Samsung washing machine stopped working after 10 months - no receipt

Hey everyone

During the Boxing Day sales I bought a 7.5kg samsung washing machine from masters for about $550 through click and collect. When I got there they mistakenly gave me a 8.5kg top loader instead worth around $850 which I didn't realise until the missus told me after setting it up. Thinking I've scored a bargain due to the incompetence of masters staff. Now 10 months later it's stopped working and after a $120 call out discovered two communication motherboards have gone and will cost around $550 to repair. Obviously this is still in warranty however due to receiving a different machine the receipt doesn't match the one that has stopped working. Being a woolworths employee I'm reluctant to take it back to masters and demand they fix it as they could consider this theft despite it being their mistake. Anyone have ideas on what I should do because obviously I don't want to buy another washing machine. Thanks for any ideas

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  • The repair is done by Samsung authorised repairer. You ring the number, book the repair by given them
    the purchase date, retailer information from the original receipt; and the serial number and machine
    details of what you got at home.

    They will send technician to fix it, most of time not even require to see the receipt at all.

    Speaking of the experience on having Samsung products fixed twice.

    Worst outcome, no repair.

    • The serial number is probably reported as lost good in their records dun u think?

      • +1

        How the hell would anybody here know that??? Maybe it's turned into a winning lottery number??? Maybe if somebody dials that number, God will answer???

        Seriously, talk about plucking things out of your arse…

        • No, the possibility that Masters reported the lost machine's serial number to Samsung… Dun u think?

          And OP is a WW employee, is it worth risking losing his job for just few hundred bucks. I am saying no, but we all have different opinions

        • @dtrang: How do you know that the machine's serial number was ever lost…maybe it's allocated to the very same pickup order that the OP collected…maybe it's been assigned to a pony, or a unicorn???

          I have no idea what's been done with the serial number, but neither do you; we're both speculating…the difference is that I know the limitations of just making shit up!

  • +1

    Ok, seriously. Just take it back to Masters, say you bought it on boxingday. Show them the credit card transaction. They will be able to find the sale. You don't need to tell them anything until they bring it up. The retailed made a mistake by shipping you the wrong product, don't forget that. They will most likely want to fix the mistake that was initially made. Just act as dumb as possible and you will be fine.

    • -1

      2 wrongs don't make a right. lol.

      • +1

        But the even older adage "2 wrongs fix a washing machine" applies here I think.

  • The fact that he's a Woolies employee may complicate this. Imagine how quickly Woolies or Masters would go out of business if Wayne from shipping "accidentally" keeps shipping the "wrong" item to his mates Dwayne and Shane.

    OP should have raised the error at the time - and - he probably wouldn't have been allowed to keep it.

  • +3

    you can claim warranty by Samsung Austarlia.As samsung will verify warranty by part /serial number.

    1- Call to CS SAMSUNG AUS
    2- BOOK appointment for your washing machine by providing serial number
    3- Visit them as per your appointment day/date
    4- They will receive that machine and after fixing they will call you back to pick up.


  • +5


    Where are you man, Long time no updates? What happened to the story ? Did Masters / Samsung fix it or not ? What happened ?

    Long time no c….

    Put an end to this story buddy.

    • +6

      He was arrested

    • OP never delivers.

  • he currently deal with his karma, no time for ozbargain

  • +2


    1. People (some) are so f** self righteous. Seriously, he got a 'free' upgrade from one of Australia's largest corporations and not due to anything dodgy on his part to begin with. What's the big deal?

    2. This is a non-event and no need to ask for opinions from a bunch of (some) uptight people. As indicated, they track these things via serial# so receipt not necessary.

    3. I'm actually surprised you actually paid someone first to have a look at it. Straight off to a warranty claim.

    • I'm actually surprised you actually paid someone first to have a look at it.

      Yep, I'm still scratching my head over that one too…

    • What if he had received a 'downgrade' model? Would he have kept it?

      • Well, since that never happened, we'll never know…will we???

      • No, he would have made a post -re getting ripped off by them…

  • I would just learn from the experience and move on. I would keep at Samsung to repair device, without getting WW/Masters involved.

    If you make a big enough deal out of it, you may just end up having a nice big black mark on your HR record.

    I don't think anyone is going to call the cops over this, but if HR gets involved and decide to play hard ball, it won't work out very well for him.

    Whichever way you look at it, it was dishonest to keep it. As an employee you should have reported the mistake.

    If had reported the mistake a day or two after receiving it, having used it for a few washes, chances are they would have let him keep it, as a 2nd hand machine would have been much harder for them to sell.

  • So let me get this straight. Eg i buy an xbox 360 4gb today. In a months time i ask for my (another console) xbox 360 320gb needs repair and claim that they gave the wrong model. Hmmm. Not saying that op is dishonest, but how can masters verify that you did infact receive the right model and trying to get a mates washing machine fixed.

    • That's what I've been saying.

      Aside from the model and serial numbers, OP has a receipt for a front-loader but possession of a top-loader.

      And everyone seems to be conveniently side-stepping that one.

      • +2

        Can you point out for me where exactly the OP said they paid for a front loader? I seemed to have missed something.

        • No, you didn't miss anything…that's just the usual OzBargain long bow being drawn to fill in the gaps where facts don't exist… ;)

        • Yeah I filled it in. Didn't know Sammy made a 7.5 top loader.
          This sentence:

          a 7.5kg samsung washing machine from masters for about $550

          aligns with recent pricing of their front-loader.

          Then this:

          they mistakenly gave me a 8.5kg top loader instead

          doesn't mean "they gave me a top-loader instead of a front-loader" but that's how I interpreted it.

          Why else would he bother specifying "top loader"? We may never know, as last I checked the OP was M.I.A.

  • +3

    Crikey the solution is so simple.

    Plead ignorance, you bought a washer, they gave you one, you installed it and walked away.

    10 months later it broke, please fix it under warranty.

    Seriously what normal person checks things like that? No-one does except cluey people like OzBargainers.

    • +2

      yeah exactly. I'm constantly amazed at how much people overcomplicate their lives.

      • +1

        Amen to that, these guys take the fine art of overthinking trivial matters to the nth degree.

  • +3

    I dont want to keep reading all the naysayers, will you update the thread on how you get it sorted when its fixed or not fixed :)


    1. call masters
    2. say you didn't know
    3. get mad angry
  • You are doing it wrong. Ring them and tell them they stuffed up and gave you the wrong model, it is their fault!

    Don't worry about mentioning it's broken.

    • 10 months after??? lol

      • +4

        Yep, while you are it demand compensation for the extra water, power and detergent for the pass 8 months!

        • Also demand them for compensation for emotional stress due to the extra water, power and detergent!

  • +2

    Sorry for late reply but was in Bali, did get cheap flights but not $198 like posted yesterday. Made numerous phone calls to masters but never spoke to anyone who knew in the slightest what they were doing. Rang samaung, quoted serial number and machine will be fixed on Monday under warranty. My lesson learnt is to not rely on masters in any aspect whatsoever and to thoroughly check goods before receiving or take the missus to check

  • Hi OP. What happened. Did they fix it.

    • Samsung top-loader washing machine. OPs house probably burnt down, has bigger issues now.

      • I hope not. Samsung are dealing with this recall in a terrible way. Customers are getting no support from them. I really hope no lives get lost due to this washing machine drama.

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