• expired

AmEx Statement Credits (Dan Murphy's, MWave) - AmEx Issued Cards Only


Various statement credits if you log into American Express and save the offers under the 'Offers & Places' tab to your card.

Spend $50 3 times, get $50 credit
Register by saving the offer to Card and spend $50 or more in three separate transactions, in-store or online at Dan Murphy's, before 31 December 2014 to receive one $50 statement credit. Limited to the first 15,000 Cards to register.

Spend $100, get $15 one time
Register by saving the offer to Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online at mwave.com.au before 17/11/14 to receive one $15 statement credit. Limited to the first 5,000 Cards to register.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +24

    Don't forget Dan Murphys sell WISH gift cards in-store (which have worked for past AMEX offers even though the terms always exclude gift cards)

    • +4

      indeed, that's what I usually do for amex sales, bar the online ones
      lucky we have 2 months, cause I have 200 dollars of gift cards from the dse one already! lol

    • +1

      Agree. Worked for me last time. Too bad I don't have an Amex issued CC.

    • -2

      i believe it will work as the terms and conditions kind of suggest that purchases made with gift cards will be excluded rather than purchase of gift cards is excluded

      • -2

        Gift Card purchases and purchases made through concession stores in department stores; online aggregators such as PayPal or other retailers are excluded.

        That's from T&Cs and it seems like it is excluded.

        • +5

          Yes but they can't tell what you bought.

        • @wxyz234: Good one.

  • I've registered thanx.
    But how do I know I am one of those "first 15,000 to register"

    • +3

      I suppose if you can save it to the card, that means you are the first 15,000 to register.

    • +3

      If you successfully save the offer than you are within the limit.

  • Also received this offer:

    Spend $60 or more, get $20 credit
    Register by saving the offer to Card and spend $60 or more via direct debit with Telstra before 30/11/14 to receive one $20 statement credit. Limited to the first 4,000 Cards to register. Offer limited to new customers only.
    Please read the Offer Terms

  • +3

    Which Dan Murphy sells wish gift card in Sydney?

  • +1

    When it says "before 31/11/14 or 17/11/14", does it mean inclusive of 31 or 17 Nov?

  • I cancel my amex issued card and all these awesome deals come out :(

  • +8

    Thanks OP, easiest $100 ever. 6 x $50 gift cards for $200. The store only sold the Dan Murphys gift card but it can be used at the same stores as the wish card.

    • Sorry. Did you say dan murphy gift cards accepted at woolworths and big w?

      • +1

        They are wish gift cards I believe, so would be accepted at Woolies and Big W.

        • +1

          Yep. And Masters gift cards are also WISH gift cards that can be used at all WW group stores. I'd guess all gift cards for a WW group business is secretly a WISH gift card underneath.

        • @PBG: not really. My masters gift card is not accepted at the caltex woolworths service station.

        • +2

          @wtfnodeal: Please see here https://everydaygiftcards.com.au/. The store gift cards have exactly the same participating stores as the wish card

        • +1


          Others have used Masters gift cards at Caltex Woolworths petrol stations.

          Maybe your service station checkout attendant was having a bad day?

        • @PBG: Nah. I swiped and an error message came out. I pulled out my WISH card then it went through just fine. I don't know if I should take the risk of having $150 Dan Murphy gift cards if couldn't use them at any other stores and I'm not alcoholic.

        • @wtfnodeal: I used mine to fill petrol after Dans and it worked fine. You may have had a once of glitch. They work and they are advertised to work.

        • @wtfnodeal:

          Buy $50 as a test if it doesn't work you can gift it or hock it on fleabay.

    • How do you get $100? Can you get the credit twice? I thought only once.

      • +3

        2 registered AMEX cards

    • @ unity1

      The terms and conditions exclude gift cards.

      If you get the $50 credit, let us know


      • +3

        @EC I received the confirmation email from Amex immediately after the third transaction. Look at the first 3 comments too.

    • You must have been popular at the till, putting through 6 separate transactions!

      • No one else was in the shop.

    • @unity1, have you tried to use your Dan Murphys gift cards in woolies? My husband and I don't drink at all… I don't want to buy $150 worth of Dan Murphys gift cards and find out I only can use them in Dan Murphys.

      • +3

        Not yet, but used it at the petrol station on my way home from Dans. It is essentially a Wish card that is branded Dan Murphy, it will work at all places that a wish card would. See this link and look at the participating stores under Store Gift Cards https://everydaygiftcards.com.au/. It even says valid for purchases across the entire Woolworths group.

        • WOW, thanks so much for the explanation :) I can see it now. I didn't click the link of 'Participating stores' under Store Gift Cards before, so didn't see the words. Thanks again :) I'm going to buy some. hahah~~~

    • Please let us know when you have use the DM gift card at Woolies, thanks.
      I've heard that Dick Smith gift card cannot be use at Woolies, but don't know about DM gift card.

      • +1

        Dick Smith is not part of the Woolworths group anymore - that's why

  • +8

    FYI: With the MWAVE statement credit, be aware that of the $15 you get back you will pay at least $2 in Amex surcharge on your transaction, so really only $13 off.

    • +1 to above, MWave - although they are not a backstreet garage-based hardware store - but can sometimes be very dodgy. They once refused to let me pick up a headphone which I bought off their web site advertised to be on special saying it was a price error. Never going back there probably.

  • I can't see this 'Offers and Places' tab you speak of. Is it because I have a velocity Amex card?

    • +1

      You need to be logged into americanexpress.com

      If you can see your latest transactions at the bottom of the page you will see two tabs next which has Offers and Places and the next tab is card benefits.

      I have the same card as you and it is definitely there for me.

  • I don't get this. I have held an AMEX issue Platinum card for decades. I keep on seeing these credit offers here but when I go to "register" be buggered if I can see the offer. The Dan Murphy offer here would work for me, so I am now agitated enough to pay someone out at the AMEX call centre ;-)—

    UPDATE: Fixed. The nice lady at AMEX sorted me out, all without implying I was some sort of idiot :-)

    • im still dealing with them to get these deals too!

  • OK, so I have a bank issued AMEX, but I'd like to get an AMEX issued card to take advantage of these deals! any fee-free one?

    • +3

      The Amex issued Velocity card is what I have and fee free. This gives you velocity points as well if you are signed up as a velocity member.

      • Thanks!

    • +4

      Or the Qantas Discovery card. Same card, different airline.

    • Forget fee free - get the gold with companion platinum edge. Cost you $210 per year but comes with free return flight each year (virgin economy) - depending on your home town this should cover the cost of the annual fee (if you travel) - for us in Perth the flights are to east coast so its a no-brainer. Have a look at Keiths info at pointhacks.com.au (no, i'm not affiliated)


    •Offer only applies to spend on this Card. It does not apply to spend on any supplementary Cards on this account or any other American Express Cards you might hold. Supplementary Cards qualify as an Eligible Card only if the Card is saved for the offer separately.
    •Card Members must register by saving this offer to this Card and spend $50 or more on their registered Card in-store or online at Dan Murphy's, in three separate transactions, between 14/10/14 and 31/12/14 to receive one $50 statement credit.
    •Participation is limited to the first 15,000 Cards to register, and the offer is limited to one statement credit per registered card.
    •Gift Card purchases and purchases made through concession stores in department stores; online aggregators such as PayPal or other retailers are excluded.
    •Statement credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
    •Statement credit is normally issued within 5 business days of the eligible spend, but may take up to 8 weeks to appear in your account.
    •Statement credit may not be applied to your Card Account if it has been suspended or cancelled and may be reversed if qualifying purchase is returned or cancelled.

    Full terms and conditions available here

    • How would they know that you bought a gift card? As far as I know payment processors only know where you bought some goods or services, not exactly what.

  • thanks..

  • +2

    Just got an email from Everyday rewards - Spend $50 each week for 3 weeks and get a $50 gift card..
    Wonder if I can combine these 2 deals - Spend $50 each week for 3 weeks with my Amex while using the everyday rewards card too and get a $50 gift card and a $50 credit !!

    • +3

      Well, it'd only work if you buy WISH cards from Dan Murphy's, then spend $50 each week (WISH cards or otherwise), then you'd have received $100 off.

    • +2

      Lucky. Mine was spend $100 each week and get $30.

      • mine was terrible…spend $250 x 3 for $75.

        back to coles and flybuys…Woolies need to miss me a bit and give me more attractive offers

      • So was mine. It sucks that they are all different. The more you shop there the worse your deal. :(

    • I also got the same offer. Can we buy $50*3 wish gift cards from DM then spent on Opal recharge using the wish gift cards in WW to receive the $50 cash card?

  • Oh crap cant see this offer on CPA Gold Credit Card :(

    Mostly I received offer, but not this one…..

    • I have the same CPA Gold Amex Card and I just saved the offer to my card. You may wanna take another look at it.

  • Strange I can see a Telstra and Optus offer but no Dans?

    I've got a Amex issued Business Accelerator card which I understood was an upgrade from platnium. Maybe not me thinks.

    Oh well, the Woolworths one the other worked fine!

  • +1

    Works fine for CPA platinum edge.

    Also I noticed these others I didn’t see before, apologies if already mentioned:

    $20 credit
    Spend $60 or more, get $20 credit

    $20 credit
    Spend $60 or more, get $20 credit

    Seems a pretty good deal, 33.3% off.

    $20 credit
    Spend $100 or more, get $20 credit

  • There are currently no new offers available for this Card. ??

    • +1

      time to get a new card!

      • Does it not work on supplementary CPA AMEX card? Used to always work.

  • raid the gift cards!!

  • Registered 2 AMEX issued cards, CPA and OAA, yeah :)

  • +1

    I wonder how many CPA is ozbargainer….lol

  • AmEx Issued Cards Only got one with visa card from NAB i cannot used it?

  • Huh? I must be missing something. When I click on 'Go To Deal' above, it takes me to AMEX home page, but I can't see where to register? Can anyone explain? Thanks

    • +1

      You need to login to your account and go to offer and places and save the deal to card

  • +2

    I have just received an email with an invitation for a Bank issued card to participate in the Dan Murphy's deal.

  • Got the offer on my ANZ issued amex yaay

  • so how exactly does this one work? it says purchasing gift cards is excluded?

    also i cant register my card on the amex website (nab platinum velocity amex) however can register (enrol) to offers if hyperlinked… lol

    • -1

      This deal is for Amex issued cards only. Your card is NAB issued.

      While T&Cs state the requirements, sometimes testing reveals a different implementation.

      • so if i get the email saying thank you for enrolling, why wouldnt it work ?

        Eligible Cards

        Only American Express Cards issued by American Express Australia Limited or by the following licensed network partners are Eligible Cards:

        • National Australia Bank Limited;
        • Westpac Banking Corporation;
        • Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ);
        • Commonwealth Bank of Australia;

        • It will work for you, because you enrolled after using the hyperlink for the Bank issued cards

  • Called my local Dan Murphy, was advised they don't sell the Wish gift card in-store (no Brisbane store sells the Wish gift card)

    Can you body from Brisbane please confirm this?

    • +4

      their DM branded gift card is essentially a WISH gift card.

      i used mine at Masters in-store and online.

  • Ok, i bought 2 x $50 gift cards in store yesterday (separate transactions of course!), and a carton of cider online late last night, and i have not gotten my email to say I qualified for the statement credit… how long is it taking people to get the email?

    • got the email pretty much immediately after the 3 $50 purchases were made. you did save the offer to your card first, right?

    • I'm assuming the carton of cider was more than $50 and that you had definitely registered that card?

      In the past when I have not had the email (which usually comes in 5 minutes of the last relevant purchase) that a quick email to them fixes it up quite quickly.

      • yes cider was over $50, and yes i had registered the card. (i got the email to say thanks for registering - now just spend $50 in 3 separate transactions before December 31st) I just checked my cc statement online, and the 2 transactions from yesterday are not there - but the online transaction is. I have checked my receipts from my in store purchases and i absolutely paid with amex for both. I have checked the balance of my gift cards and they both have $50 credit.
        I dare say its because my 2 transactions from yesterday are not listed on my statement (even though all of my other shopping from yesterday is)

        • +2

          Don't stress - the email doesn't always happen, and, even if you don't get the credit, all you need to do is let Amex know, and they'll credit you ASAP.

  • How long does it take to get the credit? I got email confirming the registration but after making 3 purchases, I did not get any email. It has been two days now and it still not showing up in my card account

    • Have all the purchases appeared on you transaction list? If so, let them know…

      • Yes it does - dated on the 20th. Will give them a call

        • Did you end up getting the credit, Tukulzz?

  • I bought 3x $50 gift cards on the 18th, received email instantly, and the $50 credit appeared on the statement today 22/10 - but transaction date was the 19th.

  • bought my gift cards on the 17th, got my statement credit on the 21st. quick :)

  • Bought 3 gift cards today (sep transactions) and no email yet…

    • I bought 3 gift cards (seperate transactions) on 20/10 and received no email. But on 23/10 the $50 credit showed in my amex account.

      If you successfully saved the offer to your card I think you will be fine. Give it a few days.

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