• expired

FREE: Flushable Poop Bags


Most dog waste bags available today are made of plastic materials that take days, weeks, months and even years to completely bio-degrade. Our bags are made of eco-friendly, non-toxic PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol), which is a material that dissolves in water. And in water above 60° Celsius, it only takes 2 hours to disappear. And don’t worry… our bags hold your dog’s waste for at least 2 hours without tearing.

Let the jokes begin.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Yes, i can save some water by using these bags

    • +15

      nah, i wouldn't use the bags to save water. may not last very long in the bags.

      • +7

        Classic chook…

  • +73

    Great for the cinema so you don't miss a moment!

    • +18

      who the hell takes their dog to the cinema…

      • +45

        i think you missed the point… :)

        • +8

          i think you missed the point

          Definitely don't want to do that in the cinema!

        • +4

          @McFly: you have no idea on what he did last time in cinema

        • +4

          i think you pissed the point

      • +5

        I always bring a HOT… DOG

      • +15

        who the hell takes their dog to the cinema…

        jv ?

        • Doesn't help with the stench….. still can smell it…..

      • +10

        The visually impaired?

        • Doesn't help with the stench….. still can smell it…..

        • @Forfiet: that's part of the novelty, being able to stink up the movie for everybody else

        • +3

          @wolfenator87: Some movies don't need help…..

    • +2

      you poop in the bag not the dog. jeebus


  • +12

    who flushes their dog poo ???

    • +7

      Evolved Dogs

      • +3

        Did you mean X-Dogs

        • +2

          Naah, he means the dogs which watch movies….also known as WatchDogs.

  • +1

    oh shit, i just did a poop. Wish i had one of those bags

    • +5

      that's why we bag you

  • +7

    Since when do people flush dog poop in the toilet? The mind boggles over this crap.

    • +11

      I reckon they've branded it wrong. They're trying to push the fact it bio-degrades quickly in water, but there's no reason you can't just put the poo in the bag, then toss it in a bin, knowing you're doing your bit to help the environment :)

      • +7

        Good slogan: Do your bit… after the dog's done theirs!

        • +10

          <"Good slogan: Do your bit… after the dog's done theirs!"

          Or how about "Do your bit… bag that Sh*t!"

    • +9

      Yeah, doesn't seem like a great idea.

      And in water above 60° Celsius, it only takes 2 hours to disappear

      I wonder how long it takes at a lower temperature.

      • +16

        I wonder how long it takes at a lower temperature.

        oh, that takes 50,000 years.

      • +1

        the bag or the poo

    • +6

      It doesn't clog if it actually dissolves.

      And councils can get stuffed. They never listen to their residents why should residents give a damn about what councils think.

      • +2

        We need to be careful with "dissolves", "breaks down", "degradable" etc

        Most of these products simply break down into smaller pieces rather than actually degrading back into the earth, therefore only solving half the problem.

        • +3

          The plastic slurry which eventuates makes its way to the great pacific garbage patch.

      • +2

        Umm, it's more likely to actually clog and backup your pipes in your home. Results? How would you like a backed up toilet…..hmmmmm?

        • +2

          And also having to explain to the plumber…

      • +1

        A family member of mine works in a call centre for a council. You would be surprised by the things people call in with and waste their time with each day.

        • Since government attempts to control every aspect of our lives, they shouldn't be surprised when people act like helpless babies over every ridiculous thing.

    • Who eats fruit stickers though?

  • +1

    You can also buy flushable cat litter !

  • What has red neck and brown hands? Bobby Tightarse!

  • how big are they? Can't see the size….

    • +27

      Depends on the size of your dog, and how much it eats.

    • -1

      Are you suggesting transparent poop bags in the future? WTF?

  • +1

    I think they only send you 1 bag, not 20. They sell a trial pack of 2 bags for $2 delivered so at the most you will get one of these trial packs (but most likely 1 bag!) Maybe when you use it, empty it out into the toilet, turn it inside out and use it again….

    • From where I come from the bag is protecting the outside from the inside, not the other way around

  • -2

    It's a "FREE: Flushable Poop Bag"… Singular
    Of course there's no mention of volume, so one bag may be adequate for any given forum.

    • +4

      pfffft we're on OzB here. Simply empty, rinse (this part is important with these bags) and re-use.


      Don't forget to let us all know how you get on.

      • bag will dissolve in water

        • +9

          Wipe out the bag with your hanky.

  • +4

    As a free alternative…pick up council supplied free poop bags near the dog parks…pick up poop….discard in bin. :\

  • +1

    sounds full of sh1t to me

  • +5

    I prefer to shit straight into the bowl. But this is great for those who do like shitting in bags.

    • +5

      Better than bowling straight into a shit! And this bag will help stop that happening, too. 4 Stars, David.

      • +4

        I felt like more could have been done with the visuals on the bag, perhaps the art director could have hinted at the trapped contents through angst? and for me I could focus on little else. Three and a half for me, Margaret

        • +2

          "I especially enjoyed the promotional poster on their web site juxtaposing an iPhone with a bag of canine excreta."
          Bill Collins

        • @McFly: excreta still sexier than the iPhone.

        • +1

          @wolfenator87: Yeah, not really a fair comparison is it? It's like comparing Apples with…

    • I preferring shitting into a chicken talon; is that a dish of sorts?

  • Welp the price is right, jokes aside happy to try the free sample; hopefully more than just the one bag hah!

  • Error establishing a database connection: I think the site has been ozbargained already!

    • +1

      Already!? I guess us OzB'ers have gone to it like a fly to (a bag of dog) poo.

  • -4

    Flushing things down your toilet that dont belong in your pipes is a great way to lose money.

    Have you ever heard of a cheap plumber?

    What do Sydney water say about things like this?, oh yea, dont Flush things down your toilet that dont belong in your pipes!

    • I call bullshit on this one, unless of course you have a bull that's trained to use the toilet.

      • +3

        You're gonna need a bigger bag…

    • You mean the large pipes we have inside our body? Or our house drainage pipes? Am a bit confused here, because they claim the bags dissolve in water…

    • +8

      Cheap plumber is an oxymoron.

    • These things do belong in the toilet - that's the idea of them.

  • +1

    What the hell? This is our drinking water!!

    • +3

      not anymore!


      we are on OzB…. a few cents saved is a few cents saved

    • Now you're getting dogs and humans confused with drinking from the toilet(?)

  • Soon this will be ozbargained, as so many people like things they won't need.

    • +7

      No one knew they needed it until it was available for free.

      • +4

        Yeah, can't wait to get mine… any deals for free dogs?

        • +3

          I find a week from Valentines is the perfect time to pick up dogs really cheap or free. All those lovers buying a puppy for their valentine because their cute looks impress them. And when they realize the cute little things also poop every where…. not let them sleep through out the night and nibble on things…they realize they are not cute any more….and mass Gumtree ads ensue.

          I seriously feel they should make purchasing pets have a mandatory waiting list. Put in your expression of interest. Lets figure out if you still want one after a month…or did your momentary fad of having a puppy has now moved on to other interests. :|

          /end rant.

        • +1


          And when they realize the cute little things also poop every where…. not let them sleep through out the night and nibble on things

          I'm sure there are people who pay lots of money for that kind of thing!

        • @shadowarrior: I agree, Sir.

        • +1


          And when they realize the cute little things also poop every where…. not let them sleep through out the night and nibble on things

          I'm sure there are people who pay lots of money for that kind of thing!

          Those people are called parents… ;)

  • This is a terrible idea - showed some plumber mates and they said go ahead and use them if you would like to be charged $1000's to unblock your sewer.

    • +2

      So, a great idea if you're a plumber :)

    • -1

      Repeat after me.
      Dissolve: (verb) (with reference to a solid) become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution.

      • +2

        I think their point is that going from their lifetime experience off pulling things out of sh1tholes the often quoted product to "dissolve" certainly doesn't.

        • +1


        • Also not to mention flushing gigantic dog turds down your toilet is fairly unhygienic

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