Coles Rain Checks now valid for 12 months (previously 1 month) - now also Woolworths

The previous rain checks were white and valid for 1 month. The new ones are greenish and valid for 12 months.

This is great for those of us who try to get some of the supermarket specials but run into no stock left.

In early May, the cat litter I use was on sale in Coles. I was able to get a rain check for 6 (max). In subsequent weeks, there was still no store stock. Good to not have that short restriction anymore. I wonder if Woolworths will match the offer.

Reference: What is a rain check

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  • Nice. Is there a limit to the number of rain checks you can get for an item? i.e can you get a rain check for 3x cat litter and then get another rain check for another 3x cat litter? So you can use them at different times?

    • Maximum 6 per rain check.

      You can use them 3 and 3. You don't have to get all 6 at once. I was only able to get 2 in the whole month, so they just crossed it out and put 4.

      • Are you sure that wasn't just because they only had 2 for you to get? Or can you do that even if they have the full stock of 6 available?

        • Definitely. The cashiers have no idea what the stock levels are.

          Sometimes if management is slack they will give you rain checks without checking stock on the shelves/in the back. Sometimes they will give you more than 6. This applies to Coles/Woolworth and depends on the location/staff.

      • Some stores I'd been to will not allow you to keep your raincheck (say you had 6x) if they had sufficient stock on shelf available. Again it all depends on the staff in your store if they're diligent enough to check.

  • fyi my raincheck voucher for is/was green and valid for 12mths :)

    tick boxes for out of stock, product deleted, price match, raincheck, other

    excludes liquor, tobacco, cigarettes, gift card (obviously not in this case!), itunes, mobile phones, mobile phone accessories and prepaid services

    • Hmmm. OK. That's weird. My local is Brunswick, VIC.

      • it was from camberwell or hawthorn iirc

    • The books they have must vary, because mine have always been good for one month only, and at times there has been no stock on the shelf any time I went in that month.

      Thanks for the post Neil.

  • Nice, good for telstra $10 sims.

    • I think that would be an exclusion (prepaid service) to the rain check. You may get lucky if the service desk doesn't care.

  • Really? Dam, cause last time woolworths sydney CBD was fine, guess got lucky.

    • receiving a raincheck voucher is different to redeeming one :)

  • fyi last few rainchecks i've received have been on white 30-day raincheck slips (5281621 06/09) with a store stamp on back and no conditions/exclusions

  • +1

    I wonder if Woolworths will match the offer.

    recently received a 12mth raincheck from woolworths :)

  • My recent Coles raincheck rolled back to 4 weeks.

  • The newest rainchecks have the following revised conditions:
    - Full quantity must be redeemed in the one transaction (previously no requirement)
    - Valid for 30 days from date of issue (previously one year)

    Though many stores still have the older rainchecks that last a year and you don't have to redeem the full quantity at once.

    • thanks for posting :)

      Valid for 30 days from date of issue (previously one year)

      just as i was beginning to like coles more due to better specials :(

      • Full quantity must be redeemed in the one transaction (previously no requirement)

      I didn't know about this until it's too late. I always thought you have to buy in one go.

      I still got the old 12 months expiry, do you think they will still honour the old terms and condition?

      • Yes

  • woolworths rainchecks now only 4 weeks like coles :(

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