This was posted 10 years 5 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free XCOM: Enemy Unknown (PC) for Voting in The Golden Joystick 2014 Awards

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Details are in the link provided.

Some new Info:
All voters (including existing voters) will be able to claim their free copy once voting has ended.
Voters will be directed to the free game giveaway site and from the 23rd 15th of October using the email address you voted with, you will need to sign-up to Playfire (and link to Steam) in order to receive a verification email and game code.
The offer is "while stock lasts" and you'll have to be over 18 to claim.

EDIT* Just got an email with instructions to redeem my key. It does say stocks are limited good luck!

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closed Comments

  • +9

    My game of the year for free, what a bargain. 80hrs played, 300hrs+ for this and Enemy Within combined!

    Do yourself a favour and try this great game if you have not yet!

    • It released in 2012 for what it's worth ;)

      But yeah, this deal worked last year with a free Steam key of Civ 5 for voting so nice to see another quality game.

    • +1

      just got the email for the game now, need to make another account and then log into steam

      Thanks for taking part!
      Please keep an eye on your inbox - we’ll be sending your free game key soon. This can take around 24hrs. And remember, play XCOM: Enemy Unknown, unlock the achievement ‘And So It Begins’ and you’ll receive an 80% off voucher for XCOM: Enemy Within!
      Good luck, Commander

  • I think I did something wrong. I voted and am in the drawer to win an iPad - no mention of xcom at the end of voting.

    FYI - Awesome game.

    • +6

      I think you only get the game once voting has ended.…

      • Thx Sujan.

      • +3

        I wonder if we'll get an email or if I'll have to keep an eye on the website for voting to close to hit a 'redeem now' button. In other news, those were some pretty awful nominations.

    • +9

      You definitely did something wrong if you managed to end up in a drawer.

      • Your picture makes every comment you say beautiful.

    • Aw you guys beat me to it

  • +1

    Yeh I can't see the option to get Xvom, just something about an iPad.

    • same here.

  • +2

    Says they will say how to claim soon in the above link, but generally GMG have been pretty good, so I can see this probably being legit

    "Voters will be able to claim their free copy of XCOM: Enemy Unknown while stocks last. We'll post again very soon on how you can claim your free game but you can prepare in the first instance by voting in the Golden Joysticks - just follow the rather large 'Vote now' link below. As part of the process you will be asked to connect your Steam and Playfire profiles so you need to have a valid Steam account to participate and become part of Playfire Rewards to be eligible for a free copy of the game!"

    • +2

      I created an account in CVG for the vote but nowhere can I find to link my Steam account.

      • im the same as well. i cant find it/

        edit: (from site):

        you will need to sign-up to Playfire (and link to Steam) in order to receive a verification email and game code.

  • 'Games will be given to verified voters whilst stocks last. Voters have to be 18+' - Not 100% sure what this means but just in case, it might be worth ensuring your account is verified by entering the code they send to your email.

  • +2

    Don't know most of the games there but still voted and wanted the freebie :)

    • +1

      Received the notification :)

  • Is this the original one or the new one?

    • +2

      Would be funny if its the original one. You could probably just google and download it from some abandonware site.

      • +1

        Good old games is where to find them, games from 1990's

        • GOG is nice if you want the extra stuff that comes with their games i.e. manuals, wallpapers, artwork, soundtracks, compatibility patches but if all you want is the game then an abandonware site would have it for free. Think of GOG as some sweet DLC you can get to enhance your gaming experience even if it doesn't change the game in a meaningful way (except for the compatibility fixes they do)

  • +2

    How is DayZ even shortlisted when it is still in "alpha"…

    Anyway, there are more details about the deal here :)…

  • -5

    WARNING: The join-up/ voting process is drawn out, time-consuming and tedious, and you don't get the free game until 23oct2014. Which is crap.

    • +1

      Yup. And you need to sign-up to some other gaming service too.

      Conditions, which should've been stated in OP:
      But please note: you won't be able to claim your game until October 23. So don't try.

      Before you head off and cast your votes, here are the super important bullet points:

      All voters (including existing voters) will be able to claim their free copy once voting has ended.

      Voters will be directed to the free game giveaway site and from the 23rd of October using the email address you voted with, you will need to sign-up to Playfire (and link to Steam) in order to receive a verification email and game code.

      The offer is "while stock lasts" and you'll have to be over 18 to claim.

    • +4

      People fill out tedious forms free a couple dabs of free lotions, colognes , paper clips and pens.

      I'd like to think a little extra work is worth a decent free PC game…

      • +4

        Damn, I missed the free paper clip deal. Link?

      • +1

        "People fill out tedious forms free a couple dabs of free lotions, colognes , paper clips and pens."

        This is not just one form marjory, it's a drawn out process, involving voting (or actively individually skipping) in over ten categories, each of which takes about a minute, then messing around some more including logging in to face-book or twitter, then signing up to "play—fire", and as mentioned above, even after all that you don't get the game now, you get it on October 23rd, via some other process involving emails, a key, and Steam.

        A bit more that one form, yes?

        The OP didn't mention any of the above in their (scant) post, but did manage to include their referral link.

        So I negged it, as I'm assuming, did Utopia. Due to a flawed system though, these entirely justified negs get revoked; apparently if enough people pos something, no one else is allowed to neg it? What sort of laughable, broken system is that?

        • Actually, your neg was removed because it was voted down by 5 or more people. It has nothing to do with how many positive votes the deal has.

        • @donga100:
          LOL, really? Only 5 required? So just five people have the power to stop another from negging, if they happen to disagree with that person? What a ludicrous system. Obviously then, in future I will write a neutral comment, something like "Has anyone played this?", then neg.
          Am I right in assuming that only the comment made immediately before the neg is entered is actually associated with the neg? I.e., I could post a neutral comment, then neg, then post a scathing comment that would not cause the neg to be revoked, no matter how many negs that comment itself subsequently received?

        • +1

          @GnarlyKnuckles: I believe the reason why your comment received negative votes was because it was attached to a negative vote of this deal, rather than because of the information you provided. You can see that others have made similar/identical comments without receiving negative votes.

          Whilst I agree with you that the information should have been in the description and it makes the deal less attractive, I don't think it was enough of a reason to neg the deal. See voting guidelines.

          For this reason, a neutral comment wouldn't have helped you and would have likely been revoked even faster.

        • To answer your final question, if any of your comments were to receive 5 negative votes it would revoke your neg of the deal.

        • @donga100:
          Thanks donga. How do you know all this stuff? I did attempt to find the info on the site somewhere, to no avail…
          Also, re your assertion about the "neutral comment", I can't see how this would cause the neg to be revoked, cause there is no way to actually tell who's negged a deal is there? Or is it indicated somewhere?

        • +1

          @GnarlyKnuckles: You can see who has neg voted the deal as a red - appears next to their name. For example.

          If you make a neutral comment and then neg vote the deal it would soon be revoked as you haven't given a valid reason for your neg.

          I've basically just learnt through trial and error. :)

  • +3

    This sign up / voting process is seriously a massive hassle. I think it's also confusing as there's no actual button to link up your Steam Account or even PlayFire Account. Need to wait this one out.

    • -1

      WELL SAID DAOtmc. Funny how many negs my comment to this effect above attracted, given that I was just pointing out that the OP should have mentioned that acquiring the game was a drawn out time-consuming process (as indicated by numerous comments above), and the game would not be received until 23oct2014.
      I was saying that the OP should have posted some meaningful/useful information, which would have actually helped peeps/saved them some time, rather than just posting their own referrers link, in an effort help themselves.
      I suppose this OP has a bunch of little friends (or aliases), who all "neg together"! Why else would there be a load of complaints about the voting process/etc. above, yet my comment to that effect ends up with a net of 7 negs?

      • Hello Gnarly, I have added some more info to the post, I agree it would have been helpful to post sooner. Just to let you my affiliate link was added automatically by ozbargain (must have had it saved from a previous deal)
        Unfortunately I do not have a bunch of aliases who all "neg together" at point in this time.

        • +1

          He's just a bit angry. And i'll agree to a certain extent with GnarlyKnuckles. The below comment about "attention-span" is also uncalled for, but it's because there's a lot of categories, and also the fact that it said "you will be able to link your Steam/PlayFire" account, however this did NOT occur. It's just a little confusing, but you still deserve a +1 for the effort.

  • +3

    I just completed the sign up and voting process… about 20 different categories to vote on, and no mention of the free game at all. Just an iPad.

    A lot of hoops to jump through and time invested for something that isnt 100% you'll even get.

    The "while stocks last" disclaimer is also very worrying. Word gets around that a free game is offered, and what do you know… most of us wont get it (but they still end up with all our verified email addresses and votes).

    I'm already suspecting the worst, but have given it a go.

    • "The "while stocks last" disclaimer is also very worrying. Word gets around that a free game is offered, and what do you know… most of us wont get it (but they still end up with all our verified email addresses and votes)."

      Quite so, and in this sense, it is not so much a "deal", as a "competition/lottery" of sorts. For example, if they have 100,000 free copies to give away, but more than 1 million vote/ get the email on the 23oct2014 explaining how to scrap-it-out for one of those 100k free copies… then everyone has a 10% chance or less of getting it free.

      I believe that given this potential scenario, it would be quite legitimate for someone to neg this "Deal"; it is potentially not a deal as much as a competition or lottery, and no one will know which for many moons, due to the distant "redemption" date.

      ANYHOO, I hope we all get it for free. And actually, if their "free stock" truly is limited, I reckon they should preferentially offer the free game to all those who actually voted prior to the announcement of the "free game incentive", first; give them first bite at the cherry, as a reward for their (unincentivised) "loyalty" (for want of a better word).

  • +1

    A lot of people are saying the voting process is a serious hassle.
    I'm genuinely concerned about their attention span. It takes few mins and you'll get a free game. Seems fair to me!

  • +3

    If it helps it said this on their website -

    But please note: you won't be able to claim your game until October 23. So don't try.

    Launched by CVG magazine in 1982, the Joysticks is the world's biggest public-voted gaming awards. The 2014 Golden Joystick Awards ceremony is set to take place on Friday, October 24 at the IndigO2 at London's O2 Arena.

    Before you head off and cast your votes, here are the super important bullet points:

    -All voters (including existing voters) will be able to claim their free copy once voting has ended.
    -Voters will be directed to the free game giveaway site and from the 23rd of October using the email address you voted with, you will need to sign-up to Playfire (and link to Steam) in order to receive a verification email and game code.
    -The offer is "while stock lasts" and you'll have to be over 18 to claim.
    -Regular CVG readers will remember that last year this promotion nuked our servers from orbit. We've significantly increased our infrastructure since then, but please bear with us if you experience any problems.

    • That's funny because I claimed my free game last week and according to them I shouldn't try until this Friday?

  • -1

    i already voted a few eeeks ago was no mention of this then FFS i hate it when pricks do this shit.

    • calm down man, you can always just make a new account.

      • Someone suggests above that even those who've already voted, will be offered the deal. So young holdy's angst is apparently misplaced.

        • hope so cause as stated already it's a real bitch to do.

        • @holden93:

          Tell me about it @holden93, but none of us have received it either so yeahs. If you don't get one, holler and i'll give you mine!

  • -3

    Sounds good, but I wish gaming deals for the PC would state in title. Half the time I click on deals then find out they are for steam, which I do not use.

    • Free to sign up, free to use, free game to add… Why not?

      • I prefer my gaming on the TV in the comfort of my Recliner.
        But my point here is if there is a deal on a PS3 game, there would be PS3 in the title. But with the majority of PC/Steam deals it does not mention that in the title. There must be others that find this annoying also.

        • +1

          I prefer my gaming on the TV in the comfort of my Recliner.

          Steam now has In-Home Streaming, so I can stream games from my upstairs gaming desktop to the downstairs microserver (you could use a laptop) with HDMI connection to the TV, controlled with an XBox 360 wireless controller.

        • Yeah I guess.
          I see someone edited this to put PC in the title, wish all PC deals had PC in the title.

  • just got my email to claim the game. still waiting for the activation email tho

  • +1

    Just got my key. Thanks.

  • Just got mine as well. Took a while to get thie freebie, but I think it was worth it. Thanks OP!

  • Great! Got the key now.
    Thanks OP!

  • Yep just got mine too. Thanks OP =)

  • +2

    "Just a minor issue…
    There seems to be a problem with your username, email address or password.

    If you're registering with an existing account, check your details and try again. If you're creating a new account, try a different username."

    what should i do? i use cvg's account details.

    • Same problem as me, and I haven't found a way to fix it.

      Anyone have any ideas?

    • +1

      you need to use your GMG (greenmangaming) details. I had the same issue and GMG details worked. I didnt it today so you can still claim your key and good luck.

  • got my key earlier today, thanks

  • The 80% off voucher for Enemy Within is also great. Sadly I already bought it last week

  • How do you get the 80% off voucher?

  • +4

    I always get the There seems to be a problem with your username, email address or password message.
    Then I go to playfire website, choose forgot password and get a new password, sign in on playfire to link to GMG account.

    The retry again using GMG password on claim game and it works.

    • Thankyou, your advice worked for me.

    • Thanks dione!

  • Thanks. Got the game key now.

  • I just filled it out then (20th october). Voted in first and last categories only, then chose to submit votes. Signed up to something, a few confirmation emails later and I have my steam key. Thanks OP. I can imagine if you voted in everything it would be a pain in the butt.

  • That…is…so…annoying!
    I just bought it this morning!

  • Thanks OP - just tried now and was still able to get the free game

  • +1

    I never got an email, but followed these steps from a blog comment and it worked:

    1. Register at greenmangaming (if not yet)
    2. Register at playfire (use same username and password as for gmg, same goes for birth date)
    3. Go to
    4. FIll in your info
    5. You'll recieve a confirmation mail, proceed, login to steam
    6. You'll recieve a mail with key to mailbox used for voting
  • +1

    In case anyone is wondering, you can buy from Amazon the DLC "Slingshot" for USD$1.75 and "Elite Soldier" for USD$1.25. It said only for US, and that the steam key would only work in North America. However, all I needed was my amazon account to be using a US address. The codes worked fine in my Steam account which is set to Australia.

    I can also confirm that copying saved games from a standalone windows install of xcom into a linux steam install works (once you have the same DLC on linux….hence me buying the DLC from amazon).

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