This was posted 10 years 3 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Subscribe to MotorHome and Caravan on Tour for $199 & Receive a FREE Folding 120W Solar Panel & Bag


Free ROC-SOLID 120W Solar Panel incl MPPT regulator and Bag (apparently worth $629) when you subscribe to Caravan and Motorhome on Tour (includes 20 feature length DVDs), price includes delivery. Even at eBay prices this seems a bargain…

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Can't really see how this is any different to the $200 ebay ones? Not worth $600+…

    Still great deal if you want the mag

  • +1

    Looks like a good deal actually. The charge controller should be this one…
    Which is 20A assuming the part number isn't BS. The charge controller alone is listed as $140 online.

  • 7 Issues $63.00 Save $6.65 (9%) off RRP
    15 Issues $112.00 Save $37.25 (24%) off RRP

    Since you get 20 issues of Caravan & Motorhome on Tour (Incl. 20 DVDs), this makes this a very good deal if you want the solar panel

    I looked at a few sites and the solar panels seemed to be worth over $600

    Good one, thanks

  • +1

    Have close ties to the company who produces the panel kits. Can confirm that these panel kits are a fair bit better than the ebay cheapies, the MPPT regulators will work better than most on the market. They also have a bit more durability in the rear brackets/stand as well as a very heavy weight canvas bag. While 629 is the RRP, the magazine company won't be paying anywhere near that.
    More info here:…

    • Honestly to the average person they will not be able to tell the difference between a cheaper or the more overpriced model you have linked.

      I have bought the cheapest solar panels from eBay and they even understate their wattage.

      Example I purchased a 80w no name solar panel, it was rated at 80w max. Instead it was pumping out 22v at 4.9amps which works out to be around 110w.

      • And that is the problem they are finding. The cheaper panels use cheaper parts which fail over time. But the average person will just fix it rather than replacing or go buy another cheaper one.

        • Problem? the more expensive panels output the same, not sure what you're getting at here. The cheap panels I have had on my roof for the past 4 years are still working perfectly..

        • @storyteller: Brackets, hinges, closures, handles, bags, anderson plugs, clamps, wiring. All that stuff can be and is substituted for cheap flimsy on the panel kits was what I was referring to.

    • the goodkit site states that ROc-Solid manufacture the solar panels. Is that true? are they actually manufactured here? My understanding was the only cell manufacturer in Australia shut up a couple of years ago.

      The regulator putting up to 25v across the battery seems a bit of a worry for the battery life. Also, how does it make the solar panels output up to 30% more power than they actually make? I didn't think you could get something for nothing in the physics world?

      • Regulators are designed to handle up to 30v on open circuits, they will only output the correct amount for charging batteries. I.e 1-14.4v for a 12v system.

      • Also, how does it make the solar panels output up to 30% more power than they actually make?

        The sun makes the power. Rated power would be based on a standard level of sunlight. They don't get much sun on the ground in China :-)
        Do solar panels normally have a "max" rating, or just a nominal? Exceeding max may lead to overheating and reduced service life, but breaks no law of physics.

        • No. Under features on the regulator page it states, "Up to 30% more power from solar cells". Maybe they are saying that some regulators waste up to 30% more of the energy. ie this unit is more efficient. But that is a weird claim to make when compared to nothing in particular.

          Back to the 25v. Again on the regulator page.

          Absolute Maximum Ratings
          Maximum voltage across battery terminals : 25V
          Minimum voltage across battery terminals : 0V
          Maximum voltage across photovoltaic terminals : 26V
          Minimum voltage across photovoltaic terminals : -26V

        • +1

          @Major Mess:

          There is no conspiracy here…

          MPPT is 30% more efficient than PWM based charge controllers. Its a standard claim amongst mppt models.

          The maximum voltage rating means you won't blow up the controller if you put 25V on it by accident. It doesn't mean its gonna pump 25V into your 12V battery lol

        • @Major Mess

          the 26v photovoltaic limit is the weak point in this controller. the only panels you can hook up to it are 12v ones that have an open circuit of 20v odd.(infact 26v is laughable, 60v is considered minimum). so, if you get a $250 house panel, which is either ~38v or ~65v this controller would not work.

          the cheeky part is that they advertise it as '20amp', which it may well be, but the wire off solar panels wont carry 20 amps very well for very far as to run 14v/20amp you would need wire as thick as your finger.

          as for the 25v battery the book says it's for a 24v battery config (I don't get this as you need more that 25v to charge 24v, but whatever)

          the 30% mppt claims are valid in comparison to pwm controllers, a decent chinese 20amp/100v mppt controller is about $130.

          however, I would not buy this controller for any application other than the one they're giving it away free with the kit.

        • +1

          @32768: Thanks for the replies guys. With the comments and a bit more research I have got my head around it. I really want to be able to mount the panels semi permanently on my van roof racks so have held off on this deal. Roc-Solid have some you tube videos that give a bit more info on their gear and the panels with reg attached. They are not very rain proof and the aux connector is mounted the wrong way around so it will fill with water unless they supply a cap, which was not shown.

  • Where does it say 50 available? Don't want to miss out on the freebie, considering 200 clicks have been made

    • First three words of the deal description :-)


  • Ordered, thanks.

  • I have ordered it also but have emailed them to confirm that I will be receiving the panel kit

    • It says on your order confirmation email that you bought the package deal, no?

      • Yes but I have come across deals in the past that have a limited number of the deal, when they oversell they then give you an equivalent replacement which is usually no where near the value of the original item. This was in the UK so hoping it to be different down here!

        • Same happens here but if it does you can cancel the subscription as it isnt hte same deal

        • @SirNed:

          There is the safeguard that its been paid using PayPal, handy for refunds as it saves having to try and get the magazine company to refund.

          If it works out it will be a great deal, have been thinking of getting a portable solar unit.

  • Caravans ppft. Who says it's the top selling RV mag? They do. You've been ripped.

    The CMCA (campervan and motorhome club of Australia) is 1 year for AUD 60.50, then AUD 44.00 per year after that. It was started a long time ago by people who actually do it, not those making money out of selling mags. You get a full colour mag every month and (totally) unbeatable car insurance (for any car that you own) through their broker. The car insurance aspect alone is invaluable once you see the difference.

    and the best thing about it - no caravans, fifth wheelers yeah, but no caravans.

    • Agreed: the Wanderer is excellent value, from memory the joining fee is waived at present so $44pa is dirt cheap for the mag even if you disregard the other benefits. But given that I like the DVDs and getting a folding solar panel chucked in is something that the CMCA is not offerring…

      • Can't quibble on the DVDs.

        We have a van and sedan. The savings over normal comp insurance for both is over $1000 a year. 20 months at $1830, there's a couple of solar panels of their your own choice ;)

    • +2

      Cheaper car insurance isn't necessarily a good thing - ever tried to make a claim with them?

    • +1

      In what sense is a "5th wheeler" NOT a caravan?

      Its just the McMansion of caravanning.

  • -8

    IMO you can make a similar kit DIY for less, the solar regulator is no different to the cheap china ones that sell for $10 instead of $140

    • +1

      Beg to differ on that one, knowing how and what engineering these ones have been through.

      • -3


        Are you kidding?

        A solar panel and 2 wires to a reg does not take an engineering degree to put together. I made my own camping setup a few months ago, 120w solar panel I scored on eBay for $130 and a $15 30A reg then reused some cable I had laying around the house. If you were to buy the cable from Bunnings it would cost you no more than $10.

        The stands these kits come with make them pretty pointless as the sun moves in the sky during the day so it needs adjusting, best thing I have found is to lay them flat on the ground or the roof a car as you get a more even solar input.

        I would of thought this being OzBargain DIY would of been more favored instead of the lazy alternative buying it premade..

        Even this kit is cheaper

        • -1

          Won't waste my time arguing the point. It's pretty hard convincing people on here, even when you work in the industry that makes the damn things.

        • +1

          Your budget eBay special is plus postage, so no, its not cheaper, then you consider this one has 3x Anderson plugs included and a 20A mppt controller, nice carry bag, and a free magazine sub and DVDs, its a no-brainer. Take your invalid neg elsewhere please.

        • dup

        • You must work overseas then cause nobody makes solar panels locally in AUS anymore?

          This kit includes postage and is cheaper than the OP -

        • @storyteller: Panels are still made in Adelaide actually and the Roc-Solid kits are assembled and sourced in China for what its worth. I never once stated these were the cheapest things out there. That is obviously the point of Ozbargain, just stated they were better made and more reliable than the mass produced kits. If you are getting as part of a deal and cheaper than RRP, then go for it.

        • @ardseidel:

          As they say don't feed the troll.

          Anyone who knows anything about solar knows there's Chinese garbage and the Chinese rock solid products, which have subsequently been tried and tested and stood up well. Unless you are in the industry or are a re-seller or experienced user its very hard to tell whats what.

    • storyteller….Links to evidence or I call BS

  • +1

    Grabbed one, thanks very much OP. Love to see something a bit more obscure like this make it to the front page :)

  • Wow, a quick google around shows the solar panel retails for a legit $600+…it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see the value here…

  • Thanks OP. Good deal. Have been looking at solar panels for a while and this hits the spot.

  • Been waiting for solar panels too!!!

    Thanks op!

    Anyone have any idea if I could permanently mount it to a roof (pop up van)?


    • +1

      There are heaps better panels available properly designed for roof mounting. I would imagine this one would be quite thick and create a fair bit of drag at highway speeds.

  • Sounded like a good deal and I subscribed and got an email but has anyone heard anymore than the initial email confirmation?

    • Nope, even sent them an email, nothing.

  • Got this response on Friday 21st after posting on their Facebook page.

    Thank you for your enquiry, this was a very popular deal and we tried to make sure all orders were fulfilled and sent as early as possible, please note that the Roc-Solid Solar Panel I have for an order for a xxxx going to p/code 4165, has been collected by the courier and should be arriving soon.

    • I have to say this must be the slowest courier company I've ever encountered if they are based in Australia. Supposedly "collected by the courier" on or before the 21st. It is now late on 27th and no sign of it.

      Sounds like BS to me.

  • Got mine yesterday. Awesome quality.

  • +1

    has anyone had trouble with getting their product.
    I have had no reply from 3 emails and nothing but excuses on two phone calls.
    Not sure if they are a fly by night company but very second rate service.
    Anyway contacting paypal to recover my money

  • I have recieved nothing apart from the initial email confirming my purchase, even though I had emailed asking to confirm that I had qualified for the offer.

    Going to drop them another email, then if no reply will leave it until the end of next week, then will be starting a PayPal claim before the 30 days runs out.

    • Yeah I haven't heard a peep out of them since the order confirmed email. Paypal protection is 45 days, might even be 180 days now but that might be eBay purchases only. Either way I paid by credit card so I've got 3 months.

  • Mine never came. I put in a pay pal dispute a few days ago. Haven't heard a wink from them.

  • I also emailed them and no response which is why i put through paypal claim.

  • Just got a refund from my PayPal dispute, same story no reply to emails, nothing apart from a refund. Everyone should lodge a claim before 45 days if they haven't heard or received anything.

  • Just to confirm that it is 45 days to put a claim in so if you bought on the 7th Nov you have until 22nd Dec

  • So are we all just cancelling these? Nobody got any contact out of them? What about that other deal that came after this one?

  • Yesterday (Thursday) I received the magazine in the mail.

    Wednesday I got a message from EMG via Facebook with the details of the courier company - TollIpec with a consignment number. Checked the TollIpec tracking website and found tracking comments like "Undelivered - Check Receivers Address" and "Held in Depot - Check Receivers Address". Called TollIpec and they tell me they did not have my Unit Number on the delivery address so could not deliver. They also did not leave an undelivered card even though it is only a complex of 2 units and there is a Body Corp letter box as well as the 2 separate ones.

    TollIpec then said they would dispatch to arrive Thursday. Never arrived.

    Friday morning called TollIpec (on hold for 11 minutes) to get a Customer Service officer who could see the item in tracking but did not have a delivery date. Was given an Enquiry Number and put back on hold (another 10 minutes) to get to Investigations Unit. Was told by Investigations Unit it would be delivered today (but to call back if it hasn't arrived by midday). I'm not holding my breath, but at least the unit seems to be in Brisbane.

    Will post again if it actually arrives.

  • Well, it arrived Friday PM. Surprise, surprise.. there is a problem.

    The box had one damaged corner, looked like it had been dragged along the ground on that corner. Opened the box and checked the canvas bag enclosing the panels. It has 3 damaged corners that have short cuts on them. Looks like a box cutter or something has been used to poke around each corner and has penetrated far enough to slit the canvas. I would probably live with this given the rest of the saga, but one of the corner slits has extended far enough to actually cut through one half of the zip. The zip runs right across the top and about half way down 2 sides so the panels can be extracted. As the zip is now cut, I can't get the panels out without totally destroying the bag.

    I guess now I need to find someone who will take responsibility for the damage and replace the bag. sigh.

  • Out of stock in the warehouse apparently is the current excuse. I have rung twice and left messages and emailed them and finally received a response on Thursday 11th December and they processed my order then. Now I received a message stating they are out of stock and will be refunding my money. I hope someone was lucky. I am pretty sure this happened last time I ordered through magstore too (12v rattle gun bonus with the subscription) and I had to wait 6 months to get the bonus.

    Still going to try and argue but I figure if you received something, be thankful! I think they are just going to refund the money. Annoying though because it was Dad's Christmas present… As above though, put in paypal dispute and get your cash back I reckon.

  • Just called and got the same excuse, we oversold and have no stock. I'm getting a refund now, the whole thing is piss poor on behalf of the company.

    • I'm still waiting on a response, I'm going to go down the ACL path if they now come back and claim they are out of stock for the full $629 that I'll be out of pocket in having to purchase the solar panels separately especially after I missed out on various other sales in the leadup to Christmas.

  • I've canceled my order through PayPal. I ordered pretty much as soon as the deal showed up here. Fairly dissapointed. What a terrible shopping experience.

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