• expired

$20 off Orders of $50 or More & Free Delivery at Woolworths Online


Thanks to sween64 & thydzik & another code from ER, receive $20 off a $50 shop.

Please note that in order for all the 3 codes to work you need to create a new account & link an EDR card. The last two should work on existing accounts.

Standout Bargains:

  1. Buy 2 cartons of Babylove nappies (currently on Special) for $30 with these codes, works out to $15 a carton.

  2. or a case of beer like Crown & 2 packs of Grainwaves for ~30 dollars or a case of Fat Yak for $35

Note: On my order after I put in the codes, it showed a delivery fee but proceed to click next & you will not be charged for delivery as I wasn't.

Thanks to Fishy, there's more savings to be made & here are the additional codes:

  • QR9R6 15% off cheese over $15
  • FQ4N9 10% off soft drink over $15
  • YY7Z3 300 bonus points over $50
  • 1000POINTS 1000 bonus points over $50 online only
  • FR8Q7 $5 off $50 for week2 (and week 2 starts Nov 17 lol)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Here we go again! Beer beer beer!!

    • +14

      lol I hear ya.

      but I think I have enough on order :)


      • +1

        Sodastream's (especially $19 ones) should be more of a bargain than buying soda water!

        Also ENELOOPS!

      • +2

        Only one mouthwash for all that grog? I would've got 5 mate.

        • +1

          Flavoured Alcohol is still alcohol dazzy no matter the quantity.

      • +2

        Is that a real order?

      • +1

        Delete this man's OzBargain account.

    • 1st 3 purchases on new accounts have free delivery iirc!

      • Why there is only one free delivery of my new account now?

        • TV adverts said free delivery for one month on new accounts now.

        • @whodidthat:

          Not really. I am charged delivery fee of my second order:(

        • @whodidthat: *$100 or more orders.

        • @AnDyStYLe:

          Yeah, the wws changed the condition. Coz before any first 3 orders over $30 will be free deliveries.Not sure if this new condition is for this month only or forever:(

    • +2

      Should have added the note earlier, if you created a new account, it shows a delivery fee but proceed to payment and you won't be charged for it.

  • +2

    thanks… case of 150 lashes for $35

    • someone have a problem with the beer selection? weird…

      • +2

        Fixed for ya. I got Chancer Golden Ale 24x345ml for $35 too.

        • Never seen squire beer that cheap before.

        • -1

          Add the code "FR8Q7 $5 off $50 for week2" and you get the Chancer Golden Ale for $30.

        • @eviledward: What's the code for going back in time?

        • +2


          i think its 88MPH

        • @SBOB: Sweet that code works! Now to go back to the Enchantment Under The Sea dance before Lorraine falls for George. If I go too far, I'll try and take out Hitler.

        • @muncan: I'd say it will get cancelled unless you also added 1.21gigawatts

  • +6

    I wouldn't recommend delivery as your order will most likely be cancelled (unless this is truly your first account with Woolies)

    Best chance is to click and collect using the closest window available, this is where most of the success has come from previous posts.

    • Dam - wish I had of done click and collect now

  • +1

    wow, better than groupon deals

    • +1

      But orders placed with groupon's code won't get cancelled.

  • +1

    Click and collect, how soon after placing an order can you collect it?

    • +1

      I've got 9am tomorrow morning, until I get cancelled lol

      • Mine won't let me collect alcohol on a Sunday. I had to set it to Monday afternoon.

  • +1

    Thanks op.

  • +1

    Thanks! My first go at online ordering. Lets see how it goes.

    • damnit. forgot booze.

      • +1

        First go didn't go so well then?

        • Complete waste of time! All I got was cheap home delivered groceries. :(

        • +1


          Make a new account, with a new email address. Use your parents or friends home address when signing up (as long as its in the same state) then do your booze order and select pickup (not delivery). You can use the same EDR card for this or use a partners/friends/family members.

          Worked for me!

          Good luck

        • @dazzywazzy: do you actually need to present the same EDR card in store when you pick the goods up?

        • @dammit: no, have never had too.

        • @dammit:

          Only ever have to show your license, which I've done 3 times at the same store.

  • +1

    couldn't help myself and replaced cancelled food order from the other day,, here goes nothing lol

    • +1

      @warmbeer05, hoping you get your stuff second time around.

  • The Dr.Oetker pizzas are showing up full price online?

    • Worked for me going in via the specials menu.

      • Hm its definiately showing up as $8.71 maybe my local woolworths isn't offering them on sale (which would be odd).

  • -1

    ozbargained? "Sorry, you are not eligible for this coupon promotion." for all of the codes…

    • +2

      Please note that in order for all the 3 codes to work you need to create a new account & link an EDR card. The last two should work on existing accounts.

      • Oh, great thanks! figured it out :)

  • Is it possible to change the order(placed 30mins before) to Collect instead of getting it shipped on the chosen day?

    • +1

      i tried and failed.. it ended up cancelling my original order
      Which meant I needed to make another account as the 'EDRSAVE' code said it had already been utilised

  • +5

    My delivery came today from the midweek beer deal - although the Barossa Valley cider ($55) is out of stock in the ACT so i got that refunded… wondering if i order the cider again with $20 worth of groceries, pay $55 using these codes, and get $55 refunded again for out of stock = $20 worth of groceries for $0?

  • +1

    It worked for me.. Saved $20 on spend of $50.. Thanks..

  • +3

    Seems like code EDRSAVE15 from the midweek deal is applying for me as well (15% $150+ spend)?

  • Guys when I am logged in or not logged in, the beer wine spirits category button on the lhs of the main page does not show up, nor do any related items appear when searched for in the search bar. Is anyone else experiencing/experienced this?

    • +2

      Location Brisbane

      IIRC you can't buy beer etc on WW online in QLD?

      • Correct

      • +1

        Here's some info about it, thanks to nismo

      • Orly, thanks. I've never really needed to purchase it online before considering I live so close to a first choice store - so I wasn't aware. Sigh Queensland has let me down yet again. I also remember now that Aldi does not sell alcohol in Queensland either, perhaps its a legislative restriction preventing grocery stores from the sale of alcohol in this state.

  • +3

    Thanks OP, Just placed my order and saved $20 bucks :) :) :) :)

  • +2

    Ripper!!! Thank you!

  • +1

    Thank you op! order placed.

  • +3

    Winning. all for $30

    Tooheys Apple 5 Seeds Crisp Apple Cider 24x345ml
    $46.00 $46.00

    The Natural Confectionary Co Jellies Berry Bliss 140g
    $2.00 $2.00

    The Natural Confectionery Co Jellies Party Mix Family Bag 180g
    $2.00 $2.00

    jamie oliver dinnerware bonus stickers ea
    $0.00 $0.00

    super animals sound card each
    $0.00 $0.00

  • +2

    Thanks. Had enough beer from the last deal, but decided to purchase a slab of James Squire The Chancer. Going to try my luck with delivery on Monday, but if the order gets cancelled beforehand, won't be too disappointed.

  • +3

    Remember to increase your chances select the pickup to be as soon as possible. All my crown lager deliveries got canceled last time…and so did my beer party…

  • can you use the groupon 80$ for 100$ spend in conjunction with this deal too ?

    • no, using the groupon code wont work with any other codes.

  • +1

    Just Placed order.. Thanks OP saved $20 this week hahaha.

  • +1

    Just Placed order with 2 different everydr card…saved $40 thx

  • +1

    EDRSAVE15, VA6L6, XC6C7 just worked for me. Thanks Op

  • if your going to crete a new account, and spend more than $200 then its better to use use the "WWONLINE2014" code instead of EDRSAVE10 VA6L6 and XC6C7, the discount is greater as its percentage based with wwonline 2014.

    • How? That code is 10% off over $150, so I save $15… While if I make 3 $50 transactions I save $60…

      • +1

        Yes, but you'd need to create 3 accounts to do so. History shows that people who try their luck at multiple accounts / orders will likely have them cancelled…

  • +1

    Coke zero 30 blocks are probably the best buy here IMO, $40 for 3x30 cans delivered, not bad.

    Would have been nice to use with the $2 for 2ltr coke last week.

  • +3

    Do we have to apply for a new EDR card to get the EDRSAVE10 discount? Or can we use an existing EDR number?

    EDIT - Just signed new account with my existing EDR number, seemed to have worked ok..:) Thanks OP!

  • +4

    Bought $385 of groceries (@ full price), with special discounts price was $225, then codes gave me $45 off, and wish gift cards @ 5% off got me another $9. The codes basically got me an overall 19.x% discount. used EDRSAVE15 instead of EDRSAVE10

    So all up paid $172 for $385 of groceries (no alcohol as in TAS). Thanks OZB and OP's.

    Shouldn't really claim the specials discounts as never buy anything without a half price or near half price discount. :)

  • +2

    coco pops are cheap atm ,,mmmm cocopops

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Just bought a carton of Corona for $32 pick up.

  • Worked for me on 2 accounts, bought basics I know I will need at some point. Hopefully they dont cancel the orders. fingers crossed

  • No beer for SA either

    • +1

      Worked fine for me

    • Strange, because I have 2 cartons on their way to me… apparently anyway… remains to be seen if they actually arrive.

      • Me too - in SA and my store is Walkerville. had 3 slabs delivered with the last deal. Perhaps your local store is out of stock?

      • They delivered :)

  • +38

    I just added 5 more coupon codes from coupon book and seem to work

    • QR9R6 15% off cheese over $15
    • FQ4N9 10% off soft drink over $15
    • YY7Z3 300 bonus points over $50
    • 1000POINTS 1000 bonus points over $50 online only
    • FR8Q7 $5 off $50 for week2 (and week 2 starts Nov 17 lol)

    Now lets see if it will be canceled!

    • +2

      far out eh! nice post

    • +4

      Have the following applied to my soft drink order: FQ4N9,YY7Z3,1000POINTS,FR8Q7,EDRSAVE10,VA6L6,XC6C7

      $34.40 for 3x Coca-Cola 30-pack cartons (SA).

      • Thats excellent, scored x3 pepsi 30 pks, animal card soundmaker and a bucket for $25.20! Cheers

    • +3

      Damn, I already placed the order before you posted this

    • +2

      @Fishy, fantastic! thank you will add the codes in, this is what I love about OzB…….the collaborative effort.

    • awesome! thanks for sharing

  • ordered 24 pack of carona $ 32.00 delivered

  • If I choose Click & Collect 9am-12pm, do I just rock up at Woolies right on 9am and it will be ready? Or do I have to wait to get alerted from them at some time during my 'window' that it is ready?

    • +1

      Yes it will be ready at 9 am. They don't send you an email until and unless something is out of stock

  • Do you have to print the order confirmation email, or can I just show it on my phone?

    • +2

      showing it on the phone is usually sufficient. they'll look at your ID anyway.

  • +1

    you could get 5 x pepsi max 30 pack cans for $38.50, as it is currently $13 for 30pk Pepsi Max, if you also use Fishy's coupon off softdrink above. that is 150 cans for 25.6c a can ea…. :)

    • Are you sure it's the 30 pack for $13? I can only find 24pk?

      • Yep but only can find this at Town Hall click and collect, 30 pack of Pepsi for $13.00.

        • Thanks for the reply, though I have ordered 2 x 24pks already, for the same price as 30pk :(

  • Hopefully they deliver my order on Monday!

  • +1

    Ordered Atomic Pale Ale @ $30. Thanks OP.

    Also - what is the deal with these 16 pack 'cartons' being more than $40+? Am I missing something?

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