Looking for a tablet for work

Hi would like some help / advice need a tablet for work that can do/have the following

Store about 50-60gig of videos , presentations and have the ability to plug in a projector
Have USB port so I can get things off and show videos direct from thumb drive
Not expensive
Will not be useless in 12 months time
Easy to use

Will not be doing much else with it as using it for a training course

Thanks for any advise



  • +2

    Sounds like you need a laptop instead.

  • +2

    Microsoft Surface?

    Has a usb port, can output via HDMI to a projector, has a microsd slot for additional storage, shouldn't be useless in 12 months but that depends on your usage.

    You can probably use an RT version but see if you can track down a cheap surface pro/pro 2

  • +2

    Voice of bitter experience here.

    Lots of projectors are old. Unless you control the projectors used, your device needs VGA (definitely!), DVI (maybe) and HDMI (maybe).

  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/162676

    cheaper than a surface 2 but has shorter battery life.

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