• expired

FREE: Flushable Poop Bags


Most dog waste bags available today are made of plastic materials that take days, weeks, months and even years to completely bio-degrade. Our bags are made of eco-friendly, non-toxic PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol), which is a material that dissolves in water. And in water above 60° Celsius, it only takes 2 hours to disappear. And don’t worry… our bags hold your dog’s waste for at least 2 hours without tearing.

Let the jokes begin.

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closed Comments

        • +1


        • Also not to mention flushing gigantic dog turds down your toilet is fairly unhygienic

        • +1

          @robb6014: as opposed to the sterile antiseptic waste that usually comes out of humans?

        • Im going to go ahead and say human poop is safer for humans than dog poop

        • +1

          @robb6014: I've stepped on more dog poop than human poop barefoot, and I am still alive and no damage to my legs. :)

  • +7

    I'm going to order some for my classroom. Now students who need to go to the toilet won't need to miss out on class time.

    • +7

      Teacher of the year

  • +1

    So basically it's a paper bag…

  • +3

    "Our bags are made of eco-friendly, non-toxic PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol), which is a material that dissolves in water".
    This worries me - if I bag up some doggy poop and start to walk home in the rain it could end up in a nasty mess!

    • Some poop is wet by nature though…

      • +3

        Sounds like a fragrance.

        Wet Poop. By Nature.

  • +5

    Hang on a second… how many people have trained their dogs to go in a bag anyway?

    If this takes off we are going to need a new phrase for taking away left over food from a restaurant!

  • +3

    The thought of this product made me throw up a little. Who the hell would want to flush their dog poo?

    • +14

      amen to this. At MINIMUM it should be enamelled and placed on the mantelpiece.

      some just have no respect i guess.

  • +3

    Even if you don't flush these, but put them in the bin, they're a better option than a plastic bag which never breaks down. I'll be buying them if they're good. it is hard to get a truly biodegradable bag from an Australian supplier.

    • +4

      brownbag, ahem! I think you should declare your conflict of interest with this deal.

      However, you do raise a very valid point, if you can't light these bags the prankster market will be decimated.

      • +1

        ChickenTalon ahem, why would there be a conflict of interest? I work in IT and had never heard of this company until today.

        • +1

          Furthermore, they're giving these items away. How could anybody have a conflict of interest?

        • +5

          @brownbag: Whoosh…

        • @brownbag:

          How could anybody have a conflict of interest?

          I didn't know either, until you posted. Govt subsidies are needed urgently to prop up the local brownbag industries!

          guerrilla campaign is needed, involving "product" in traditional brown paper bags.

        • brown bag - geddit?

        • +2


          guerrilla campaign is needed

          I don't think this is suitable for primates…

        • @Tihocan: Yes, I got it last night - I didn't even think about my username. Then again the expression brownbag usually refers to a lunch bag not a poop bag, so the joke isn't too obvious.

        • @ChickenTalon: If you were joking, I finally worked out your joke. But as mentioned to Tihocan, my username refers to a brown bag used to hold lunch, not the after effects of it. So I didn't see the connection.

    • +1

      The bags dissolve in water. If you toss one into the bin and there's liquid it may well breach the bag. What these bags do is put your dogs shit where your own goes - in the toilet and off to where the rest of it goes.

    • The most environmentally fiendly option is just leave the poop on the grass - its a natural fertilizer.

  • +2

    Great, free bin liner!

    • As long as you only have dry rubbish…

  • +1

    2 hours at 60 degrees, ay? What's the temperature of dog poo these days anyway?

    • +3

      Probably the same as it was a long time ago.

  • +1

    don't have a dog. will leave this for others

    • will leave this for others

      If only all dog owners (and their dogs) didn't have that attitude!

  • Any deals on dogs?

  • +14

    Worst Showbag Ever

    • +1

      These might make nice Halloween gift bags for the coming weekend and will certainly elicit the "trick" theme. Stuff them with "goodies" and then hand them out to the little children.

  • +5

    Can I just say a big thank you to the people who do bag their dog's contributions? ;o)
    And a bigger thank you to those who stop their dogs from (continuous) barking.

    I must say, I've never laughed so much at another thread, some very clever & funny comments!!!

  • shouldn't this still go in the tip (rubbish) rather than the sewage (loo)?

  • Nice, I just got a dog. Excellent timing.

  • Can I use these on myself?

    • +1

      Try practicing by squatting over with a small freezer bag first. Good luck ;)

  • +2

    I just throw it over the neighbors fence.

    • Or to make a nice hot steaming pot of stew for your favourite neighbor.

  • +1

    More reason for people to set this in front of people's doors

  • +3

    Only came here for the comments

    • +1

      Who'd thought that talking about poop is so fascinating?

  • hah! awesome..

  • I dont have to worry, i have a Catdog

  • I just sent a sample to my home address with my dog's name haha.
    Mum will surely be amused when she checks the mail and sees the name "benji (surname)" on the parcel!

  • Handy for IBS-D sufferers!

    • I thought incontinence pads would be better for that sort of crap.

  • Incontinence pads… the crap stays with you.
    With these bags you do the business and it's 'in the bag' so to speak.

    • "Crap retention" could be a nice marketing buzzword for incontinence pads. Toddlers like to walk around with soiled pants all day, why can't adults too?

  • I think PVA is the same stuff that PVA glue is made of. That stuff dissolves so I guess that this can.

  • +1

    Your 100th vote for poopular deal. TAnx.

  • Just gotta get my dog to crap in a bag.

    Or… do I…?

    "And in water above 60° Celsius, it only takes 2 hours to disappear."
    When does toilet water get to that temp???

    • When things start getting heated up down there…..

    Disintegration in compost:
    After 3 months’ composting and subsequent sifting through a 2 mm sieve,
    no more than 10% residue may remain, as compared to the original mass.

  • God help us.

    I'll never understand modern man. It must be cabin fever.

  • I think this thread has gone way off topic lol.

    Back on topic though I can't find the link on the site for the free option? The sample pack asks me to pay $2?

    • Top right. "Trial" is $2, "sample" is free.

      • I feel daft here because I still can't see it?

        I see the Trial pack which has the subheading "Order your Sample Pack here" but that's the one which costs $2 with free shipping.

        • lol Looks like the deal's been flushed (expired.)

          Just noticed the trial pack says "2 bags for you to try at home."

  • +2

    Martian sees human cleaning up dog poop, decides dog is the master and human the slave.

    • "Take me to your leasher."

  • $2 postage for 2 sample bags

  • +1

    No more comments?
    I guess everyone must be pooped.

  • I just realised my dog never rubs his body all over his own poo but when it comes to another dog's poo he goes wild. Can't take him off the leash at the park for this matter. A few times I had to come home and bathe him because he resembled a mini mud monster.

    • My dog used to do that when he was younger. that is if he didn't eat it first.
      He has since, thankfully, grown out of those two habits.

  • Received my free samples today. The wallet bag has 20 written on it but enclosed is 2 bags. Probably works out better to purchase degradable bags and throw them away or just buy the poo bags in a plastic roll that clip onto dog lead.

    • Soooo, do the poo bags flush ok?

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