What things have you bought that have truly lasted and have been worth paying more for?
What have you bought for life?

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what are eneloops ? Keep seeing them mentioned on discussion pages but don't have a clue what it refers to :( - please be kind with your replies :)
you are on the internet. learn to use it. you will be less dependant and draining on others.
fishing rod. not fish for you. www.google.com
Give a man a fish, and he's fed for a day. Teach a man to incorrectly prepare pufferfish and he'll be fed for the rest of his life…
@Scrooge McDuck:
No offense but I thing the term TROLL is used & abused in the same way as "she's a witch" in the past, or "nutter" etc. Not really true here I think.You couldn't be bothered doing a simple search. This does not take all day. You didn't ask for anything that would require more than 30 seconds to research.
I'm sure goosegog will soon tell you he keeps hearing the term but doesn't know what it means and asking for an explanation.
I agree that "TROLL" is often used in the way you describe, but not in this instance.
I knew I've seen your username before.
"What a load of gobbledy gook you have tried to put on us intelligent users of Oz Bargain."
If you were intelligent, you'd follow other's advice, and use the internet, and it would benefit you if you spend less time bagging others and more time joining in the conversation. Oh, and gobbledy gook has no spacing in-between, who are you calling gook?It seems everyone here is rude to you, maybe you should try topbargains.com.au?
Chill guys. Simple question got answered, no need for this to escalate so much.
@lookalive: I haven't used the words gobbledy gook - although you seem to spout a lot of it. All I asked for was an answer to a simple question - not to start World War 3 with some of you. Still haven't really had my original enquiry answered - what are Eneloops? -tried to Google it but it doesn't recognize the word, so I thought ( obviously very naively ) to ask my fellow Oz Bargainers as this site is where the word was first seen by me. The vitriolic comments back have been completely uncalled for.
Google tells you what they are and how great they are, by just reading the first few webpage descriptions here…Google
Eneloop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eneloop is a brand developed by Sanyo encompassing rechargeable batteries and associated devices, introduced to the market in November 2005.
Buy Eneloop XX AA Rechargeable Batteries 2550mAh 4pk …
With a typical capacity of 2550 mAh and long shelf life, the SANYO eneloop® 'XX' rechargeable battery suits devices with high power drain such as digital …Eneloop Battery Deals & Reviews - OzBargain
Eneloop is a brand developed by Sanyo encompassing rechargeable batteries and associated devices, introduced to the market in November 2005.eneloop - Panasonic
eneloop is the perfect, long-life, pre-charged, energy and money saving, recyclable rechargeable battery which can now be charged and discharged even up to …@goosegog: as I said earlier they're batteries. Mostly made in China or Japan. Theyve been so many deals on ozbargain that theyve become a little infamous and it stands as a joke that it is the "official" ozbargain currency seeing as everyone jumps on the enloops deals. One ozbargainer has accumulated a decent stash, you can refer to the forum post asking people to post pictures of their collection.
@Sammy2000: Thank you for explaining.At long last got the answer to my question. Never meant to get into a war of words with anyone else on the site. & was so disappointed to receive so many rude answers back to what I thought was a simple question. Thank you again :)
@pyro love bird: Thank you pyro for your polite reply. As stated before -did not understand the terminology but now , with help from yourself & Sammy 2000 at least this question was answered for me. I do have further ones on technical terms but am almost too frightened to ask anymore!! :(
@goosegog: that's okay. I don't mind answering. Not sure about how far I can stretch my knowledge though, but feel free to ask.
They are the life source of every ozbargain user, also the current currency of every ozbargain user lmao, lol. (haha nah jk, as pyro love bird said above they are batteries). lol
Nokia 6310
A wife…
…if I had one.
List your requirements in the 'find me a bargain section' and someone will find you a wife for cheap :p
Or 2, this is OZB afterall. I'm sure one of the multitude of Russian bride online stores has a 2 for 1 special going on.
"Thanks OP, bought 2. Will keep one in storage for when the first one wears out."
I bought a Norco bike about 15+ years ago. I have done zero maintenance on it and it has been stored outside for a considerable time. Started using it to ride to work again this week, works like it was new. Money well spent.
Norco make decent well built bikes for sure
I bought a Norco Charger a few years back and it was a disaster, I would never buy another Norco
Zero maintenance means, no cleaning, no chain lubing and brake pad changing..?
Zanussi tumble dryer - 30 yrs. ago & still works perfectly.
1979 Mercedes Sports - fires up & drives like a dream every time - even though we only use it maybe once a month.
Didn't buy it new but have owned it for 14 years now.Nipple piercing. I got it for medical reasons when I was 17 and it feels like a part of me now.
Story time!
Nothing exciting. I have an inverted nipple. I was on the school swimming team and the girls, more so than the boys, would tease me about it. I regularly had girls coming to me and asking if they could make my nipple pop out and then they would proceed to try to lick it.It was horrible! I know it doesn't sound like it but it really was. I was a shy 16 year old who just wanted to be left alone. So Doc suggested that I have my nipple pierced and I did over the holidays.Unfortunately the girls were even more intrigued with the now pierced nipple.Some jocks got jealous of all the female attention I was getting and to one-upped me , got a prince albert and that's where all the girl's tongues went.I couldn't have been happier.
-End of storyFaaarrk. Great story, will retell this for sure. Just amazing. Lucky bugger! Bloody game to get a Prince Albert. My BS detector twitched a bit but I don't care for this one it's freaking amazing.
I've always thought a tongue piercing must feel amazing to the ladies but who knows.
@adamren: Mate got a genital piercing called a [Jacob's ladder](MOD: LINK REMOVED) This pic is from a google search,not of my mate's actual piercings.That one is supposed to be freaking awesome.He said all the women he's been with said it was the best experience of their lives. There's this voice in my head that keeps telling me to do it :must be the Devil trying to tempt me :p I must not give in, right ? lol
@chill:Very NSFW and I apologise if I've offended anyone. HoweverI did say it was a genital piercing. What were you expecting to see when you clicked on the link?
@Jar Jar Binks: HAHA I missed that bit, all good.
I think you should get it so we can confirm if your mate is telling the truth :)
Damn you make me wish i have an inverted nipple.. Is there anyway to replicate it on normal nipples? I'd be so proud i'd go to the office and show all the ladies to see if i get any actions :)
@Azn310: You don't need to have an inverted nipple to have a nipple/s piercing. In general, piercing is a relatively safe means of self-expression if you do your research and consider the potential pitfalls before getting it done.
There are general side effects such as swelling, pain, slow healing times, bleeding. People can get infections. Actually infections are pretty common.
If you're a keloid [scar] former ,have a congenital heart disease or are on medications ,please discuss it with your GP.If you do decide to get it done, go to a reputable place. Talk to your piercer. Do they sound like they know what they’re talking about? Do they have referrals? Look around the shop. Does it look like the stuff they’re using is sterile equipment? Is it a sanitary environment? Talk to them and find out. Make sure they give you after-care instructions, oral and written instructions, that tell you how to care for your piercing but also what signs to watch out for and what to do if you see those signs.
Also make sure that the piercing you want is an appropriate type for that body part. Use quality jewelry. It’s worth paying the extra money for jewelry that’s nickel-free and is the appropriate gauge, so that you’re minimizing risk of it tearing out or migrating.
Be aware of the social impact of your piercing, although it is a lot more acceptable nowadays than it was when I got mine done.If you’re going to be removing your piercing for sports or work, sometimes just the act of putting the piercing in and out repetitively can increase the risk of complications.I just removed mine about a week ago after having it in for 13 years (got it straight after finishing high school). Thought it was about time i finished that phase with second bub due soon.
Remember it bloody hurt when i got it done tho!Cheers mate. Didn't get on the tattoo bandwagon so the nipple piercing was the extent of my rebellious ways…next phase should involve a c63 merc hopefully
@Jar Jar Binks
pics or it never happened..@Jar Jar Binks: out of complete curiosity, if you had an inverted nipple, how were they able to pierce it?
and what was the outcome? they pierce it and it can no longer go inverted? after you take it out does it stay the normal way or goes back to being inverted??
@xEnt: There are 3 degrees of 'severity' of inverted nipples:
Grade 1 – These nipples are occasionally inverted, but will evert spontaneously when cold or aroused. JJB's was a grade 1.
Grade 2 - Nipples in this category will not evert spontaneously, but can be manually pulled out.
Grade 3 - This is the most severely affected group. The nipples cannot manually be pulled out. Surgery is the only method for correction in this group.
There are many operations described for inverted nipples. Two of the most conservative and effective of those are nipple piercing and breast augmentations.Some people get both done. JJB opted for the first option only. What a shame! :p
In his case, they've inserted a 'barbell' from 3 to 9 o’ clock. The barbell stretches the contracted nipple ducts and after a while, the ducts will remain in their stretched state even without the piercing…and voila! No more inverted nipple…and no need for the piercing.
At least no "medical reason" for keeping it. He wears it proudly as a form of "self-expression".
p.s:As someone who has seen it, I'll just say that one of his nipple is sexier than the other. But I'm not saying which one :p
"asking if they could make my nipple pop out and then they would proceed to try to lick it."
Goodness Gracious, Does your (twinkies) pop out when the girls talks that dirty to you?licking your
rectum/scrotumahem , sorry I mean nipple.
Nokia shares :P
Crumpler bags, got one about 7-8 years ago and have been using it daily + has been to a few countries without a scratch.
What are they? Those white, red and blue stripped plastic things with red straps and zip. They're horrendous if that's it and I used to think they were called calico but then found out I was wrong and calico is more a cottony fabric.
My sis gave me one 7 years ago and it's all still good too.
Those bags are ugly as sin, but I'm glad they're good for something.
lots and lots of bargains .. 986 to be precise , 14 short of 1000 deals
So close ..well done!
Bought a 20 yr old Nikon F3 10 years ago. Still going strong.
I have an Omega Seamaster which I never take off. I've had it for a decade, and its been off my wrist for no longer than 5 minutes in that time.
Just like the Prince Albert story, I'm gonna have to say again: 'Story Time!'
Only 5 minutes? You know you're supposed to service those luxury watches every few years right? I wanna see the magical watchmaker than can service a watch or take it apart, clean and re-oil it in under 60 seconds. That'd be fantastic!
Methinks that Seasmaster could grind to a halt much sooner than if it even just got a service every ten years.
I've never had it serviced. I was told there were two philosophies on services. You either service it regularly, or you only service it when i breaks. I chose the later, seeing as services run you about $1000. It still keeps perfect time (intact its more accurate now then when it was new). I believe the service interval is supposed to be 5 years or there abouts if you insist on doing it. So Im up $2k, which will probably cover the cost of any repairs if it does stop, and then some.
Agreed. Got one also about 12 years ago. Black face. Stainless Steel.
The only thing that has pissed me off about it was James Bond copied me. He even traded in his Rolex when he found out I got one.
condoms - have saved me so much money by avoiding kids
Maytag washer is pretty good value too.
For the condoms?
He set you right up for that one.
Well technically speaking, you have use condoms NOT for life.
Bought more time to be with family and kid by accepting to make less and live a life more.
Victorinox Hunstman - handy every time when travel.
A knife…to travel? By car? How do you get it on the plane? In your carry on I guess.
Freaking hate the times I've left a tiny pocketknife in my backpack and they took it. Other time was a small multifunction screwdriver case set, match box size. Was in 2003 or so, paranoia was crazy hot then.
Checked baggage on plane. Put on the same spot so won't forget. Once arrived, put it in the backpack/car. Toothpick and knives for fruit, tweezer to remove splinter for kid, scissors to open shopping packages, can opener for bottle beer.
Vitamix blender
I bought the lifetime subscription to Plex media centre app
Been happy with it for last 4 years or soHonda inverter genset
Medibank Private Membership. Now that we are getting older, I would rather stop eating than give this up.
The most beautiful sweetest daughter in all the world.
Did you have to pay for her? o.O Oh wait! Let me guess? The father is a jerk and living with him is/was hell? I hope you've left him. Life too short to be spending it with someone who doesn't treat you right.
WAS hell. Another nice lady is now paying that price.
As you would undoubtedly know. Our kids are the most expensive thing we will ever have. Even if free.
Just like there is no free puppy or pony. They all cost.
@voteoften, good on you for walking away from that unhappy relationship.
As you would undoubtedly know. Our kids are the most expensive thing we will ever have. Even if free.
Funny you would say that, I've just realised how much my family has cost me over the years linky:)
'92 Camry Wagon (original shape) still running strong on 3rd L Plate driver and everyday city hack
'89 camry wagon, still driven daily
how many kms?
2 x Technics Sl1210 Mk II. They dont make anymore.
Rum Runners. Wonderful bags that make alcohol undetectable when travelling - especially on cruise ships who scan luggage& then confiscate any alcohol taken on board.
A decent computer. More specifically, a Macbook.
Inb4 allegations that I'm an Apple fanboy, but I've had numerous laptops over the years and all my Windows laptops stuffed up one way or another. Regardless of Apple's pricing - they sure do withstand almost everything and are so convenient etc. Easily my best purchase.Inb4 allegations that I'm an Apple fanboy, but I've had numerous laptops over the years and all my Windows laptops stuffed up one way or another. Regardless of Apple's pricing
Not going to accuse you of being a Mac fanboy, but many people who make comparisons like this compare $1500 MacBooks to cheapo $700 Windows notebooks and complain.
Have a look at some professional grade Lenovo Thinkpads and you'll see genuinely well built Windows laptops. Again, not trying to convert you, but just pointing out the comparison isn't exactly 100% fair.
I have a 2006 lenovo (with ibm logo, before they change over) and a 2007 macbook white. Both are still going strong, batteries are long gone tho :D. Imho, at that time Apple OS was simple and way ahead of Windows. Nowadays it is basically the same cluttering mess. Quick example, we only need to update like once a year back then, not 10 times a year now. Another example is the iAlertU software i mentioned below. The macbook is still coping well with some current tech like a2dp bluetooth and wireless N.
It feels like back then they put everything they have into the machine. Now they hide so they can milk the cash cows slowly. Lucky we have samsung laying new tech on the table so we can all see.
I heard from technician friends that the laptops might die soon because the capacitors can only last for so long. Any experts can confirm this?
I heard from technician friends that the laptops might die soon because the capacitors can only last for so long. Any experts can confirm this?
Yes, capacitors will likely be the first solid state component to die, lead-free solder tracks will die soon after.
yes, caps 1st. Nothing wrong with lead-free solder tracks - if anything it is better than leaded tracks when done properly.
My 2006 MacBook Pro lasted me 6 years. They don't make 'em like they used to though.
I've still got a 2008 Macbook. On it's second HDD and a memory upgrade
I have bought a new macbook and thought it would last 5 years. Three weeks later it got stolen.
It was meant to be a one time investment so I went for the higher pro range when dick smith had a deal on it. An ozbargainers nightmare! All the hard
earnedsaved dollars gone.Will have to consider an insurance next time or at least some bullet proof way to track it down. Find my Mac/prey will be useless, poster above.
There is a mac software called ialertu, u turn it on, log off your mac and leave. If the mac detect motions, it will sound alarm and take pictures and send to your email (provided your mac is on wifi). This software was already out when i purchased my macbook in 2007. It is free too. Sorry for rubbing it in, but someone might find this useful.
Sorry to hear mate.
But for you, or anyone for that matter, you can make any laptop last 5 years. You just need to take care of it, e.g.
- Have it running on a table, so that the fan vents are exposed to air.
- Not drop it / throw it.
- Easy with the lid, no sudden openings.
That's about it.
- Guy with a 6 year old cheap laptop, which was a $900 bargain for its specs back in the days.
I gave my old 2009 pro to my other half a couple years ago when I upgraded. Since then she uses a PILLOW as a stand when watching movies in bed or just leaves it charging on the doona cover and I'm forever hearing it's fan go nuts. I've given up on yelling at her to cut it out but I'm really surprised how long it's lasted, especially with the life it's had
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