Hello OzBargainians,
Please suggest some great Hollywood movies to watch.. Thriller, Suspense, Comedy, Drama.. Anything but sci-fi..
Hello OzBargainians,
Please suggest some great Hollywood movies to watch.. Thriller, Suspense, Comedy, Drama.. Anything but sci-fi..
Not nice.
You could always download Texas buyers club
i did, great movie.
Not nice.
@c0balt: was indeed over my head, i dont follow news much at all and never murdochs evil empire
obviously ive been to busy to catch up on one of the few news sites i do follow from time to time. http://torrentfreak.com/australians-face-fines-for-downloadi…
Hook, line and sinker.
@nosdan: With the wildly imaginative journalism (being nice, I could just call it making stuff up) and seemingly not knowing that "fact checking" is a good thing to do before publishing something you then call news I can only see that as a good thing LOL.
Top Gun??
Dallas Buyers Club*
This one i good!
The Wolfman (2010) is pretty good..
Care to explain the honour of the neg?
Please sir, can I gave some more?
neggiwegs, and lomticks of toast and lovely steakiwegs.
I didn't neg you but the 2010 Wolfman is generally considered craptastic. On the level of Nicholson's Wolf.
Each to their own, I just thought it broke up the routine/types of films I watch, truthfully don't mind the negs, but was curious on this occasion
@Tal_Shiar: I thought Wolfman was pretty flat. A dull retelling of a well known tale. So dull that even though I saw it in the cinema I can't remember bugger all about it. There was a mansion. A gruff father figure. I think there was a sister too? And there was a super obvious "twist" at the end. And that's about it. I can't recall any specific scenes. Just dull.
But it wasn't incompetent or anything, which a lot of big Hollywood adaptations are. The characters weren't all total morons who do things that make no sense which is also very common in big films. A little slow on the uptake sometimes but understandably so. I don't recall thinking they were being relentlessly dumb.
But if you're after an interesting werewolf movie you're much better off going with The Howling or Dog Soldiers or An American Werewolf in London. Or Teen Wolf. Or the Len Kabasinski classic Curse of the Wolf.
I agree
Dunno if you consider documentaries movies but 'Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father' is absolutely gut wrenching
Quite possibly the most tragic thing I've ever watched. Almost wish I'd never watched it. Glad I did though - unbelievable documentary.
Docos FTW.
I haven't watched Dear Zachary but I've watched "Grave of the Fireflies" (Japanese animation by Studio Ghibli) and I was depressed for quite a while after watching it. Didn't even feel like eating.
Appropriate comment with your user name.
Might have to watch the same guy's short movie "Validation" to get all happy again.
Watched it last night, it was tragic :(. Such a good movie though, definitely will recommend it
The King of Kong
Why Hollywood? Broaden your horizons, there are plenty of great French movies without the same old formulaic Hollywood crash, smash, glitz and incredulity. Hollywood also makes some decent stuff. For example if you have insomnia I recommend Clockwatchers.
Best all round movie for entertainment I've seen for a while is The Intouchables.
Romcom: Shooting Fish (old)
Comedy: Tais Toi
Drama: Persepolis (animation)
Why not Hollywood if that's what you enjoy?
The Intouchables is a great movie! I loved it.
I would also recommend The Untouchables!
Broaden your horizons
I read that as "broden your horizons"… I've been hanging about ozbargain for too long…
Tais toi is great!
I'd recommend this one too.
Also, I recall from year 12 french classes that Indochine is a beautiful film.
How about a series? Then you've got a longer movie :-) game of thrones, orange is the new black, six feet under (they're just ones I've enjoyed..obviously).
I know breaking bad and parks and recreation are popular (but I haven't watched..so can't comment)
:O not watched breaking bad yet? get to the internet and watch it NOW
You're goddam right!
yeah its overrated because 10/10 is not good enough
The dark knight trilogy
Have you ever heard of IMDB?
Try there. More movies than you can poke a stick at.
i find the reviews/lists there very US taste though.
There's also another website called Rotten Tomatoes (www.rottentomatoes.com) where movies are ranked. Movie buffs vote for their favourite movies and post reviews etc. Very handy for working out what movies to go for.
i never got their scoring system? If it's higher rotting tomatos, that's good? or bad?
how many rotten tomatoes would you like?
The scores are based on percentage of positive reviews by critics. Fresh tomatoes = good. Refer their rating guide here:
rotten tomatoes is my bible!
My two cents on good Movie Reviews…
Firstly everyone has an opinion.
I suggest in the same independent vein as above:
http://www.filmink.com.au/ (a good Aussie mag)
Both FilmInk, Meta and rotten are excellent sites for reviews that are seen as least biased.
The magazine Variety, New York Times and Time Out are also solid.
While I like very much David and Margaret from At the Movies,
I feel David is a better reviewer who is less afraid to be critical.
The social realist film "The Selfish Giant" was an exceptional film for me. The accent can be hard for some, both I heartily recommend this one film. It got 97% on RT. There are many more I could recommend.
Wrong Turn?
House of cards tv series
+1 To this, this one surprised me actually… Excellent viewing.
This one is good
For an Ozbargainer - anything with Uncle Scrooge in it.
Gone With The Wind
Sharknado or the far superior sharknado 2 ;)
Edge of Tomorrow. Probably my favourite movie of the year.
Even the last 2 minutes?
I killed myself, went back and stopped the DVD 5 min before the ending the next time around. Much better now!
That's very sci-fi. Op said sci-fi was a no-go. If he wanted sci-fi, I'd suggest nolan's masterpiece, inception, before Edge of Tomorrow. Both are good, one is great :)
Other suggestions:
funny/kids - Lego movie
Doco - ascent of man (brilliant, but old)
Doco - bbc - Africa
Pulp action - avengers
Historically inaccurate - titanic (attempted humour by me)
Computer geek history - pirates of Silicon Valley
Fantasy - lord of the rings series
Romance - love actually, time traveller's wife
Fantasy - Harry Potter series
Old school comedy/action - back to the future
Bizarre - old boy
Great kids movies with heart - anything by Miyazaki
That's a start anyway. I'm a big sci-fi fan so I struggled with this a bit.
Edge of tomorrow was surprisingly good.
Great kids movies with heart - anything by Miyazaki
Miyazaki! Legend! Love all his movies, might be quite obvious by my OZB name I reckon :P
Yeah especially grave of the fireflies, That just made my day so happy. Best to see with the kids
The Great Gatsby
The Great Escape
Great Expectations
The Great Dictator
The Great Race
Lol, pay that.
That's a great list of movies
Great Scott!
Got to be The Big Lebowski dude, or duderino if you prefer. But that's just like, you know, my opinion.
Obviously you're not a golfer.
Totally agree. From there almost any Coen Brothers movie will do:
Gone girl.
Insanely good movie.
Don't read any reviews or synopses before you see it; just go in cold & enjoy the experience! :)
The second half was a bit unrealistic…
Please give us some examples of movies that you like.
Might make it easier for others to suggest films that are similar to your taste.
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
add bruno to that list
Big Momma's House 3
The Machinist, Memento, Fight Club, A Scanner Darkly, No Country for Old Men
More recent: Drag me to hell, Zero theorem, Xmen days of Future past, Godzilla 2014
The Magician (2005) if you can get a copy of it.
How on earth can you recommend all those good films in the first line, then go on to recommend Godzilla 2014?!
It's like saying…
"Hey man, I know you really liked The Godfather - how about you check out Sex in the City?"
To the downvoter:
Did I offend you by making fun of your favorite movie? Do you know that Godzilla 2014 got a bad 67/100 on IMBD, a low aggregated metascore of 62/100 and a really pathetic 48/100 score on metacritic.com? You might want to go on all those sites an give your vote there too.
We're trying to give good suggestions to the OP.
Balance, though I should had said Godzilla "3D" though. Graphics are good, better textures than Transformers 4, I would say. Some of the sequences are some of the best use of 3D I have seen so far. There's a few establishing shots in the first fifteen minutes that looked very nice (the cave, halo jump scene, fight scenes).
Hey I liked transformers 4. Godzilla was boring
A lot of the people who bitched about Godzilla 2014 seem to fall into two categories:
1. Butthurt over a certain (spoiler free) death rather too early in the movie for their tastes; or…
2. Just didn't get it, period! It is very much an homage to the early Toho Godzilla classics; more knowledgable long time Gojira fans will get most of the nods, Michael Bay weaned ADHD kiddies probably will not! ;)
You forgot..
3) Those who appreciate decent film making techniques.
Without the few Cranston sequences at the start it was just horribly made. It was like watching Battleship or Pacific Rim once Cranston disappeared, which are just horribly made cringe fests with a DoP who should be directing CoD cut scenes rather than films.
I find it funny you lambasted Michel Bay films - this was a Michael Bay film just without Michael Bay!
Those who appreciate decent film making techniques.
Pfft, it's a movie about radioactive monsters, WTF were you people expecting, The Godzillafather???
Without the few Cranston sequences at the start it was just horribly made. It was like watching Battleship or Pacific Rim once Cranston disappeared…
I'm sorry to say, but that sounds more like you might fit rather well into category 1.
Pray tell, with all of your moviemaking experience & knowledge, how would you have gone about making a giant monster movie with high production values? Where exactly did they go wrong with Godzilla, aside from apparently the DoP, who surely cannot shoulder all of the so called blame? Maybe a giant Bryan Cranston with a big stick fighting monsters in every scene, ala Dai Nippon Jin???
I don't know why people keep rabbiting on about Cranston's role in this movie; sure, he's a fine actor, but in this context he added little to the story. Cranston was only ever there to capitalise on the BB factor, and most of those kids would neither have a clue or give a stuff about Godzilla…so what if the lowest common denominator didn't appreciate it.
this was a Michael Bay film just without Michael Bay!
Sorry man, but that's just a facile cop-out…tell me the truth, have you been a long time fan of the original Godzilla movies? Did you fully appreciate the throwbacks to Toho's classics of the 50's, 60's, 70's & 80's etc, etc? I suspect the honest answer would be no, but that's cool, it's ok if you don't like it or don't get what they were trying to accomplish…just don't be one of those sheep who jumps on the current hipster bandwagon of rubbishing movies just because it's what the popular kids are doing.
You forgot the other large category - the wgaf about "monster" movies brigade.
"I'm sorry to say, but that sounds more like you might fit rather well into category 1."
Surely you weren't being serious about that, because if you were I would just direct you to the metascore for the film.
"Pray tell, with all of your moviemaking experience & knowledge, how would you have gone about making a giant monster movie with high production values?"
Cloverfield did something twice as good with half the budget with a similar genre.
"Sorry man, but that's just a facile cop-out…tell me the truth, have you been a long time fan of the original Godzilla movies?"
That's hilarious you would say that. It's like saying you have to watch every WW2 movie to appreciate the film making of Saving Private Ryan. Or you would have to watch the original Staw Wars trilogy to appreciate episode 2. Godzilla was like watching episode 2 of Star Wars, it doesn't matter how much you like the genre - it's a bad film.
"just don't be one of those sheep who jumps on the current hipster bandwagon of rubbishing movies just because it's what the popular kids are doing."
Sheep? I didn't watch a single trailer or read a review before watching it. I thought it was pretty cool until the focus shifted to Michael Bay film making.
It was pathetic, the aggregated scores show this, and you just can't deal with it so you start spouting how it was true to some 60's era man in suit film and anyone who doesn't appreciate the back story into the universe about fighting monsters just won't get it.
It's a horrible movie, and recommending it to people is a bad idea.
Crap sorry dude accidental neg. Very good points ;)
Surely you weren't being serious about that…
I was being deadly serious, you sound severely butthurt that Cranston was not in every scene…it sounds like when he left, you took your bat & ball and went home too!
That's hilarious you would say that. It's like saying you have to watch every WW2 movie to appreciate the film making of Saving Private Ryan.
That's a complete oversimplification…we're not talking about a genre here, we're discussing a long running series of movies, very different beast altogether…but if yet another facile argument helps you justify to yourself why you simply didn't get it, that's cool.
I would just direct you to the metascore for the film
It was pathetic, the aggregated scores show this
Seriously mate, it sounds like you're basing your entire argument (and indeed, opinion) on arbitrary numbers in review scores…there's plenty of movies that I consider to be utter rubbish with 8+ ratings on IMDB; and vice-versa. You've provided no actual evidence of your own as to why "It's a horrible movie" other than vague, unsubstantiated references to Michael Bay & supposed shoddy camerawork. How about you back it up yourself, you tell us exactly where they went wrong; not just what somebody else said, but give us an actual rundown of the poor film making techniques used in your opinion (other than a lack of Bryan Cranston).
It's a horrible movie, and recommending it to people is a bad idea.
So you didn't like it, boo hoo…how's about giving other people the credit for the ability to make up their own minds. Nobody's saying it was a freakin masterpiece, but it was enjoyable if you understood the context.
Look, I'm just saying not only did I think it was bad - but that it's blasted from across the board. I've told you why I thought it was bad, I don't need to tell you again. You've told me why you think it's good (that you believe that it was true to previous iterations).
We are all entitled to opinions, but when there's such weight (aggregated 48/100 metascore) behind one opinion, then one opinion should be considered more correct than the other - and that's just what I will leave it on.
We are all entitled to opinions, but when there's such weight (48/100 metascore) behind one opinion, then that's just what I will leave it on.
That's true, but my final thoughts would be sage advice not to let other people do your thinking for you.
@c0balt: I think you're confusing plot with the direction.
There were definitely some weaknesses in the writing of the script for Godzilla, but in terms of production, cinematography, and direction it's a very well made film. I've only heard good things about the direction.
opens popcorn and puts feet on desk
Dude seriously. Stop quoting meta critic is a source of useful information. You obviously forgot the part in life where you should instead form your own opinions. Debating if a movie was good or not with your straw man argument of 'most people didn't like' almost makes me sick. Stop being brainwashed by other people's opinions. Hivemind zombie.
4) I guess people have different taste in movies
You could always download Texas buyers club