This was posted 10 years 3 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One Assassin's Creed Bundle + 3 Extra Games + Extra Controller for $499 @ MS Store


Excellent bundle from the MS store. Part of the Click Frenzy sale

Buy the Assassin's Creed Unity Bundle today and you'll also receive 3 additional games and an additional wireless controller:
Sunset Overdrive
Forza Horizon 2
Ryse: Son of Rome
Wireless Controller

Good bundle to get started on the Xbox One and perfect timing for Christmas!

Use CashRewards to bring it down to $479 Delivered (4% cashback). Credit to akastyl13 :)

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2014

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Just bought it I was posting it but you were faster than I was :)

    Also put to use cash rewards to obtain 4% cash back thru the website.

    • That brings it down to about $479 Delivered which is great buying!

  • Good deal. I got the same a few weeks back with xbox live instead of extra controller for $460 after promo voucher and cashrewards. If u missed that one then get this.

    • didn't that one come with some $10 credits to buy stuff from the marketplace too?

  • +1

    I hope Sony follow this up

  • Just purchased it as well!

  • +2

    Pretty good! MS store seems to run out of stock fast so I wouldn't wait if you want it.

    • Yeah I was too slow last time and picked a similar deal from jb instead, no free controller though, dang!

  • +4

    The first world problems when all your mates have ps4's and you can't decide if you should stay loyal to microsoft or move on over!

    • Buy both. I did.

    • I'm in exactly your situation ohhidayo.

      • let's just start an ozbargain gaming crew haha

    • +3

      go with your friends, lots of recent games are much better playing with friends (cod, destiny, far cry 4, gta5)

  • I know sony is more powerful…

    but which console has better graphics?

    • +1

      From what I've read the PS4 has better graphics, but it is very minor. In this day and age what's the difference between characters having 1 million polygons for a nose or 1.5 million.

    • You won't notify unless you use both consoles at the same time on identical displays :)
      It is like going to shop for a TV and seeing each one is better than the other and buying the most expensive one.
      When you are home, you have nothing to compare it too so you won't notice how "better it is"
      (This way of thinking saved me a lot of money haha)

  • +6

    I'm a PS guy but this is a DAMN GOOD DEAL!

  • How long does postage normally take with Microsoft?

    • +4

      They use toll. Toll are terrible.

      • +1

        They use toll. Toll are terrible

        Sounds like it's taken a toll on you? =p

    • I need to know how true this is. Flying away on 28th and wanting to claim GST

      • Youll be ok for the 28th. Its just that other couriers can get from one side of the country to the other overnight and toll seem to take a few days to get 20km across a city. As a reference, im in perth and it took 6 business days when i got my xbone from vic.

      • you have to take the Xbox with you to claim GST though?

        • Yes, you have to take it as carry-on. Which is a pain as it's bulky and will eat into your carry-on luggage limits.

        • Yeah a bit painful but its a 3 day holiday so its not a big deal so long as it fits in the weight allowance.

  • +2

    Took less than a week for my bundle last time in suburbia vic

  • Bought one , Thanks OP. I only need the XB1 and single controller. Can anyone suggest where can I sell these 5 games and extra controller?

    • try gumtree or ozbargain forums

    • The value of the AC games is quite low due to the amount of codes floating around. There's a copy of SO on gumtree for $40! Should have pulled the trigger when the previous bundle was posted. Still not a bad deal if you manage to sell everything.

    • Gumtree mate. I did this past time around and ended up $160 out of pocket for the console with 1 controller. As above, there is a bit of a flood now but i reckon you could get most $ back

  • I bought $500 windows gift card last week, and it doesn't work
    I called MS customer centre and he said I can't use gift card on the web
    What can I do now??
    I just wast $500 bucks

    • +1

      Windows card? Sounds like its for use on the Windows store, not the Microsoft store


        MS gift card :) I just waste 450$
        I am not using windows phone and computer as well

        • It clearly says Windows Store gift card, so not sure where your getting MS gift card from?

          From the product description

          can be used to buy apps, games and more at the Windows, Windows Phone and selected Xbox stores

  • I picked up the $399 Target deal earlier this week but this one is way better. Good thing I haven't cracked it open yet.

    Time to return it and pick this up from MS direct.

    Thanks OP!

    • Same for me I bought the Target deal with Halo and 5 other games with Kinect for $584. Hmmm, thought about returning it but I'm using it already! True Ozbargainer!

    • Haha. I went to Target Chermside on Saturday, they didn't have stock. Came home, Decided to buy online, added to cart and once "confirmed payment with paypal" page redirected to target website, it said "sorry, while you were shopping , we removed it from your cart" after that it started showing "not available online". Hope I will make some money selling these extra 3 games and extra controller and will forgive Target.

    • Went to Target to return the Xbox and the lady said (without looking at the box mind you), 'You've opened it'. To which I replied 'Erm, no. It's still sealed. Look at the box.'

      She scuttles off to confer with a colleague and then proceeds to cut OPEN the seals to check that I haven't actually opened it. Lol. Go figure.

  • Anyone received order confirmation yet? After I paid, it said I would get an email after order was processed.

    Nada yet.

    • Have received mine got it pretty much straight away after the purchase

      • Strange. Still have't gotten mine yet.

        Update: Had an online chat with a sales rep and they needed to verify some details and said it would take up to four hours to process the order. Could be because I used a new CC? Shrugs. Was told it would go through fine.

  • +2

    Its 5 games in case you were not aware

    1 Assassin creed unity
    2 Assassin creed Iv black flag
    3 Sunset overdrive
    4 Ryse
    5 Forza Horizon 2

  • Hi i am new to this.
    Could someone tell me how to get the cashback please??
    I signed up and went to "go to store"
    Added to cart and i didn't see discount??

    • +2

      You access microsoft site via cashrewards link. Finish transaction in that window. Tadaa

      • Hey, i did that and paid using PayPal.
        Should it appear directly into my rewards?
        Because I have nothing yet…

        • +1

          Can take a day or two to appear on cashrewards. They send an email to you when it goes through :)

        • @spaghettiman:
          Thanks !
          Anything that shows that it was actually processed to cash rewards besides of using the link from website ?
          Thank you :)

        • @akastyl13:

          Unfortunately not haha. No worries :)

  • Does it have the kinect included?

  • Ok
    It still says $499 and to click to complete purchase..
    I dont see the discount

    • @ Alex. The cashback isn't from Microsoft. it's from Cash Rewards.

      You might want to visit this URL to see how the process works:

    • It takes a certain amount of days for the 4% to be put into your cash rewards account, you can then transfer the funds into your bank.

  • Thankyou shawn
    Sorry im very new to this

    • +2

      No worries. Enjoy the purchase! Just make sure to open the MS store from within the Cash Rewards website.

  • Does this bundle include the 1-year Xbox live gold membership?

    • No sadly

      • Dang, reckon the deal is still worth it?

      • +2

        Bundle contains an extra controller
        0 of these games are offline multiplayer
        Bundle contains no Xbox Live Gold Membership
        All of these games are online multiplayer


    • unfortunately not, I thought that it might but no :\

  • If it included the 1 year membership, I'd definitely get it, but for now I'm not too sure. I really would rather FIFA with it than the other two games.

  • +1

    Do you guys think there will be more deals like this in the coming weeks? The games don't really interest me, I just want the console, an extra controller, Xbox live gold and maybe Halo: Master Chief Collection.

  • +1

    I just went for one. Hoping I haven't jumped the Black Friday gun. I wanted Master Chief collection - I think MS know that it will sell itself. Going to purge all the games and controller - should subsidise it quite a bit.

    • +1

      Halo Master Chief Collection is $68 delivered at Target currently which is a pretty good deal.

  • Xbone is still 5 million down in sales and that figure is only going to increase, Microsoft already lost the battle.
    Thats good for me, now I can have both ;)

    The Xbone keeps getting cheaper and cheaper by the week

  • M$ is trying to buy our affection.. =P

  • +1

    Decided to pull the trigger on this; the extra controller, Sunset, and FH2 were all major selling points for me.

    Will sell Ryse and the AC games in order to fund the purchase of other games off my wishlist (FIFA, NBA, MCC, Alien, FarCry4 etc).

    Looks like I won't be leaving my house too often!

    • +1

      You leave your house?

  • Couldn't go past this deal - the budgeting just went out the window.

    Thanks for the post!

  • For those saying it was better with 1year xbox live, well you can find this online for ~$45 while you have to pay much more for a controller.
    I guess selling the controller and buying the xbox live from this money is better value you might get some money left

    • Fair point.

    • yes true but some people gave the impression that Live would be included as well as the controller

    • @akastyl13 Or swap?
      I have the 12 month xbox live GOLD from previous FIFA bundle that I won't be using and would be happy to swap for the new controller for whoever actually wanted the xbox live and not the extra controller.

      • I'd be keen to do this, how do you organise the swap?

        • @LetMeSignUp I was hoping someone from Sydney for a local pick-up, unless you want to send it over.

          atm I'm trying to sell it through classifieds.

      • @astroberryz I still have live until March so I don't think I will be the one swapping with you, but you already had an offer from @LetMeSignUp :D

  • Any idea how to track the shipment ? Will we get a tracking number once it gets despatched?

  • Does anyone know if the games included are physical copies or digital download?

    • They're all physical except the AC games

  • In response to someone in the duplicate post for the 15% off MS/Xbox gift cards:

    Bought a $10 card just to check, doesn't seem you can use them to buy stuff off the Microsoft store, no. At checkout it's only giving me the option of credit card or paypal, not Microsoft account balance, unless I'm missing something.

  • Hey Dr cool, yes that was me, and I double checked with MS myself. No gift cards can be used on hardware they say

    • Ah, lame, fighting with myself over these deals as all I want for now and the foreseeable future of the Xbone is Halo and Scalebound - whenever that's coming out (already have a decent PC for multiplats). 425 minus resale value of bundle content would've been sweet.

  • Does SavooPreXmasOffer14 work with this I wonder…?

    • if it did i'd buy this deal. but I think that expired a few weeks ago, shame they haven't got a new code.

  • If they confirm silent hills for xbox in the next 24 hours I'm in. D3 is tipping the tables to Xbox for me (despite that sub 1080p issue which they seem to be getting on top of with advanced warfare )

    • Pardon my ignorance, but D3?

      • Disregard. I have no idea what D4 is.

      • Diablo 3

  • I gave up on my Wii u when they refused to localise fatal frame 5, leaving it devoid of any horror games

  • My bad - d4. By the guy who did deadly premonition / red seeds profile.

  • which one is better value? (I'm going for the $599 kinect bundle)
    4% Cash Rewards ($23.96 cash back)
    $1 for 4 Velocity points (2396 points)

    (I can't get both right?)

  • Just received email from cashrewards.looks like, they count Sale Value (excluding GST) for cashback.

    Date of Sale: 18/11/2014
    Sale Value: AUD 453.64
    Expected Cashback: AUD 18.14

    • Did you buy it yesterday? Still have not received anything from them. And I am pretty sure I clicked on the link from their website and went up to payment from same link.
      But I paid with PayPal?

      • Yes, I bought last night at around 8PM Brisbane time. I too paid with paypal.

  • Not bad but I'd prefer the 12 months to an extra controller..

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