123: Guess again genius (as if an Indian would type any of what I wrote above; good luck getting them to distinguish between an Irishman and a Englishman) and why are you so butthurt about my insistence that Australians are their own ethnic group?
You must have not seen my earlier post where I explicitly mentioned that Indians and East Asians are money-obsessed, soulless vultures when given a taste of the trappings of Western wage-slavery.
Props to you for succumbing to that classically primitive, tribal mentality that is the hallmark of 21st century, 3rd-world migrants, where everything revolves around what patch of dirt you were squeezed out onto; and adding ammunition to my argument.
The only true aussies are Aboriginal people, the rest are just immigrants. Doesn't matter when you came, 200 years, 20 years 2 days ago, you're still immigrants. There'll be a day when this country has an aboriginal prime minister.
Wrong on both counts, but allow me to explain.
I'm just as true an Aussie as you, and calling me "just an immigrant" is offensive and displays your lack of understanding of the word.
'True Aussies' as you like to call them, is anyone decides to call this country HOME by either coming here and becoming a citizen, or being born here.
The fact that you're Aboriginal doesnt give you the right call 'the rest of us' immigrants. This country isnt more yours than it is mine.
And to claim that one day we'll have a Aboriginal PM is enviable dream, but that's all it is. The way our political system works ensures that no one of minority status will EVER become PM.
No major political party will ever elect a minority as the leader, because that person wont be seen to 'relate' to the greater voting public. Sad but true.
They'll always be white, and they'll nearly always be male.
No Asians, no Europeans, no Aboriginals, nothing that strays away from the mold… in order to gather as many votes as possible.
The USA have a people's President, elected by the people… and even then he was only just elected in, because Blacks and Hispanics actually outnumber Whites in America.
You dont have that luxury here bud… hence why I think it'll never happen.
But yeah, lighten up on the "us vs them" mentality. That type of thinking will get your cause no where fast.
Lets be honest here: There wouldn't be an 'Australia'…
It would just be an island with 100s of random, competing (and probably disorganized) tribes.
Honestly. You do think you know; but you do not.
Since 1971 Neville Bonner was elected to represent Queensland in senate. This was long before sorry day, and in recent years recognizing the indigenous people. Your comment is sad, because you have no idea… Some people don't even know their Aboriginal, other keep it a secret. Do not tell me, that no Aboriginal will ever be PM. You have no right; Nelson Mandela changed the world. Living proof anything is possible.
You've taken my comment like I have something against Aboriginals. I dont.
I'm looking at the fact that the Aboriginal population in Australia is 2.5%.
ABS - http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/0/946D4BC28DB92E1BCA…
With such a small minority, it is unlikely that they will garner enough support to be elected. Re-read my comment. It's not just Aboriginals I'm talking about. ANY minority will not be elected in this country as Prime Minister… end of story (I'm in one of those minorities btw).
If we had a President that the people could elect directly, now thats a different story.
But in our political system with the way it is atm, its not going to happen.
The thing I dont understand is, why people who disagree with my views have to call me an "immigrant" and "sad" and that "I have no idea"?
Argue with fact, not insults.
You're preaching about changing the world, but then telling me I dont have the right to my opinion.
You're right, anything is possible… but is it likely, no way.
Nothing wrong with having a dream though (pun definitely intended).
@UFO: You do realise the population of 2.5% goes down every time someone like yourself come into Australia. Look around, Asians, Indian's, African's everywhere.
The more immigrants, the smaller the percentage of Indigenous, so don't use that as the deal winner. Immigrants are coming by the boat loads, having children and abusing the system. Some Aboriginal families have an average family of 2-3 children. Some African families have 4-5 children. This is the average; think about it..
Wow… Someone like me?
Immigrants coming by the boat loads, having children and abusing the system?
I've never called an Aboriginal racist before… but your comments make it very difficult to refer to you in any other fashion.
Sorry mate, I've just realised I have something better to do with my time than speak to you any further. Good luck in your future endeavors anyway.
@UFO: Yes. People exactly like you mate. YOU.
@UFO: Aboriginal people is not racist, they're just being unlucky to be invaded by damn europeans in the 20th century and then the chinese, filipinos and indians in the 21st of century.
Who cares?
Me - cocktail of North Indian and South Indian
Me Kids -Cocktail of Indian and Polish :)
Are there two countries called North India and South India? I thought India is one country.
The people are so different, might as well be.
There is difference in complexion, language, eating habits etc etc.
Before the British arrived, India was several countries.
I don't understand why this was negged?
Not really countries, but rather different Empires/Kingdoms/Dynasties if my history lessons were correct…
Yes you are absolutely right.
I meant to say several different kingdoms, each with their own language/culture etc.
Am I the only Filipino around here? My people are really missing out.
Filipino-bred here as well.
Big Fat Greek.
Parents - Aussie + Paki
Ethnicity : Paki
Nationality : 2rd gen Aussie.
Bloody OZ(bargainian)
Nationality - Australian
Ethnicity: Half Serbian - half Croatian ..when i wake up in the morning…….
I feel your pain… half Greek, half Maso :).
Ahh maso, so many meanings! What sort of 'Maso'? I'm indigenous Maso (from Northern Greece) I speak both Macedonian and Greek but we can't identify fully with either because nobody has a clue about the whole situation. If I say Greek, they freak out when they happen to hear me speak 'Macedonian' and ask what language are you speaking!? (we call it Naše meaning 'our language' or Prilep-Bitola dialect it is spoken still in Florina in Northern Greece), if I say macedonian then I am lumped into the same category as slavs which I am not. If I say I'm macedonian to a person from FYROM that claims they are Macedonian they think I'm one of those 'Greeks'(because I look mediterranean), until they hear me speak a slavophone dialect.
We are a population that have been displaced from our own identity thanks to the Greeks and Yugoslavs. In Australia though, we usually just say Greek, we're greek orthodox, our last name was hellenized and I couldn't be bothered explaining my heritage or be considered a suspect war criminal. I just have the benefit of being able to understand the serbs/bosnians and croats somewhat, and the greeks. Like a spy!
Nationality - Australian
Ethnicity - scottish & Irish
I have grow up oversea for most of my life as my dad works for mining companys we live in many place before. that why english is so bad. i grow up with QANTAS red tag on me as a kid.
Nationality: Ozbargainian
Nationality - Australian
Born - Filipino
No, not many Filos would freely admit to being on OzBargain…it is a cultural aberration ;) We like to be regarded as generous and un materialistic :( which is a challenge to pursue in these difficult economic times
In my line of work, I get to meet people from all backgrounds and know exactly how much they earn and how much assets they have.
In particular, generally the Filo's seem to earn lower to median wages, nothing wrong with that, however I find that they have a hard time saving cash (many have trouble paying off credit card bills). In the end it's not how much you earn that determines your wealth in retirement, it's your ability to save.
I actually find they are quite materialistic in that they always like to buy new cars, etc, which make them poor savers. Very few of them have investment properties, and when they do it seems to be a holiday house in the Philippines that is tenanted rent free by a family member! lol
While there is nothing wrong with being generous, you can be generous and still save a dollar or two where you can.
I hope you're not offended by my views, it's an observation of having Filipino clients (many of which seem to be nurses). Don't get me wrong, out all my clients, I like my Filo clients as they are laid back. Fairly true observation or am I off the mark?
Yes you are on the mark. We Filos do love our flashy new cars and brand name outfits. Used items turn us off. But perhaps you find us laid back in the sense that your clients are quite comfortable with you from the start. Could be yr line of work.
No, as an Aussie Filo I'm not offended by your views. Relax, we are all Ozbargainers here :D
As a culture the Filo's are laid back, and yes I generally get along with all my clients quite well.
I could also mention Church, Basketball, Dance, Karaoke and Billiards (and are very good at it too) but I'm sure you also know that! haha
I should mention my views are based on Filo's I've met and grew up with in Melbourne.
Lebanese Australian
Singaporean Chinese. Love to be an Australian citizen but sg will revoke my citizenship if I do so. So I'm Aussie PR for now!
What's the advantage of staying Singaporian?
Family is all there so in the years to come if I ever need to move back for a few years to take care of them, it will be more convenient. And my children can choose to be SG citizens if they prefer it. I don't want to assume they will enjoy the lifestyle of Australia like I do more than that of Singapore.
Oz oz oz
Indonesia Chinese
looks like there is no pure Richard Pooner here