Offline Mail server

I am trying to figure out a way of hosting an offline mail server for work, there is so much conflicting information on the internet I figured I would ask on here and see if any of you knew of anyway to do this.

I want to set up 6-7 computers on our network to be able to use outlook to email each other without needing access to the internet, but a few of them will need to be able to email out to external addresses.

Does anyone know of any software that will do this or is there someway to set up a offline mail server? I have found heaps of software that will send messages between computers on LAN but I would really like to use outlook.

Because we get such awful wireless internet (3G and 4g) here it would be expensive and somewhat useless to put internet on them all. Because we will be sending 3-4mb files about 30-40 times a day.

Thanks in advance for any help


  • If you specifically need to email using outlook and want it to stay inside the network then going to a small business server may be your only choice.

    If you get exchange installed on a microserver or something like that then you could email between the clients without it going outside the network but there is a bit of configuration involved.

    What are you emailing each other which requires the use of outlook?
    Couldn't you use something like onenote or even just a chat client like MSN?

    • I'm not sure about onenote but msn wouldn't really work.

      What we want to do is use outlook to remove paperwork from our current work flow,
      so we would just put orders into emails with all files attached then send them to the next step in the process instead of moving/ constantly looking for paperwork.

      So we would start the work order at front desk then email it to ordering, then receiving, then production, etc. Main reason for outlook is having all the files attached to the email and the ease of use with calendars and searching/ archiving with outlook. plus most of our staff know how to use outlook already

      I am currently looking into exchange 2013 but yeah we would have to setup servers and such but we are looking for an easier solution but not necessarily a cheap solution

      Thanks heaps for the reply :)

      • +2

        Have a look at onenote, it is free to start with.

        Think of it like a depository of all the things you need, you can break up the notes into different sections so in your case you could have an orders, in progress, factory sections (or whatever you choose to call them).

        You can setup the onenote file on a computer and share it out to the network or you can have it linked to your onedrive account which makes it available where ever on your phones or home computers.

        The benefit to this is you give all the people in the company access to the onenote file and that means that they can move the files into the different sections as it goes through the process.

        It isn't just a note taking device, I use it to store PDF's and other files I need when I am out of the office (work in Networks)

        • +1

          I will look into it now, Thanks again mate :)

        • What we want to do is use outlook to remove paperwork from our current work flow,
          so we would just put orders into emails with all files attached then send them to the next step in the process instead of moving/ constantly looking for paperwork.

          Are you guys using Sharepoint? It sounds like Sharepoint could completely remove the paperwork aspect from your work flow. And it will be less cumbersome to use than ordinary email, because with email you will end up with duplicate copies, lack of version control and lack of real time collaboration etc.

          In case you didn't know what it does:…

          and how it could apply to your use case

        • @scrimshaw:

          I have never heard of sharepoint until now.
          I will have a look into it when I get home, from what you have said it sounds interesting.
          Is it all cloud based though?
          We are primarily looking for something we can use offline because of the dud connection

        • Like Exchange it needs to be run on a server.

    • not sure if you understand what I'm trying to do mate

      • Maybe I didn't. I thought that you said you wanted to run an "in-house" email server, and that's what the Google search results are for. Was that not what you wanted?

        Those Google results are not restricted to just servers that can run offline, but many of them can. I used to run such a server many many years ago that worked on a dial-up connection, and it could dial out automatically when external email needed to be sent.

  • Also very happy to take suggestions on work flow/ collaboration software like scrimshaw has above.
    We just need something we can put orders into and then send around our business as they get completed then put in an archive that we can access again when the customer reorders.

    Thanks :)

    • Have a look at Alfresco, it's free. What you need is workflow with messaging, not the converse.

  • MailEnable

  • Why not use Microsoft Office Communicator. It integrates with Outlook, its more of an MSN-esq system but it will allow you to transfer files and cut down on paper rather well.

  • You can also look at Jira it's a somewhat cheaper alternative to share point and can be run on Linux to keep costs down.

    Have you looked into the possibility of using an IT managed services company to but something like this out?

    It obviously depends on your budget but that could be an option.

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