Today I went into JB they said my 20% discount voucher was invalid. I only signed up with the JB Now service yesterday.
JB Hi-Fi - Voucher Expired?

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Has any have the same problem ?
What did you try to buy? pretty sure there are some exclusions
did they scan it or just look at it and say it was expired?
The same thing happened to me today. I bought a game and a blu ray and they scanned the coupon but said it was expired so I paid full price. They asked for my email address though so you probably could still get it. I didn't sign up, just took the voucher from here.
JB vouchers usually take a day or so for their system to update before you can use it. Just try again tomorrow with the voucher and you should be fine.
It's not a unique voucher, it's the same voucher everyone has used for the past 4 weeks or so.
I signed up to JB Hi-Fi NOW today using my mobile number and e-mail address and got the voucher sent to me via e-mail instantly. I had not signed up before. I went to JB, got Super Smash Bros 3DS and went to the counter. I asked for a price match then to use the voucher. The woman behind the counter was happy to do this but before she could proceed the other sales assistant told her not to as you can only choose one or the other (price match or voucher). The voucher would effectively become an 11.76% OFF voucher (not the real calculation lol) so I decided to use the voucher as it would still be cheaper than price matching. I used gift cards and when she was telling me the total and giving me a receipt she had completely forgotten to use the voucher!
When I told her she had to undo the transaction, plonk the credit onto a new gift card and keep the remaining credit on my last one (odd amounts each). The shop had already closed by this point. The woman then scanned my voucher to do it properly and told me it was expired so I bought it full price instead using cash because everyone wanted to get out of there hastily. I'm not sure why I rewarded them with their terrible service (the company, not the assistant).
EDIT: Fork it! I shall take it back tomorrow for a refund. I don't even want it anymore.
I've read on JB's facebook the voucher should still be working.…If anyone wants to use it you can follow it up with them.
Pretty dodgy that the Social Media coordinator doesn't reply to comments as the actual page-instead as herself. It's soooo easy to do that as a page owner myself.
Mine (I signed up for JB Now but my voucher had same barcode as the one posted was also expired when I went to use it today.
I waited around for a while while they tried to check it out and eventually they processed the 20% discount manually.
whats the question?