• expired

FREE Burrito, Salsa's Fresh Mex by Downloading Apps and Claim Instantly




Download the Salsa Mex Apps and claim yours instantly.
Offer vaild until 04/01/2015

Available on Android & iOS

"valid at all Salsa's Store, voucher available on app upon registration completion."

Android: You need to hit the reward me button and then click next after the $3 off coupon. If you don't see the offer, close the program/force close and clear cache. Open up app and offer should appear. Screenshot of voucher

WARNING: MELBOURNE CENTRAL not accepting the free burrito coupons on phone as per exp1 comment below.

Melbourne Central issue appears to be resolved, see comments.

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closed Comments

  • +12


    • +25

      Typical response from a crazy mexican.

      • +3

        Must be loco for taco.

    • +1


      • Is that a macho handlebar moustache?

  • Salsa's is the store

  • +1

    It's not showing it for me…

    UPDATE: This works for iOS too — I got the voucher:

    You need to hit the reward me button and then click next after the $3 off coupon

  • No free voucher. Only $3 off burrito or bowl

    • Same

    • "You need to hit the reward me button and then click next after the $3 off coupon"

  • I didn't get a free burrito either!

    • +1

      "You need to hit the reward me button and then click next after the $3 off coupon"

      • Thanks for the tip! It works now!

  • +1

    Downloaded the app - how do you claim? Do you have to register with A Mex Club card?

    • You Register "without a card", the option is there in the app and is what I did (and it all worked).

      I later asked at the store if I need a card at all and they said the app is the card now.

  • No free Burrito here :(

    • Now working. Thank you!

  • Welcome to the Salsa's Mex Club!

    As a member, earn 1 point (worth $1) for every $15 than you spend, just make sure you scan your smart phone or Mex Club card in store. Redeem your points as often as you like or save them up and score yourself a free meal!

    You’ll also get a FREE BURRITO on your birthday! If you’re too busy having a fiesta on the day, you have two days before or after the date to claim.

    Is this the reference to the free burrito?

    • If one registers on their birthday, do they get two burritos?

      • ideally u should get 2, coz the free birthday offer should come in separate e-mail.
        and this one is on the app. not sure though
        Can claim more if you have more phone with different e-mail address registered.
        basically 1 app registration/burrito

  • I have only two $3 off burrito offers in Brisbane. Although on Tuesday there are $2 burritos at my closest store.

    • on Tuesday there are $2 burritos

      - $3 off = $1 profit ?

      • Actually I think I got confused, it's $2 tacos, but with a soft shelled taco it's quite similar. After a cache clear, it is now showing.

  • +1

    It's on the app.

    On the "Reward Me" page, there's a "Next" button. Click it.

    • -3

      Yeah but it does not have reward of Free Burrito for me…

      • Click the "Next" button…

        • Next is also 3$ off next burrito.

          Edit1: Now i can see…

    • -4

      Not there. Only $3 off vouchers

      • +4
        • My next looks like this. Ignore the volume button.

        • OK, figured it out. Had to clear cache and once I opened up again I see the 1 free burrito.


        • @neil: They seem to have not updated the image as it does say "Have a burrito on us" whereas my one doesn't even have an image.

          The expiry date seems to be correct though - 04/01/2015

    • -1

      The next also says $3 off any burrito or bowl however it looks like a separate offer that says have a burrito on us.

    • -5

      Who is serial neggar here and negging few of my comments.

    • Yep cheers just had that mentioned on Facebook too :)

  • They've advertised this on their Facebook page as well. Let's see what they say.

  • It's showing up now for me. Love Salsa's!

  • Awesome! Got mine :D

  • Guys, try now. you should be able to see "Free Burrito".

  • Can see so many hungry and angry Ozbargainers, jumped and get excited too quick once we see FREE food, yet Salsa's app wasn't ready for this
    Sorry folks. :( Please try again on the app

  • Thanks for the tip about hitting the next button!!!!! The free burrito was hidden there! Awesome!!!!!!! :))))))

  • Got it. Thanks!

    Edit: I wonder if the barcode is unique….

    • Mine ends with "3520" — what about yours?

      • mine ends with a '?', not sure if my phone barcode scanner is stuffed or its legit. But they look unique

  • thanks..

  • Worked!

  • I redeemed the $3 off coupon last week, so the Reward Me screen in the app had the free one straight up.

  • I just signed up and the free burito is there under reward me

  • http://m.salsas.com.au/#/Menu.aspx

    Let's have a Ozbargain meet @ Salsa's Fresh Mex

  • Downloaded app, registered via app and clicked on reward me. Got a free burrito straight up! Thanks.

  • got it..thanks..

  • Thanks OP. Got a free burrito straight up as well. So I can use this app as a reward card from now on? dont need to carry card anymore? Would free up some space in the wallet

    • +1

      You no longer need your card you can just use the app. It's in the FAQ section of the app.

      • Thanksfor confirming umadbrahhhh

  • +1

    Those who are patience enough, can claim on 31/12/2014 and eat it during 00:00 hour in 2015, celebrate NY :P or Christmas treat for someone.. just an idea,.. kidding! :)

  • Worked for me, I already had my mex club details register with the app though.

    Thanks OP

  • +1

    So I'm guessing I'll see all you guys in line today at lunch lol

  • Sweet! Thanks OP. Forgot my lunch this morning so a Free Burrito will hit the spot nicely…..

  • +1

    'No coupons available' :(

  • "Your device isn't compatible with this version."

    On Huawei Ascend Y201

  • Too easy, never been a member before, download app, sign up, select Reward Me, press Redeem to reveal the barcode. Thanks OP!

  • "Where's my burrito? Where's my burrito? Where's my burrito?" (awning collapses and hits me in the head) Ow!

  • +2

    Thanks OP, just redeemed one at Melbourne Central, free lunch!

  • No free burritto for me too barry.

  • Seemingly nice offer but not happy with allowing the App access to my Identity, Location, Photos, media files etc. which it asking for before installation!! :(

    Rather pay for a burrito than have my identity and everything else disseminated to some company or companies who may use it in any way they like! :O

    • Could you just take a screenshot of the coupon and delete the app?

    • Edward Snowden + Google + Yahoo + Facebook = They already know everything

      • Which is also a very good reason NOT to be using these sites too!

    • !UPDATE!

      Sent them an email asking why they needed access to ALL the personal data on ones phone in order to use the App.

      Their silence was deafening. NO response!

      So thanks but no thanks Salsa.

      I'll be going to Mad Mex and any other food provider like Ribs and Burgers etc who are happy to provide special offers WITHOUT invading ones privacy and harvesting personal user data!

  • +1

    barcode not scanning on righthand register at Camberwell but is on left. staff processing using free burrito register key. good op to go back and get another free burrito.

    • It took 3 goes for mine to scan @ Melb Central

      • upto 3rd redemption on the same Voucher. store havent asked to scan it last 2 times.

  • Should I click redeem voucher now ? I dont want to claim it until thursday..
    just dont want the free burrito to disappear so I can't redeem..

    • Yes, redeem voucher just reveals the barcode. Expiry is not until 04 Jan 2015

  • +4

    Special thanks for the Wikipedia article link to Burrito.

  • I downloaded the app on my phone, on my tablet, and also on my other profiles on the tablet :)

  • Get the Chicken Guacamole. It's the healthiest one, and bloody gorgeous with Habanero Salsa.

  • Chicken may have risks that many are not aware of, according to this PBS Documentary http://goo.gl/GfACpW

    • Major risk to the chicken!

  • worked for me - thanks OP

  • Thanks :)

  • This app is incompatible with all of your devices :'(
    Won't let me download for my Huawei Ascend Y201 or even my Samsung GT-P3110

  • Signed out, made a new account with another email address and getting another today.

    • -1

      lol yup, basically infinite burritos

  • +6

    WARNING: MELBOURNE CENTRAL not accepting the free burrito coupons on phone,I saw 3 ppl in front of me get turned away because they said it isn't valid on 'taco Tuesday'. Don't even know what that means but it may be they are trying to get out of redeeming them.

    • +1

      That's a joke. I wouldn't cop that. Where does it state that on the t&c?

    • We had the same issue. I asked where does it state that on the voucher and she goes 'sorry, each store can set their own conditions'.

      I could of make a fuss, but it is not worth the embarrassment. Ended up buying the special they had, but really I should stop supporting them all together if they are going to be like that. Will have to ring ahead next time (if they have a phone number).

      Would recommend something added to the description regarding Melbourne Central store.

      • done, updated

        • thank you :) although it could be something like 'Melbourne Central not accepting on Taco Tuesday or for any other future condition the Melbourne Central store choose to come up'

      • 'Ended up buying the special they had, but really I should…' Appreciate the honesty, but big mistake.

        This statement right here enables retailers here to basically pick and choose what offers they live up to.

        • yeah, but the 2 for $12 burrito was too good of a deal to pass up :) will resist next time :P

          it's a shame coz their food tastes good, but they always making these kind of mistakes with their promos and melbourne central store have the worst service.

          another dodgy kind of thing, the receipt for the 2 for $12 burritos is put through their register as 12x $1 bottled water in order to get to $12.

      • dishonest (profanity).

        i wouldn't have given them a poop-covered cent!

    • +1

      If you look at their Twitter account they have admitted that the store should be honoring it and if they haven't rectified it already they will very shortly. Seems like a case of rogue manager perhaps?

      • +2

        I'm not even in Melbourne, but I hope they get rolled for making up their own T&Cs, that's just lame! lol

    • Weird, I got one earlier today. An Asian girl served me if that helps

    • +3

      I sent a tweet to Salsa and they are investigating and getting back to me - the store claims that it isnt running today due to Taco Tuesday. I smell someone getting a MASSIVE slap on the wrist

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