Where is the cheapest place to buy your iPhone 6?
Apple iPhone releases on the 19/09/2014

Last edited 13/09/2014 - 19:25
I reckon a good group buy deal on eBay should do the trick.
OZbargainers Unite.In your dreams
fly to the US, buy, fly back home.
Dunno. Hasn't even been released in stores here yet.
Where were the previous ones cheapest is the question. For best service etc just go to Apple store, or if too crowded your fav retail electronics store, and they'll usually be the same price, or pricematch.
Then pay with some cashback debit card, or earn points on a CC. Otherwise buy online via affiliate like cashrewards.com.au Use PayPal and use your $5 PP credit also. Would get it around 3 to 5% cheaper then RRP all up.
If you have an ABN, then claim half of it as a business expense if you use it half of the time for your biz.
Behold, the only useful comment in this entire thread.
buy online via affiliate like cashrewards.com.au
I don't think you can get cashback on the iPhone 6
Isn't this a little too early to ask? From what I read it's actually realeased on 12th Sep the only that happened today was the announcement
This was asked just after the keynote speech at around 4:10am. Come back in 2 more days and tell me! haha
I read yesterday it's pre-orders on 12th and in stores on 15th or something silly. Those poor idiots that line up for 5 days. Get a life!
Buy one in three years time, much cheaper then.
Or get a grey import in 6 months time when they run a promotion (Kogan etc).
or fresh apple
still probably overpriced after 10 years..
I m sure people are going to buy this….and im not against them…but it's insane to spend $1k on phone….
Yes, in an online site called ozbargain its unthinkable, but in a site like ozspoiledbrats.com.au its probably chump change and the latest fashion statement…
That is crazy.. could get a good phone, a good tablet/netbook, and an entry level DSLR/ILC for that price
But would they all fit in your pocket? :)
it wouldn't have the apple logo or irrational hysteria attached to them
@pawan1993: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/160767
Eneloop deal on now. What an amazing coincidence - they don't happen often!
bastards removed the 32gb lol, so that everyone who wants more than 16gb will have to get the 64gb.
what they should have done is get rid of the stupid 16gb size and make the 32gb the lowest storage size
you can get 3 nexus's with the price of a iphone 6 plusOr one nexus and a bunch of memory cards; most Android users do that right, if they have expandable storage available?
They doubled the storage for free, not sure why they're bastards for doing so.
@bangbang: im not talking about the smaller version, I am talking about the more popular 6 plus, 16gb is $999
64gb is $1129 and 128gb is $1249.@striker5950: I meant that going by their usual pricing, i.e. +$130 for each storage/feature bracket, we should've expected 6+ pricing to be 16GB for $999, 32GB for $1129, 64GB at $1249, etc. instead they're doubled for 32GB and above. Though I agree it would've been nice in principle to see the 16GB doubled as well, the other major android manufacturers aren't doing it either.
its over 1K coz im sure who ever goes for the bigger screen iphone will get at least the 64gb.
and my wife bought a $10K bag when you can buy bags for $2.50.. its just a bag..
not to mention the overprice clothes she buys at these friggen shops when you can just buy them for a fraction at k-mart..
u let your wife buy a 10k bag? what are you doing on ozbargain?
My friend spent $1600 on a nokia phone 15 years ago.
That's a lot cheaper that what they were reporting on TV this morning
lol rreally? what were they saying? cause i thought that was way more than what i am willing to pay haha
With the ever increasing choice of affordable and great phones this one is purely for the fanboys. It still costs $400 plus to buy a new 16GB iphone 4 ffs. iphone and cheap can never be used in the same sentence.
Surely the days of any sane person wanting to pay Over $1k for a phone are numbered with the choice on offer now.
The resale value of my iPhone 5 is still remarkably high compared to the Samsung Galaxy S3 (same generation phone)
~$400-$450 compared to $150-$200 respectively (Based on completed eBay listings)So spending that extra $200 for an iPhone is perfectly justified when you think about the resale value and, more importantly, the quality of service you get from Apple.
Can't talk I'm in a queue, when Samsung/Nokia/LG can offer anywhere near the support Apple does, then they can charge likewise.
It's not just about the phone,
I agree - Apple's customer service on a scale of 1-10 is 10.
Perhaps I am biased for every 6 months or so I manage to score a new phone (not new model) off them
…So every six months either the phone is breaking or you're destroying it?
+1, owned many android devices over the years, never needed customer support. Not sure if that's because I'm technical knowledgeable or what, but eh.
@beaver2233: +1000 but judging by the limited intelligence shown towards all things electronic and just about anything else by associates who have fallen into the apple trap I can understand why they would need so much customer support.
@Davros: yeah some things I've heard people say in regards to Apple products (usually iphones and macbooks) is hilarious. It's a real struggle trying not to laugh sometimes. But then again, each to their own.
yeah i still remember an apple fan told me "there is no viruses on mac, where windows have hell a lot"I was curious why there is anti-virus program for mac and at that time,only 8% uses mac …… people are too lazy attacking them at that moment
@beaver2233: I had a couple of dozzy apple "fans" almost in tears a week or two ago showing me their silly apple TV streaming box but then complaining how they needed to spend $700 or more on a new 32GB tablet because it lacked memory.
All I had to do for that result was put a new 32gb samsung evo card bought for less than $10 in my $150 tablet and plug it into a TV with a $2 mini HDMI cable.
The look of bewilderment was priceless.
Well that explains some of why they overcharge. They gotta have high margins for afford those 'free' replacements LOL
Isn't it better when you don't any customer support at all? I am using HTC phones for a while and never had any problems.
Do you have a life?
Buy one, travel overseas, claim GST, get a holiday.
Not necessarily cheapest.. but a darn good excuse for a holiday :P
after buying the phone, there's no money for a holiday
I believe you means 'the phone' = 'iPhone' not any other phone.
The new Ipad Mini iPhone, it is the best iPhone so far.
Yea, just like the Note 1,2,3 - Galaxy 5, HTC One Max…
Bigger is better, right?it's not bigger, it's "bigger than bigger"
do you think the 64gb iphone 6+ will be the most bought model ? how quick do you think they will run out of stock ??
works great for me as i fly out at the end of the month ;) gst back baby
Last year it was the 5S 64GB gold, I'm thinking the 128gb iphone 6+ will be as its the top range, even though most people will never use the 128gb.
I remember last year people making $500 premium on the 64gb gold 5s
They are already on ebay. (The new iphone 6)
Get ready for a lot of 5s to hit ebay.
I believe Apple may of made a silly mistake.
The iPhone 6 starts at $869 for the 16gb and $999 for the 64GB, the 64gb 6 is cheaper than the 64gb 5s was.
They should of dropped the 16GB model and started with 32GB.They should of dropped the 16GB model and started with 32GB.
Then no one would buy the 64GB model. It was very smart for them to drop the 32GB model(as it seems 16GB is not enough and 64GB is unnecessary most people).
That's too rational you want to be irrational and make people pay more and buy the 64GB, they'll be thinking "if I pay a little over a $100 I can get 3 times the amount of space"
But yes, it's the same tactic used the world over. E.g. why buy small fries at maccas when you can get 3x as much for only 50c!
I reckon you lost 'have' as well along with nemo.
do you think customs will ask me why i have 3 iphones in my posession leaving the country? :P
No but you'll probably be searched on your way back in to see if you're "smuggling" them back into the country as the value of 3 iPhones will, in all likelihood, exceed your $900 duty free allowance.
hmmmm what if i have two other people flying with me ? ie… each phone in each persons name
Dats fine bro
One per person is fine (provided that it's not more than $900 each). But I'd imagine that you might still have a higher chance of getting searched upon re-entering the country if your phone costs say $899 (assuming one such phone per person) for any other GST-free purchase (e.g. things that you buy overseas) that might push the total over the limit.
@frysie: Then you should be fine. Just be prepared to spend a bit more time at custom (not saying it's definitely gonna happen but it can't be that hard to flag someone on the system based on the amount of their GST-refund). Enjoy the 9% off your new phone :)
Dont worry, I made it out in one peice after having claimed over $20k ($2k gst) of LV in my carry on :P
what the heck did you take with you?
he/she took 20k of lv lol
AU$999.00 is only for the 16 Gig handset - wonder who is going to buy that
$1129.00 for the 64 GigsRather expensive i guess
The answer is quite a portion of the public (I do agree very exp. for a 16G phone which can not be "upgraded"in memory)
Save your money and buy the upcoming Nexus 6
Got a Nexus 5 with half of my i5S refund money, can't wait to spend the other half on a Nexus 6 :D
Or even the Xperia Z2/Z3
Absolutely THIS! iPhone 2016 specs for half the cost.
Saw a video on SMH about what the hype was about, just annoying to hear 'Techxperts' already in 'awe' and sucking up to the new iPhone and iWatch even when they haven't had any real world tests/demos of them.
Sycophantic tech fanboys are just the worst. These kinds of posts from both users and
click-bait bloggers'journalists' killed a lot of my interest in the field.
always the same, the media gives them a free kick every time.
Yep, Apple are a brilliant marketing company who happen to make average IT gear on the side.
Very selective quoting, the reason they said it's easier to hold was because of the thinness combined with the curved edge.
It's because they own APPL shares.
Might get an iPhone 6 after having serious problems with my nexus 4:
- When it goes dead and you plug it into charge you can't simply turn it back on again, you have to put it into recovery mode to bring it back to life
- Sometimes it will randomly start playing notification sounds constantly even when no apps are running and the only way to stop it is put it on silent or turn the phone off
- When using exchange push emails the battery seems to only last about 4 hours from fully charged (and the phone gets physically warm in my pocket)
- Many more minor issues like sometimes I can't uninstall any apps at all - the phone just crashes and restarts etc…
Not saying anyone else has the issues above but I do constantly get my friends telling me that I'm wrong and that android doesn't have these problems. It may be user error but it didn't happen on iOS so for me I think it's probably worth spending the extra.
I have an i-Device which completely hang / froze while watching a video on my local network (using SMB/Samba) a few times - different video files. I was using a paid app - nPlayer - probably one of the best players in the iOS world.
First time it happened, I had to google on how to turn it off (as pressing the power button for more than 5 seconds did nothing). I guess if you stayed in Apple's ecosystem, then you probably won't have that kind of issue.
iPhone 6/6+ will sell like hotcakes because they are targeting mainly people on mobile plans / contracts. When you are on a contract for 24 months and the difference between an iPhone 6/6+ and a top Android phone is only $100 difference, most people would go for iPhones.
I used to have that email program problem, then I changed to Cloudmagic and it's resolved.
Not sure about the Nexus 4 but I have never had any problems with my Nexus 5.
Did you ever get a replacement device? Sometimes you do just get a dud.
Sorry for this, but I kinda had to:
Source : https://plus.google.com/+RonAmadeo/posts/fGooKLxjbqTLOL did you make these^?
I had a source up, referencing the original creator
In year 1900 a car had 4 wheels in year 2014 cars have 4 wheels. New car owners welcome to year 1900?
apple store? you seriously askin this question??