Free product given away with paid?

If a product that is given away for free when you buy something else, is that free product defined as sold?


  • it would be a promotional sale , and they generally put it on the docket as a sale for 0.00

  • in what context?
    I'd say yes it's sold, rather than given away.

  • I sent a email to MacDonalds monopoly, about whether or not the free drink from the student edge card allows me to get the monopoly cup, as some places have refused where others didnt. The email gave a generic reply stating the terms and conditions, and Ive asked them to clarify a bit better.

    In this Promotion, each of the following products when sold in packaging that refers to the Promotion is an “Eligible Product”:

    any 16 oz cold cup medium soft drink (Coca-Cola Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite and Fanta) and Orange Juice;

    • who cares about what their official stance is when you can just go get a free cup - at worst you'll have a free cup of coke. And anyway, I know last promo thing they did like this, I always was given an extra cup with the promo on it for free, using the student edge card.

      also in this instance, about your initial question, pretty sure it is free, not sold. because it is an item you usually have to buy.
      But doesn't matter, they give you the promo cups.

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