Me and me my friend are having the argument and we can't find anything on vicroads website explicitly stating one way or another.
We live in Victoria, and I am under the impression that you do not need to stop for pedestrian crossings (zebra crossings) if there is NOT a sign saying 'give way to pedestrians', yellow flashing lights or anything along those lines.
Obviously I know you need to stop if there are lights or a sign.
There is a 'crossing' near my place and I don't even think it is zebra striped and people feel happy to just stroll out in front of my car and then give me death stares as I have to lock up the brakes.
I could easily be wrong ( and I am happy to be corrected) but I am quite sure my driving instructor told me these rules.
Thanks for the input :)
Edit: I was wrong.
I always do give way to pedestrians, I am often a pedestrian so I hate when people don't give way.
I was just unsure whether it was a legal requirement to stop or not
Next time I see my driving instructor I am going to show him the link in the first comment :)
r. 81