This was posted 10 years 5 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Woolworths M&Ms 200g Peanut or Plain $2 (Was $4.30)


$1 per 100g is as cheap as you'll get them

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closed Comments

  • great price, at 4.30 there a ripporf

    • +4

      where's the ripporf??

      • -3

        $4.30 for 200g, now jump on google pumpkin and see what they charge in the states

  • +2

    Thanks! Will horde.

    • +1

      no brodening ;)

  • +2

    No pineapple ones though :( mini's make great ice cream topping though, even add something to yogo and other desserts

    • +3

      The pineapple ones must be good, I bought a bag for the wife a couple of weeks ago on the proviso she left me a few to try…needless to say I still have NFI what they taste like! :/

      • The pineapple ones are good! I love the flavour

        • +2

          Yeah, that's right, rub it in! ;)

  • in store as well? start now?

  • +2

    My gf bought some crispy ones last night at the same price, so I gather they too are included :)

    They also come with the Buy 1 Get 1 Free movies offer.

  • Already bought 2 packs. Have to restrain otherwise gonna grow acne :)

    • I dont get acne, I just get fat. Same logic applies though, restraint :)

      I'm not much of a sweet tooth actually, but always had a soft spot for M&Ms

    • +5

      Obviously I'm behind the times. I thought there were only 2 versions, peanut and normal.

      • Well I thought there was only 1 type…consider myself "educated"!

    • Minis are awesome, they just melt as soon as you put them in your mouth. Yum…

      • +7

        The only problem is Minis is only 160g while normal is 200g.

        • +2

          true ozb

        • +3

          Good point. Maybe buy the normal size ones and go at them with a hammer before you open the bags?

        • +2

          haha, this is exactly why i only posted about plain and peanut ;)

  • +1

    Wow! Right after I finished my 500g box. Will be heading to woolies tonight to restock! Thanks OP! Nom nom nom…

  • +7

    On a gym diet…. but i'm gonna buy a bunch of these. You know, for long term. Why do I do this to myself.

  • -1

    That maybe in AU but not USA!

    • +1

      Assuming your comment refers to: "$1 per 100g is as cheap as you'll get them"

      As it happens, this is an AU site for AU people.
      A good friend of mine was on $35/hr here, now on $8.60/hr in Vegas and having to work double the hours for about half the pay.

      Can't say I'm really jealous that he can buy M&Ms cheaper than me. Incidentally he is talking about saving up to come back to AU land. He was born there.

  • +2

    I really wish they'd bring Peanut Butter M&M's to Aus… :(

    • +1

      USD to AUD (0.87)
      $1 to $1.13 (generous conversion)
      ($2.88) $3.25 for 357grams = $1.82 for 200grams

      18c saving doesn't warrant the "Nuph said!"
      Maybe I'm being an ASShole but, just sayin'

  • (Better than) Half price Maltesers as well - $1.92 / 155g;…

    • Yay I just ate a packet of those.

      Lucky I didn't notice the peanut m&ms or they would have been dessert.

  • These were on sale for $3 for awhile and I thought it was cheap. $2 is a bargain

  • +1

    The tinkling of peanut m&ms hitting a bowl is magical. It turns heads in our office.

    Imagine a dog pricking its ears when alerted. Yep that's the reaction we all get when these bad boys are opened.

    Heaven, pure heaven.

  • go ozbargain fatties, go!
    if you're not fat yet, there is still time.

  • no worries.
    good deal on bigger size clothes, please come!

  • Are these the 2 for one movie deal ones?

  • +2
  • Use Coles 5% card and even more at officeworks after pricematch!!!!!

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