$1 per 100g is as cheap as you'll get them
Woolworths M&Ms 200g Peanut or Plain $2 (Was $4.30)

Last edited 25/09/2014 - 22:11 by 1 other user
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where's the ripporf??
$4.30 for 200g, now jump on google pumpkin and see what they charge in the states
Thanks! Will horde.
no brodening ;)
No pineapple ones though :( mini's make great ice cream topping though, even add something to yogo and other desserts
The pineapple ones must be good, I bought a bag for the wife a couple of weeks ago on the proviso she left me a few to try…needless to say I still have NFI what they taste like! :/
The pineapple ones are good! I love the flavour
Yeah, that's right, rub it in! ;)
in store as well? start now?
My gf bought some crispy ones last night at the same price, so I gather they too are included :)
They also come with the Buy 1 Get 1 Free movies offer.
Already bought 2 packs. Have to restrain otherwise gonna grow acne :)
I dont get acne, I just get fat. Same logic applies though, restraint :)
I'm not much of a sweet tooth actually, but always had a soft spot for M&Ms
Here are the ones for $2;
http://www2.woolworthsonline.com.au/Shop/ProductDetails?Stoc…Vanilla Shake
http://www2.woolworthsonline.com.au/Shop/ProductDetails?Stoc…Obviously I'm behind the times. I thought there were only 2 versions, peanut and normal.
Well I thought there was only 1 type…consider myself "educated"!
Minis are awesome, they just melt as soon as you put them in your mouth. Yum…
The only problem is Minis is only 160g while normal is 200g.
true ozb
Good point. Maybe buy the normal size ones and go at them with a hammer before you open the bags?
haha, this is exactly why i only posted about plain and peanut ;)
Wow! Right after I finished my 500g box. Will be heading to woolies tonight to restock! Thanks OP! Nom nom nom…
cu there!
On a gym diet…. but i'm gonna buy a bunch of these. You know, for long term. Why do I do this to myself.
That maybe in AU but not USA!
Assuming your comment refers to: "$1 per 100g is as cheap as you'll get them"
As it happens, this is an AU site for AU people.
A good friend of mine was on $35/hr here, now on $8.60/hr in Vegas and having to work double the hours for about half the pay.Can't say I'm really jealous that he can buy M&Ms cheaper than me. Incidentally he is talking about saving up to come back to AU land. He was born there.
I really wish they'd bring Peanut Butter M&M's to Aus… :(
USD to AUD (0.87)
$1 to $1.13 (generous conversion)
($2.88) $3.25 for 357grams = $1.82 for 200grams18c saving doesn't warrant the "Nuph said!"
Maybe I'm being an ASShole but, just sayin'
(Better than) Half price Maltesers as well - $1.92 / 155g;
Yay I just ate a packet of those.
Lucky I didn't notice the peanut m&ms or they would have been dessert.
These were on sale for $3 for awhile and I thought it was cheap. $2 is a bargain
The tinkling of peanut m&ms hitting a bowl is magical. It turns heads in our office.
Imagine a dog pricking its ears when alerted. Yep that's the reaction we all get when these bad boys are opened.
Heaven, pure heaven.
go ozbargain fatties, go!
if you're not fat yet, there is still time.no worries.
good deal on bigger size clothes, please come!Are these the 2 for one movie deal ones?
Use Coles 5% card and even more at officeworks after pricematch!!!!!
great price, at 4.30 there a ripporf