• expired

Free Pack of Wizz Fizz - First 200 Daily (Facebook Required)


Enter your details, the first 200 daily will see a 'congratulations' screen, still some available today as I write this. The promotion runs every day this week.

The pack of Wizz Fizz Bubblegum will be posted out to you.


The Giveaway will run for a period of 5 days:

  • Monday 3 November 11:30am (AEDT) until 200 samples have been exhausted.
  • Tuesday 4 November 10:00am (AEDT) until 200 samples have been exhausted.
  • Wednesday 5 November 4:00pm (AEDT) until 200 samples have been exhausted.
  • Thursday 6 November 6:00pm (AEDT) until 200 samples have been exhausted.
  • Friday 7 November 12:30pm (AEDT) until 200 samples have been exhausted.

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closed Comments

  • Requires Facebook I think…

    • +1

      says "optional" next to the like button

      • Definitely needs it,

        Instant Win will receive the following info: your public profile, friend list, current city and likes.

        • So it definitely requires Facebook? I didn't have to like anything to submit and win but maybe I already liked that Instant win page (as I haven't liked the Wizz Fizz page).

        • +1


          Yeah, the app needs permission from your profile. So if you have used that app for other contests or whatever you won't be prompted. So my "contest & freebie" Facebook account didn't need anything whereas my real Facebook account asked for permissions.

          EDIT: You don't need to like Wizz Fizz. It's just allowing permissions from a 3rd party app.

        • +1


          Ah cool thanks Neil & JSQUARED for fixing it up.

  • +1

    Thanks. I managed to get one.

  • -6

    Facebook optional*

    *requires Facebook login

  • Sorry, the offer you tried to access has ended. Expired.

  • For a stick of gum, I would not have bothered if I knew it required facebook :(

    • +3

      FizzWizz aint gum… unless this is a new generation FizzWizz …

      oh it is.. pffft then it aint fizz wizz

      • It's not gum, just gum flavoured.

        • what flavour is gum ???

        • +5


        • +4


  • Now I feel like bubble gum :(

  • Ended!

    • For today, you can still try until Friday

    • +9

      What were you actually thinking was going to be in a pack of wizz fizz?

    • What's in the other 6.3% besides crack?

  • Ended :(
    Edit: nvm

  • not sure about bubblegum but I love wizzFizzes

  • +1

    What is the proper method of consumption of this powder?

    • +5


    • +2

      With the tiny spoon that's included.

    • With a soft drink!

    • +1

      Up the nose!

    • +1

      You left it so open to many possible answers!

  • +3

    My Childhood.

    • +5

      The crinkly onionskin wrapping with a black-and-white Donald Duck on the outside. You rip it off with your teeth, getting sherbet up your nose in the process. You fish around in the powder with your finger for that little plastic spatula that is bright bottle-green.

      The spatula seems ill-suited to the process of eating sherbet. It is box-shaped, meaning that no matter how hard you try your tongue cannot prise all of the powder out of the corners. Eventually it becomes hopelessly clogged and you ditch it, upending the packet to dump the remaining sherbet into your mouth. First the sugar, then the bitter astringency of bubbling bicarb and christ-knows-what-else they put into this stuff. You toss the eviscerated paper into a bin and keep pedalling on your steel framed Malvern Star with pedal brakes and rust showing through the finish.

  • A thousand envelopes of fine powder whzzing round AusPost, there's a good idea in the current security conscious climate…

    • +1

      Just try sprinkling a packet into the air from Centrepoint Tower. People can't take a joke these days.

  • Next round of samples should be available now.

    • Yea its out

  • Winner winner chicken dinner

  • Time to go and sit next to the mailbox…

  • Got one! :D Thanks OP!

  • winner, YES! Life is complete.

  • Another round of samples available

  • Thanks. Winner here.

  • Got some white stuff!

  • All gone for today. :(

    • you must of missed it by a hairline… i applied 1.5 hours ago and I got one, your post is from an hour ago.

      You got two options:
      - Stay awake for the next 5 hours for midnight
      - sob

  • yay :D go grab one

  • Got one today.

  • missed out

  • Its NSW time Not QLD :(

  • +1

    Never ever forget Dean Gilson snorting a line of wizz fizz in class through an empty pen. Classic bad school stories.

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