If anyone is feeling nostalgic GOG have Total Annihilation + Commander Pack for $1.79 ($2.09 AUD) 70% off.
Cheapest it has ever been according to isthereanydeal.com was $1.49 USD. Currently $1.79 USD is the cheapest I can find at the moment.
This was the game that started my love affair with strategy games and I highly recommend it! 9.3/10 on Gamespot - 4.5/5 Metacritic - Winner of over 57 awards
Commander Pack includes the original Total Annihilation and Battle Tactics / Core Contingency Add-Ons + Manual/Soundtrack/Map Editor
Also a few other deals on with their Weekend Promo - Strategy Special http://www.gog.com/promo/weekend_promo_strategy_supreme_2410…
Amazing game that I wasted many hours playing in my youth. I remember not being able to play some of the larger maps because I didn't have 64MB RAM!!!