This was posted 10 years 5 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

A Few More Free Destiny Redemption Codes for in Game Content


Hey Guys

Come across a few more codes for in game bonuses to be used for Destiny. Can be used by everyone just by going to

7MM-VPD-MHP - Shader: Double Banshee

RXC-9XJ-4MH - Shader: Oracle 99

FJ9-LAM-67F - Emblem: Binding Focus

JD7-4CM-HJG - Emblem: Illusion of Light

JDT-NLC-JKM - Emblem: Ab Aeterno

JNX-DMH-XLA - Emblem: Field of Light

7CP-94V-LFP - Emblem: Lone Focus, Jagged Edge


EDIT: as per Romen the following link gives an easy way to redeem all 25 codes at once using a script, or if you have already redeemed some it will do the rest…

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closed Comments

  • thanks, can't wait for the game

  • Cheers, gonna lose a lot of time come Tuesday.

  • +14

    I ordered it from dick smith so I expected just after Christmas….

    • a friend and I ordered xbox titanfall consoles from dick smith online and got them within 2 days (rural south Australia). are they generally slower with games or something?

      • MY last pre-order was SHOCKING
        They were at least a week behind the release date, add shipping
        it pushed it well into the next week
        But surprisingly I got an email TODAY saying my order is on its way..WHOA

        • I got the email too, but I've had this in the past and still not had the item actually dispatched until I called a few times.

    • Destiny just got delivered to me around 1pm from EB, never buy games from there typically but got fifa n danganronpa 2 coming from ogs so wanted this early

    • I received the email yesterday to let me know mine has been shipped, and upon checking the tracking it was sent out of Sydney last night.
      Also postage priority is marked: overnight.

  • Yeah I'm pretty keen for this, contemplating whether it's worth staying up til midnight to start playing or even a day off Tuesday. I know it won't be in the end but damn it looks good

  • Thanks!

  • +7

    Here they are in easy copy paste form-

    7MMVPDMHP Shader: Double Banshee

    RXC9XJ4MH Shader: Oracle 99

    FJ9LAM67F Emblem: Binding Focus

    JD74CMHJG Emblem: Illusion of Light

    JDTNLCJKM Emblem: Ab Aeterno

    JNXDMHXLA Emblem: Field of Light

    7CP94VLFP Emblem: Lone Focus, Jagged Edge

    • +3

      you can fully copy and paste the original ones with the hyphens

      • Ah yes but you can double click to highlight these ones!

  • I'm still not entirely sure what these unlock. I assume just skins and decals? Can it be summed up in a sentence without a link to a video?

    • +2

      If you dont know what they unlock, read the OP…
      If you don't know what they are:

      Shader = 'Armour Colouriser' (eg all armour pieces blue/red)

      Emblem = 'Display Picture'

    • Most are icons (little badge that goes next to ur name on ur cards/party screen etc/mission load.)
      2 are shaders (colour schemes you get to use at lvl 20).
      Some are the ingame lore card type things, some of which have bonuses to damage against certain enemies etc (unknown if the code ones do).

  • +6

    Here is the Wiki on Whirlpool with all codes -

    • Thanks!

  • This is an excellent deal!

  • +2

    not sure what these do, and not even sure if I'm going to get the game, but linked my xbox account and just redeemed them all. thanks.

    • same here, but free is free

  • +14…

    Gives a nice easy way to enter all 25 codes at once.

  • Script worked perfectly. ty Ozbargain + Reddit

  • do these work for PS4???

    • Yeah should be good for any console once you link your account at bungie

  • Cheers OP. Off-topic but does anyone know of any current deals for Destiny (PS4)? I know there was quite a few DSE offerings a few weeks back for $49ish but I've missed them and seems the current cheapest price is around $69.

  • Cheers OP….the script works flawlessly and now all codes redeemed using my PSN account. Now just have to get the game,lol.

  • Extra shader when you pre order cod AW at eb, if you also bought destiny from them.

    • Shader looks great on guardians i saw on bnet, but had to cancel my pre order at EB after JB posted a better deal.

      • What deal is that?

        Who has the cheapest copy?

        • Probably JB ($69) unless using coupon codes from Dicksmith?

        • I was talking about the bundle, but i'm pretty sure that deal is still running where you sign up for jb music and you get that 20% voucher. Link

        • @CyberGenesys:

          Eb price match?

        • @RI4V4N: Based on my experiences with EB even if they had the best price I wouldn't buy from them.

  • Hey ozbargainers, what system will you be playing destiny on?

    • +1

      Consoles :P

    • Xbox One for me :)

  • Wonderful thanks!

  • Sweetness :)

  • If there is a PC version…(Hoping there is)

    Will this content be unlocked if i input it now and play the PC version?

  • +1…

    All 25 codes and a javascript to import them all at once in chrome (no cutting/pasting)

  • Fantastic! That was too easy OP. Ta muchly

  • Another Emblem code: X4C-FGX-MX3

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