Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on what is the BEST (Value For Money)((Not necessarily cheapest)) XBOX ONE deal at the moment in Australia.
What Is Definitively The BEST (Value for Money) *XBOX ONE* Deal at The Current Moment

That Microsoft bundle looks good. With cashback it will be $480. Does anyone know if there is another $20 off coupon floating around? No real need for an extra controller but could easily sell that for $50 and buy 12 months of Live instead.
Finally nubzy! Our patience might pay off haha.
Haha yeah looking forward to it. Given up on JB having a good bundle.
Hey nubzy,
How do you get the cashback?
Sign up to CashRewards and order through their link to the MS store
Hey Scotty, I'm not familiar with Click Frenzy; is it deals every x amount of time past 7pm? (kind of like the steam flash sales?). Or will I be able to purchase that bundle in the morning of 18th?
Because that bundle looks decent; not sure if I should jump the gun though. Hoping JB or another store will swap Dragon Age and/or FC4 into their bundle.
First world problems I suppose.
It's for full 24 hours from 7PM 18th to 7PM 19th.
Ah okay, very much appreciated.
@scotty (and anyone else who has thoughts on this)
That bundle looks good, especially because of SOD. Do you think this works out better then the bundle being offered at the moment on MS store which is $499 and includes:
- Console (With Controller + Headset etc.)
- Assassin’s Creed Unity
- Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
- Sunset Overdrive
- Forza Horizon 2
- Ryse: Son of Rome (Blu-Ray Edition)
thats a great deal but for me i'd sell off everything but one game so its at least $100 worth of value there
The Tuesday one seems to be the best. Controller is worth about $70-$80 and Xbox live 12months cost about $40.
Isn't 12 months of Xbox live worth around $79.95?
Only if you pay the rip off Australian RRP. It can be bought for $35-$40 online, there have been plenty of deals posted on Ozbargain.
@jimmah19: well you can get it for $50 on ebay http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/12-Month-Xbox-Live-1-year-Gold-Me…
How do you know its Tuesday? I can't see a date anywhere, unless I'm blind! Ahh I see its part of clickfrenzy tomorrow 7pm +
I got their marketing material in advance…
Bahaha everyone here is in the exact same boat, we're all stuck between buying now or potentially saving more during christmas sales! I didn't even really want an xbox one until I saw the remastered cinematics in Halo 2 and realised I really want to replay the collection!
well right now the bundles are as low as $349 in the us
over here it hasnt fallen to that level but i reckon it'll come close soon
i'm not a fan of getting a huge ass bundle for RRP and then selling all the shit i dont want
I think the deal with microsoft store to get 4 games + 12 months xbox live is all gone… :/ I get error that no more in stock when i click add to cart.
What you guys think of the student deal? $539 for xbox one + kinect?
there is the Fifa 15 + 2 free games + 12 Months xbox live for $499
(Xbox One console + Fifa 15 + FREE games & 12-month Xbox Live Gold Bundle)It advertises for $529, but when you checkout it reduces to $499 (AU$499.00 was AU$529.00 incl. GST)
http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msaus/en_AU/pdp/Xbox-One…wait until tomorrow.
whats happening tomorrow?
Edit: oh, I see, that link for $499 +4 free games isn't enabled till tomorrow, cheers i'll wait for that insteadit is supposed to be console, Sunset OD, FH2,2X Assassins games, Ryse legendary edition and an extra controller. It might even include the 12 months of Xbox Live as well. so for $480 (after cashback) it should be a good deal.
@nubzy: Great yep, well I've signed up for CashRewards and I'll be waiting at 7pm tomorrow. Yeah, in the text it doesn't specifically say 12 months xbox live, but all the other bundles seem to have it so fingers crossed. Otherwise I'll just grab xbox live instant delivery here - $45.62 - http://www.cjs-cdkeys.com/products/Xbox-LIVE-12-Month-Gold-S…
Anyone know if do these games come as disks in case or are they digital download codes? ie, regarding selling on ebay etc
depends on the bundle - they usually state somewhere on the sale if it's a 'download token' or not. The Target bundle with assassin's creed is a download. The microsoft bundles state 'blu-ray edition' for the additional games which would seem to indicate they're physical copys (though the fifa 15 bundled i would think is a download).
AC4 and ACU are codes as far as I'm aware, others should be disc.
yeah not too happy about a 50Gb+ download for AC Unity….
as of now the AC Bundle is going for $315us so theres still so way to go
I'm after a replacement for my Xbox 360 that I only played with a few times and stopped working. I wasn't sure if I should go for another 360 or get the one
Depends whether you are interested in any of the games / would get use out of the 3D Blu-ray player etc.
to me its a no brainer… i've spent more on 360 games than the price of a 360 so i gotta have one
if you got no 360 library then you dont need one
Best value deal for Xbox One is PS4
I was considering a PS4 this gen because of the slight graphics advantage I also want Bloodbourne which is exclusive to PS4. But I have all my games on 360 and account etc. But mainly I already have Destiny on xbox360 and so my character will auto transfer to Xbone and the game will be available as a free download on xbox one. I'd have to buy again on PS4 and level up my character again etc.
Or you could just, not need to play Destiny again on another console coz you already have it and can play it whenever you want?
graphics are pretty lame on xbox 360 though for destiny. and i essentially get a free xbone if i buy this deal, sell all games on ebay, sell extra controller on ebay and sell my old xbox slim 250gb. games + controller = ~$300+, xbox 360 = ~ $120+
'Graphics are pretty lame'.
It's still the same game though. Graphics don't change the gameplay.
I own both consoles, have more fun using the Xbox One though, my PS4 is gathering dust.
You wouldn't prefer better resolutions and faster frame rates with your games? Most people would…but I guess those preferences aren't for everyone.
I'd prefer games with my games.
PC. Old junk consoles run Unity @ 20FPS. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
to be fair even pretty decent pcs run Unity at 20fps
Even PCs get it with a Cinematic feeling
Thanks for this amazing deal, I was about to post exactly same topic and here it is !
Lucky me I was going to JB to see what they've got, but I will wait until 7pm today !Anyone know if there will be any Halo Bundles? Been hanging out for one.
anyone know if stores like ebgames will have that deal on microsoft?
I ordered the one with Kinect sensor, I didn't realise I was going to spend almost $600 on an Xbox One when I got out of bed today but Ozbargain does these things to you sometimes.
No Xbox Live subscription with it unfortunately though unless I am missing it? Makes it slightly less tempting than I hoped… to bite or not to bite. Tempting and the clock is ticking!
That's right, no Xbox live subscription I was a bit upset about that, but a controller worth more considering you can get Xbox live subscriptions for $40 sometimes.
yeah that is dissapointing, mulling it over myself..
yeah i had a feeling it didn't come with one, I'll just buy the xbox live sub on cjs cdkeys for $45. I bit anyway, still a decent deal imo
hopefully theres still some left tomorrow, need to put some funds into my debit card aha.
I ended up getting my XB1 and Kinect (no games) for $400 off Ebay brand new.
I'm having some serious troubles with AC Unity on Xbox One. It's the 1 and only title I own on this pretty useless console (PS4 destroys the Xbone). I am trying to decipher whether I have a corrupted save game data (as it keeps freezing when the game loads, but I can start the game again on another profile (from scratch) without it freezing. While its more likely to be a big that Ubisoft need to patch, I also can't rule out the console itself with any certainty.
If there's anyone in Melbourne who will be give me 30 minutes with their console to test my profile and save game data, I'll throw a bit if cash your way…none of my friends own the Xbox One and I can't use a demo console in a store (Like JB), as AC Unity is, uh oh, rated 'MA'
Now only 100 minutes to go… still resisting the urge to bite. Fingers crossed some more deals are coming shortly if I don't break before the time is up!
the $329 US deals w/ one bundled AAA game or the $399 ps4 gta5 last of us bundles shows how shitty our sales are…
Without Kinect & games — probably this one from Target — $399 console + AC: Unity & Black Flag, if your local Target has it.
If you are looking for a bundle, I know that Microsoft Store is having a bundle special on Tuesday. This one here (supposed to be live for ClickFrenzy).