• expired

Free Cone Day @ Ben and Jerry's Scoop Shops - 1pm to 9pm 14 April 2015


To find your nearest store, go here and ensure you tick 'participate free cone day' in the location filters. Outlander has also created a list here

Start counting down the days because Ben and Jerrys Free Scoop day will be back in 2015!

Just pop into a Ben and Jerrys scoop shop during the day for your free ice-cream.

"Is there a better way to say "thank you" than with free ice cream? We think not! That's why every year, since our first anniversary back in 1979, we have grabbed our scoops and invited fans of all ages to join us for Free Cone Day."

2014 deal
2013 deal

Related Stores

Ben & Jerry's
Ben & Jerry's

closed Comments

  • +2

    Yeow, free cones.

  • +1

    Reminder set

  • +2

    What is the point of posting this now?

    It can't be reposted again until 26th of April (6 months) because it will be a Dupe…
    So people won't know about it when it's time to redeem it…

    • I saw a deal and I posted it. If the mods want to remove it for the time being then that is fine.

      Feel free to use the reminder because this is what the function was added for and that way you won't miss the free ice cream.

      • -4

        I saw a deal and I posted it.

        Why not post it closer to the date? It's a bit pointless posting it now.

        • +4

          Because I don't plan on having to leave myself a reminder to post a deal closer to it's date to ensure that JV is satisfied with the time between me posting the deal and the deal taking place. If you can find me a section of the rules on posting deals that says I can't post it this early then I will request the mods remove it. Otherwise, I recommend you set a reminder for this deal because JV you of all people could use some sweetness in your life.

        • -1

          It's pretty juvenile when you're resorting to playing the man and not the ball; it shows your argument wasn't strong enough to begin with.

          JV made a reasonable point; there's no point being excitable and posting a deal six months early, especially when it makes any subsequent post closer to the date a dupe, as defined by the mods.

        • +2

          I see where you're coming from, taking a little dig at JV could be considered childish but honestly it's all in good fun. If you've ever dealt with JV you'd understand to get through you have to be a little bit rude. Also, I think it's pretty juvenile to complain about every deal you have the slightest problem with to the point where you're actually infamous on ozbargain for it. Yes I understand it is very early, but as I have said many times now, there is a reminder option for a reason.

        • +2

          @COR80: Yet people post deals 'closer' to the date and dupes still happen all the time. JV has a point and sometimes a good one, but most of the time he gets off on being a bit of a troll.

        • Deals like this will be stickied on the front page when they start, we already have this deal in our calendar for an April 14 sticky, so there should be no disadvantage.

          There is also the reminder function in your account as mentioned and we continually send out reminders on our social media (Facebook & Twitter) pages about deals like this as they happen.

        • -1


          Cool, so should I post up deals for:

          • Free Cone Day 2016
          • Free Cone Day 2017
          • Free Cone Day 2018
        • @Scrooge McDuck:

          You can't post events that do not yet exist :)

          In any case if you did post it, someone else could repost it in 6 months or later as per our duplicate guidelines

    • +1

      When it is marked as a dupe, it will be in the feed and refer back to this.

      • -3

        When it is marked as a dupe

        The point is you're not supposed to post dupes…

        • +6

          That's why there are moderators. Really not a big deal JV. Lighten up sweetheart.

        • Guys stop bullying jv. They're a person too.

    • Saw Ben and Jerry make an event on FB and decided to make a post.

      Got removed due to dupe because of this. Searched OZB for it but obviously had to go back some pages to find this.

      • Nice story…

  • +1

    Store locator
    Make sure you tick the "Participate Free Cone Day" check box.

    Two stores I could find in Melbourne:

    • Chapel St, Windsor
    • Hoyts Cinema, Highpoint
  • +1

    Can this post be promoted?

    • Yup we already scheduled it some time ago to be stickied on the front page tomorrow.

  • +2
  • +4

    Participating stores

    151 Chapel Street, Windsor
    HIGHPOINT, Maribyrnong

    Sydney -
    Broadway Shopping Centre
    138 Campbell Parade, Bondi Beach
    409 Victoria Ave, Chatswood
    25-27 South Steyne MANLY

    185 The Parade, Norwood

    Queen Street Mall
    Cavill Mall Surfers Paradise
    87 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba

    82 James Street, Northbridge

    Westfield Woden, Keltie St Woden

  • +1

    Looks like Hillarys Boat Harbour is in on the deal too!

  • I'm thinking of driving my tribe into Surfers Paradise. Does anyone know if you can get a free ice cream for each child ( and mum!) or is it get one free and buy the rest?

    • +1

      free for each, they even say you can have one, rejoin the cue and get another!

  • +1

    When was it legalised?

  • +1

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, there's no store near me !!!!!!!!

  • +2

    It's like a 100m queue for hoyts Broadway. Not worth it

    • +1

      it's also around lunch time ….bit obvious when peak times would be just go when it's quieter.

    • School holidays could probably contribute to a longer wait. Is it even worth the wait?

      What's the line like at the Queen street mall… can anyone comment?

  • +2

    Blacktown store was out the cinema door and all the way past hogs breath cafe but I have the day off and the missues is waiting at central station here in Sydney so off to Broadway we go…

    • +1

      Broadway was just as bad.

    • Thanks for posting that. I was there three hours ago and was planning to grab a scoop, but didn't have time to even have a look at the queue.

      Knowing the line was that long makes me feel a lot better about missing it. lol

  • +2

    Queen St mall queue has been a good 100-150 Strong since lunchtime. Assuming each customer takes 20 seconds to serve and there are 120 people in the queue, you'll be waiting 40 minutes for what is probably about $5(?) worth of ice cream. That means you value your time at $7.50/hour.

    • School kids has nothing better to do.

  • Chapel street store is about 25 min wait
    Might be longer now that school finished and a bunch of kids joined the line
    Wait till night time should get shorter

  • Anyone see what norwood line is like?

  • depending how much you value your time….

    this may not be a "deal"

  • +3

    Ben and Jerry's should really consider developing a new flavour - Gin and Berries.

    • I'm having a [Bulldog] gin and cranberry juice right now. Whoa. +1

  • +1

    Ben and Jerry's popped my cherry

  • Only max 10 minute wait in Mooloolaba. I had seven…

  • +1

    I had 2 and a half, my wife wouldn't let me have any more :( I might go there again later!

  • +1

    i was told that if i lined up 22 times, i'd win a prize. hmmm that's a challenge for another free cone day o.o

    oh, and i got the most adorable little ice cream scoop/trowel

    • +3

      I consumed every flavour they had and won:

      • A T-shirt
      • A cooler bag
      • A trucker cap
      • A tub holder
      • A few new friends
      • Admiration/pitty from the staff and some of the crowd

      Unfortunately it took 7.5 hours of queuing as it did last year. At least this year I dressed warmly.

      • A few new friends


      • well done!

        so it's pretty much 1 day's work for some neat merch…and many scoops of icecream :D

  • +2

    Seeing you are stuck on 99 votes for more than 5 hours, here is vote 100. A silver badge for you, OP :-)

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