Now even better price on XB1 Controller :)
SONY 55" FHD 3D Smart LED TV KDL55W800B $1195 Delivered After code
Panasonic 60" (152cm) Full High Definition LED TV TH-60A430 $1103 Delivered After code
Xbox One wireless Controller $51.50 Pick Up After code
SONY 50" (127cm) FHD Smart LED TV KDL50W700B $919 Delivered After code
Seagate Expansion 4TB $173.90 After Code
CANON MG6460BK Multifunction Printer $80.90 After code
XB1 Wireless Control $51.50, SONY 55" FHD 3D SMART TV $1195, Panasonic 60" FHD LED TV $1103 @DSE

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closed Comments
Who cares, it's a discount? Maybe 14% is 4 more % than 10%?
As long as they don't go broke offering it and you save money. Good times.
I care, obviously. I wouldn't have posted otherwise.
Actually, it's more curiosity than anything. At the end of the day, all these variations in discounting tactics tend to all end up at the same price.
Not if your smart. You have to look for deals already on special like the ones above.
Yes - of course (hence the use of the word 'tend'). It's great that you post them, and that there are genuine deals with some of them - but the choice of 1 to 2 % lower (or 4 % higher as the case may be) is still intriguing. The only explanation I can see is as stated that they want to keep a dollar or two more.
Xbox One controller will work under Windows, cabled ONLY - not wirelessly at this point in time.
thats good price for kdl55w800b. bought this for 1250 few weeks back and it's a great tv. the only issue i have is the options/guide/menu seems to be real slow to open. it's not an issue for me because i run everything through my htpc but could be an issue for some
This same model KDL55W800B was on special on weekend at JB Hifi Stockland Mall, Merrylands for $ 1098 and 50" for $ 998.
There was talk on Ozbargain of Good Guys in-store selling the 55" Sony for $1130. I dont know if that deal has expired.
No. It's on special Now for $1339 @ The GG. Previous cheapest price on this tv was $1296 from JB
still waiting for discounted PS4 controllers… any news guys?
Nah they aren't on special this week. Target has them for $69 I think
yeah. think i have to wait for a few more weeks to be around 59 mark..
I'm also in the same boat. Really could do with another controller for co-op gaming… :(
@Tyrus: Seems hard to find it at that price these days given they list them at $79.98.
Even at 20% off, it still doesn't seem like much of a deal :(
KDL55W800B is an awesome price!!!
I've got the 50" W800B and it's a fantastic TV. Make sure you turn off the 'search' feature of the guide so it doesn't slow it down whilst it grabs program info from the internet.
My review on the TV is here…XB1 Controller out of stock?
They will send stock as soon as it arrives. You can still purchase
What's with all these non-standard percentages? Yesterday it was 14% off Apple (not 15%), today it's 8% (although I'm sure 8% has been used before). Is it an attempt to grab an extra $1.00 or $2.00 from us all?