Can someone tell me how solar feed in works in Vic in the following hypothetical scenario:
- you use 24kw a day, i.e. a constant 1kw per hour at $0.25/kw.
- your solar generates 18kw per day- 2kw per hour for 9 hours per day from 9am-5pm. Feed in tariff is $0.08/kw.
Is your electrical usage calculated as:
- [24 X .25] - [18 x 0.08] = $4.56,
- [24 - 18] x 0.25 = $1.50, or
- [(24 - 9) x 0.25] - [9 x 0.08] = $3.75 - $0.72 = $3.03
Basically what I'm asking is does the time you consume power and the time feed in power back to grid make a difference to the bill? Or is usage just netted off.