This was posted 10 years 6 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Destiny PS4/PS3/XB1/XB360 $55.20 When You Use 20% off Sign up Voucher @ JB Hi-Fi. ON NOW


If Your After Destiny then wait till launch day and get offer below
Destiny PS4 OR XB1 For $55.20 When you use your Jbhifi Now Music sign up Voucher.
Link to sign Up Voucher
Xbox 360 And Ps3 Same Price
Only Available From Tue 9th September In Store
Voucher will expire 1 week from Sign up
And you can use it for any other released game

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • Those are pre-order prices though.
    Pretty sure they will pump them up on release day.

    • +2

      I doubt it. $69 seems to be the standard for Destiny in most local shops (excludung EB but thats not strange)

      They didnt bump Diablo when it launch. Either way they will price match.

      Also thanks OP. Just signed up for the voucher. Bring on Tuesday!

    • that doesn't happen.

  • When signing up for the free trial through the app do you have to put in bank/cc details? Do you have to unsubscribe etc before a certain timeframe ie the month runs or pay for it?

    • +3

      Nope. you can enter your email and mobile number, they send you some code, enter it, voila! the voucher sent to your email address

    • T n C
      9.2 If you are using the Free-Trial then, at the end of the Free-Trial Period, you will lose access to the Music Service unless and until you pay a subscription. If you sign-up to, and pay for, a subscription prior to the end of your Free-Trial then the subscription period will start at the end of your Free-Trial.

  • So the vanguard edition isn't just a pre order thing?

    • -1

      Yeah, it is.

      But it looks like a seperate edition, rather than the codes being handed out on a slip, so you could take your chances on there being leftovers

      It's all just early access to some in game gear anyway.

      • +2

        Sweet! White guns! Which probably are only decent until mid game, and have an alternative version with identical stats anyway!

        Don't buy into the pre-order craze.

        • Not even good until midgame, they are only level 5 weapons so only good at the start of the game.

      • you're wrong.

  • In store only.

  • Anyone having any issues getting the voucher? I registered through my mob number but 10 mins later still nothing to my email.

    • Check junk?

      • No good I'm afraid. Do you have to download the app as well?

        • No you just go to the page, click sign in with fb then it sends you a voucher

  • +1

    $20 for 16-bit Minecraft pixelated goodness on the PS4.

  • i signed in with facebook and got no voucher ?

    • +1

      check your junk section in email and it's for new users only so if you have siged up before you need to use different account

      • +2

        Entered my mobile # and email and got my voucher emailed to me after confirming the PIN, thanks OP.

      • Gmail detected mine as spam :)

  • "Only Available From Tue 9th September In Store"

    Does a midnight launch at 12:01 Tue 9th September count?

    • +1

      Course because then it's not a pre order you will pick it up and go home with it

      • Nevermind, looks like no JB nationwide will be holding a midnight launch.

  • +3

    just walked in to the store, $55.20.

    some people who queued behind me asked how i get that cheap, i said "it's from the power of ozbargain"

  • Thanks,wasn't thinking of getting this game but would be a good way to spend a lazy weekend coming up :)

  • Thanks OP, picked Destiny up at lunchtime for $55.20, was the 'Vanguard' version as well. :)

  • thanks OP, another $55.20 contributed to the retail economy

    • +3

      btw, the guy at the counter literally said 'ozbargain?' when i presented the coupon ;)

      • ahhahah that's creepy

  • Sites down for the music trial? :(

    EDIT: Nvm back up again

  • Don't forget guys it's on all released games so go sign up multiple times if you want some more games in the next few weeks :)

  • Good deal, heaps in stock

  • can anyone please post up a picture of their receipt so I can price match

  • cheers…
    got destiny and plants vs zombies garden warfare this morning

  • Destiny for 55.20 what a bargain thanks op

  • Damnit, I paid $59.95 at DSE yesterday…oh well you lose some, you win some. On the bright side, i'm waiting for my TUACT Venom X Controller to come in the mail, bought this specifically for Destiny.. LOL

  • Cheers OP. You got another sale via me. The guy couldnt seem to scan my barcode from the email so had to do it manually. Got it for $55 flat.

  • Good game, spend a few hours on this tonight, will be intersting to see how many maps there are on further exploration. Server ping times are good.

  • +1

    Can confirm, voucher went straight to my spam box when using gmail.

    • Same for me also on Gmail.

  • Thanks OP. Got the email and went to nearest JB Hifi. All went good.

  • If other games are cheaper elsewhere do you think you can get them price matched and then use the discount? I imagine they would not price match then further discount?

    also anyone know how long this is on for? could you use it for FIFA 15 Ultimate Ed for example?

    • it says "20% off will be calculated from the current ticket price"

  • Thanks OP. Much easier to use my phone and confirm pin then create a facebook account.

  • Bummer, I can't do this. Already signed up a while ago when I had a free 12 month coupon.

    • +1

      Yes you can, just make a quick fake fb account

      • The only way to sign up currently is with a mobile number, so going out and getting a new one is a little tricky.

        • Use a friends of family members

  • Thanks OP walked into JB at lunch time today and got Destiny for my bros bday!

    • Hell good present

  • Hmmm. They raised the price by $10 just as I was about to buy it :(

    Edit: Just realized the voucher can be used in-store only. Couldn't have bought it even if the price remained at $69.

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