Thought I'd better repost this since there will be 10% off This wknd :)Starts Saturday
Assassin's Creed Unity/Black Flag XB1 Bundle + Forza Horizon 2 $430.20 After 10% off @BIGW
NEW Xbox One Armed Forces Limited Edition Controller $61.20 After 10% off
PS4 White Console $430.20 After 10% off
These price will be for the 1st and 2nd Nov Only
AC Unity/Black Flag XB1 Bundle + Forza Horizon 2 $430.20, White PS4 $430 after 10% off @ Big W

Last edited 29/10/2014 - 21:24 by 1 other user
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anyone ever tried to match at JB with a family friend discount like this?? I am stuck with $170 to spend at JB and been waiting for a good console bundle..
Did it with Mario Kart 8 when Big W had a similar deal.
Since this deal is available to anyone they can do it but i guess you can do it on the two days big W has the 10% offer.
Hmm I might try it myself. If anyone is successful please post up a receipt so we can price match :) it would be bargain of the year on consoles no doubt when combined with 10% off JB gift cards.
Highly doubt it
JB's bundle doesn't include Forza so I'm pretty sure they won't match it.
So do I have to find the console in store to buy it?
If it goes under $400 I might abort my plans to hold out for a halo xbox one
If you sold the games then the console would be under 400.
I know. Wondering if they'll actually made a good halo bundle though.
Won't be a great bundle but will definitely have a Special Edition X1 for it. Microsoft won't stop milking their big titles.
I read milking their big titties… its getting late.
Exactly what I'm waiting for, but many people I've asked in the industry have said there will be no MCC bundle, only a Halo 5 one.
Given the popularity of Halo, it wouldn't suprise me if some stores took it upon themselves to create their own titls.
Do what others did last time and put it on layby now to secure one. That goes for any item that you want to secure for the weekend.
Is AC Unity a download code? I dont think it's released until the 13th…
Great deal though. Will buy on the 1st.
I think both AC's are download codes…
Yeah was about to say, AC isnt out till the 13th.
*Edit, clearly says on the page they are codes and unity isnt playable till the 13th.
Are they definately still selling this bundle for $478? It's no longer showing in the catalogue I don't want to travel 80 kms each way to find out they removed it.
Call them up, people would have got the physical catalogue anyway
EDIT: Found catalogue page and its now in link
Assassin’s Creed Unity (download)
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (download)Advanced TV hardware required. Initial setup, updates and some games and features require broadband Internet and/or Kinect for Xbox One. Game downloads from Xbox Live; Assassin’s Creed Unity requires up to 50GB; Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag requires up to 23GB. Assassins Creed Unity game can be pre-downloaded early, ready to unlock and play at launch on 13th November. ISP fees apply. Online multi-player requires Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately). Games and media content sold separately. See
As above from the jb website, the Assassin's Creed games in this bundle are d/load cards ONLY.
both cards would be worth $20 each? no? more?
still saleable
Forza Horizon 2, wouldnt sell that for anything though…
I reckon you could get more than than for Unity.
AC4 would probably be just below $20. Unity should be around $50.
Might want to give them a call tomorrow and get them to hold one for Sat
Or better still, hide one amongst the pillows.
Great idea but might not work as pillows sell.
Might be better to hide one amongst the Wii U consoles :) .Id like to see Christmas Sales of both Wii U and XBone.
Daam that's a crazy X1 deal.
Hmmmm already have a PS4. May get this just because Forza Horizon looks really good.
Forza Horizon 2 is great :)
Really tempting, but will hold out for a Halo bundle.
Dont feel that watchdogs/forza 5 are worth the extra money.
Watch dogs is literally the most boring game ever.
Any idea if the %10 off will apply to pre-orders? Possibly a silly question, but with Advanced Warfare is the Day-Zero copy $64? Or is that the standard? Or both the same? Thanks for posting OP!
doesn't say excludes pre orders
That's what I think I'll try, $57.60 is good for a new game! The ad seems to suggest it's either version for $64
The bundle is no longer on their website. It was on the online catalogue yesterday.
If anyone is picking this yup, I'm interested in buying the Assassins Creed games download codes - send me a private message!
Might be worth waiting? US announced $50 off Xbox One… may hit Aussie shores?…With the 10% off you get around $50 off with 3 good games. All depends if you are interested in AC/Forza or wait for a Halo bundle.
US only. But Forza Horizon 2 is worth more than $50 so this is the better deal.…
Is it just me who is waiting for a decently priced bundle that INCLUDES kinect?
Probably :)
Now that Kinect is optional on the XBox One I can't see many games (apart from dance games) being developed for it.Not looking to play Kinect games, rather like the idea of voice on/off and hand gestures when watching things could be useful.
I would advise that people do not get their hopes up for the xbox one bundle as it has been completely removed from the catalogue. I just finished a chat session with Big W's online customer support and the guy there said that the bundle is still coming to Big W but he's unsure on the price.
Also according microsoft said bundle doesn't come out til the 2nd.…
I think it's a typo, Sunday release day? Every other store has 1.11.14 as the release date
Ah. Thanks for clearing up.
Still, be weary about the price. I highly doubt they decided to remove it from the catalogue for no reason.
Looks like they removed everything from page 28, might just be an interwebz thing
If it's a mistake they will put notices on their site and stores. I still plan on going Saturday morning.
I just realised that if they don't sell it for $480 then it's really false advertising, so forget I said anything :P…
Could you buy $500 worth of Big W gift cards, using the 10% off, and use the gift cards when other deals on the Xbox One undoubtedly come out a little closer to Christmas?
Family & Friends deal excl gift cards
Well that's no fun. :)
I'm surprised that it doesn't also exclude catalogue items.
Their catalogue is back up online now :)
Anyone think a good 500 GB Xbox 360 buddle is nearing? I need to get my little sister a large capacity 360 so she can play my digital games, still bouncing between getting a 250 or waiting for that 500.
Also wouldn't mind grabbing the AC4 download code for 15 off of anyone interested in letting it go from this bundle.
WOW daam that's a nice bundle, thanks bigtime Trent!!!
If I buy the bundle tomorrow I'll sell you the AC4 code.
Done!!!! My private messaging is open for business!!!! Thanks bro, really appreciate it!!
has anyone ever got JB to match a bundle + family friends voucher before?
If you have an entertainment book you can buy big w gift cards at 5% off. Get the electronic gift cards and then go pick it up :) Comes to $409.72
Thanks! Purchased today. The guy at the counter still had to ring up and make sure the 10% discount could be applied.
What's everyone's opinion on the $430 white PS4???
"It's all white"
If anyone purchased this bundle and is looking to offload their download codes, I'll happily take them off your hands.
Think JB will match the 10% price, then buy a 10% gift card at BigW then goto JB and boom Extra discount :)