R U OK? Day(en.wikipedia.org) is an annual day in September (today! 11/9) dedicated to remind people to ask family, friends and colleagues the question, "R U OK?", in a meaningful way, because connecting regularly and meaningfully is one thing everyone can do to make a difference and even save lives.
One of the biggest challenges to OzBargain and other community sites is promoting an environment where everyone feels comfortable commenting in deals and discussions. Given OzBargain is about scrutinizing deals in an open and honest environment, we often have to deal with negative comments and issues between users.
We all should recognize that our comments have consequences. People don't come here to be attacked or bullied. So if a moderator removes your comment, it's not us trying to censor you, it is us responding to complaints. And while some people may say suck it up and people should not be so sensitive, we should be aware that we don't truly know the people behind these accounts. Some are younger, some may come to here to escape a tough reality, be mentally unbalanced, or they possibly could have thick skin. We just don't know.
So yes, ask family, friends and collegues(ruok.org.au) (possibly utilizing free Virgin calls) how they are doing but don't forget to ask your family of OzBargain professionals how they are doing.
Feel free to chat with us in the Talk with a Moderator forum if you have any OzBargain related issues. Or feel free to PM me about whatever you want (except moderation issues).
For confidential advice and support call a crisis support line – such as Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.
Thanks Neil +1