If you haven't bought your summer supply for Connoisseur Ice Cream yet from Woolies this week, you can hold off as Coles has raised the stakes and is 10c cheaper!
Nationwide, starts Wednesday.
If you haven't bought your summer supply for Connoisseur Ice Cream yet from Woolies this week, you can hold off as Coles has raised the stakes and is 10c cheaper!
Nationwide, starts Wednesday.
I already bought one because I knew this will come.
It's not the same value or size, but I much prefer Coles own brand 500g tubs on sale for $3 ea atm, licorice and choc brownie yum!
*+ vote for cookies & cream
went to Coles 2day to get cookies and cream no regrets and I am healthy eating hypochondriac type
sorry but I think we have different taste, I hate the Coles brand ice cream, it's not good as its price.
Yeah, I bought the strawberry flavoured Coles gourmet Ice cream last week and it was ok, but nowhere near the same level as Connoisseur or even Sara Lee.
+1 for Coles 500ml tubs. Peanut Butter and Pavlova!
Coles has raised the stakes and is 10c cheaper!
The gloves are off.
Purchased 3 tubs last week, saying to myself I will start eating healthy next week. Oh well, what's another week.
Great. Another week of going shopping and finding the freezer completely empty. I've found 1 salted caramel in my 3 trips and it was worth it.
I will only consider buying it at this price.
I think its hard to justify $9.50/litre. It's good… but not that good lol.
Sugar does indeed taste like sugar.
Bought two tubs last week for kids when they come over to visit after school, I finished one tub myself overnight.
Hard to stop once it starts…
I guess you should change your nickname to eatwell364 then =\
it's like Connoisseur is the Eneloops of supermarkets.
If it's not in stock, just get a raincheck! Gives you 12 months so you can grab them when they are no longer on special at the special price!
I've got mine from the Woolworths deal, waiting for the rainy days to collect =)
Although my waist line is cursing me for it!
Coles raincheck is now valid for only 30 days :(
[OzBargain] (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/105499#comment-2076093)
Associatedldstr on 25/06/2014 - 19:44
The newest rainchecks have the following revised conditions:
- Full quantity must be redeemed in the one transaction (previously no requirement)
- Valid for 30 days from date of issue (previously one year)
Though many stores still have the older rainchecks that last a year and you don't have to redeem the full quantity at once.
Checking ingredients, I think Connoisseur brand is suitable for vegetarians.
Damn….I filled my available freezer space with 5 tubs just last week.
You have next 2 days to finish them all. Good luck.
pro tip…to avoid disappointment for not finding ur favourite flavour, hide some in one of the freezers in the back before the deal starts :)
edit…I actually like it when stock is not available, that means I can get a raincheck for 10 tubs for some time in the future :)
I can't abide by that. What if everyone starts hiding sh*t all over the supermarket? Madness.
I see what you did there.
You have to buy all 10 tubs in one transaction or lose the rest…
6 is normally the max for a raincheck :(
Have to agree slightly with "ahly92" about "freezer hiding", but I only do it with a cheapie bottle of water off the shelf as I walk in and hide it under the frozen peas and then as I walk out collect my nice cold water for about 70 cents as opposed to the huge markup on water in the fridges at the registers :-)
I don't think they distinguish between fridge stock and shelf stock.. it's the same barcode. The register wouldn't know the difference. There is some stock that only gets put in the fridge and not on the shelf, but if it's on both, the price will be the same.
What bottle exactly are you buying?
Actually, i think the new scanners are heat sensitive and can distinguish the difference between and cold 600ml coke, and a warm 375ml coke.
You can try it with the cooked chickens too.
As hot chickens attract more GST than cold ones, cool them in the fridge first (next to your bottle of water) and the scanner will scan it thru as a cold chicken.
I hate to break it to you, but that is absolute nonsense. There is not a heat scanner on every register.
Maybe its the accountant in me, but exactly last year it was $4.50 the https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/120860
Inflation of 5.3% on ice-cream seems exorbitant!
Just buy 2 loaves of 85c bread to balance the cost increases out
The Cafe Grande flavour outrageously good - swirls of Grand Marnier sauce through the coffee flavour. Amazing.
it better be as good as you say it is debo..
It sure is. I can polish one off in a sitting… which is probably not good for my waistline.
it is kick ass trust me - i didn't even mention the dark chocolate nuts I mean balls I mean almonds
Damn you coles! Some very solid deals on tasty treats lately.
Love it. Those I bought from woolworth last week were gone.
Me too. Not sure why they stop making it. By the way, the strawberry flavor used contain real strawberry but later on becomes jam. Quality dropping and finally discontinued.
Maybe it has high production cost?
What!! I never knew they stopped making it… That was my favourite flavour of all. Now they have salted caramel and gingerbread. I don't think there's any other brands that compare to Summer Strawberry.
They still make it but only Woolies stock it. Coles doesn't.
This ice cream is dense! It is so hard just to scoop it out of the bucket. The spoon meets a lot of resistance and digs into my hand. It hurts. It's like trying to scoop something solid and hard.
Now I have to find chest freezer on Special before Wednesday.