LiveConnected Formal Notice of Termination


I was very surprised to receive the below email from LiveConnected today and would appreciate knowing your thoughts!

I have had 2 services with LC for 2 years after hearing about them through OzBargain. My family's usage is way below limits as we only use 5%-10% of the voice allowance each month and less than 50% of the data allowance, and have paid every bill on time automatically through automatic credit card payment. I do not believe we would be problem customers, so it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't at least have offered us another LC plan. Only a month or two ago, they told me how pleased they were to keep me on as a customer and to charge me an extra $9.90 per month per service "Plan freeze" fee.

At $22 per month per service for using only a fraction of the allowance each month, I can't reconcile this with the email below.

Is this a joke or from a disgruntled employee? If we don't act fast it sounds like they'll disconnect us and we'll lose our mobile numbers permanently (not just until we find a new service)?

Any ideas?

Thanks heaps!

From: "Live Connected" via

Formal Notice

This email is to formally notify you that as of Wednesday 12th November 2014, Live Connected will no longer be able to provide you access to our plans and products.

Unfortunately it is no longer commercially viable to retain you as a customer of Live Connected, and we recommend that you transfer your service/s to another provider of your choice within 14 calendar days from today's date.

Should you not wish to transfer your service number to another provider, please be aware that Live Connected will terminate the service as of Tuesday 25th November 2014 and you will no longer be able to access that number from that date onward. We thank you for your custom and your understanding. Should you require any further assistance, please email us at

Thanks, The Live Connected Team

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  • +1

    they told me how pleased they were to keep me on as a customer

    Standard hyperbole.

    Is this a joke or from a disgruntled employee?

    Nah, greedy pigs are not making enough money off you.

    Just port your number to Aldimobile for $5 if you need more time to decide.

    • Thanks for the suggestion. Agree it's probably a money making thing, though even that doesn't make sense when Vaya's current $18 per month plan has more allowance than my current $22 LC plan.

      I assume Vaya is out. Telechoice Kogan deal seems the nearest as per but my family all has 3G smartphones using the Optus bands. Is there a similar deal for Optus other than Vaya/LC?

  • +2

    Why stay ?

  • my son got the $9.90 love letter too, but from vaya! he was on the most awesome $11 plan, now it's $21, been meaning to move him to vaya ($18pm) where i have several (awesome old $12pm) plans, I hope I don't get the boot, nothing comes close…

    i don't think the old whirlpool spreadsheet has been kept up to date and I reckon Arthur (prepaid phone plans comparison site) is'nt covering all possibilities, anyone know where else to look for best deals?


  • +1

    Sounds like a hoax. Did you email them?

    • considered doing so, but not sure it's worth the hassle and risk of losing my number to try staying with them when they don't even have phone support except through vaya. If I port to vaya, I would get a bigger plan for $18 instead of $22 per month, so no point staying with LC even if it is a hoax… but not sure I want to use vaya after this experience. Will contact their support and see if the email is legit.

  • You sound like the ideal customer.

    Possibly a blunder on their part. Wouldn't be the first one.

    Have a look at Spintel as an alternative. They have a nice "autobump" solution to prevent bill shock.

    • +1

      Actually I think they want customers who are likely to spend big and migrate to bigger plans. Because he doesn't use up his quota, he's likely to stay small. They want lifters, not leaners. :)

    • thanks heaps for the suggestion! Will check out spintel. In the two years with LC, I've only once reached the 50% of quota used SMS, but it's nice having the big safety buffer.

  • Thing that is so important and they send it via email.
    Also, 14 days notice is a bit short. Are they going broke or something?

    • they didn't even spell their own email address correctly, which made me wonder if it's a hoax, but reading up on the quality of LC care including reports by the TIO, it seems in fitting with LC's history and reputation

  • failconnected..

  • We were on a $7 / Month Live Connected Plan from the original days and then recently got moved to an $18 Vaya Plan. You can imagine what we thought of that. We called up Vaya and they said of yes you can move to another plan but we want $20 for the SIM. What rubbish!!!

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