This was posted 10 years 6 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% off Extra Bloody Hot Peri Peri Sauce (Nandos) @ Coles


Found on the Nando's Facebook page.

Only valid for one product, not valid at Coles Online/Express/Central.…

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closed Comments

  • But is it hot?

    • +1

      Heat is subjective… But generally speaking no its not.

      • +8

        Have tried the Nando's Hot and Medium sauce. Medium seems best, 'Hot' tends to override any other taste you can get from the food so I won't be recommending that.
        Extra Bloody Hot is something for the mother in law.

        • +3

          Is that because she's cold as ice?

        • +9

          Is she willing to sacrifice?

        • +2

          Our love…

      • +3

        tell em the price, son

    • +3

      It's not very hot, if you're used to traditional Indian stuff, Thai stuff, etc…

      OP, it's good find and thanks, but it would be good if you could actually include SOME INFORMATION in the post; such as the price of the product, the sizes that the bottles come in, how long the deal goes for, etc.; like you see in most of the other deals posted on here. The general idea is not that you give us a clue and a facebook link then we each independently embark on a fact-finding mission… the idea is that you actually provide all the information required to assess the deal. You have provided almost none.
      Good find though, thanks. :)

      • The Mrs is Thai and she enjoys it.

      • -1

        Quit whining. His post was fine.

      • +1

        Normal Price of Product $3.45

        Size Of Bottle 125g

        Deal Valid From 01/09/2014 to 31/10/2014 as per voucher

        Best Before 05/05/2016

        My bottle was purchased from Coles Southland (V) there was plenty of stock.

        The OP has probably provided as much info as they had at the time. As you say, great find.

        (I have the feeling, if I didn't see it posted here, I would not have purchased it.)

    • it's got a nice spice but not even habanero level. the byron bay sauces are hotter

    • "It's hot. Damn hot! Real hot!"

      • +1

        Hot enough for a bit of crotch-pot cooking?

  • +2

    Goes well with which recipes?

  • Anyone know if this is hotter than the Extra extra hot sauce?

    • Label looks very similar in fact.

    • +14

      This one has blood in it.

  • +2

    El yucateco kubil-ik much hotter and better tasting IMO. Can be found at Leo's supermarkets…

    • +1

      agreed generally, but they are very different tasting hot sauces. sometimes i prefer the peri peri…

  • Some offers on the Blairs again would be nice if anybody knows of some?

  • +5

    On a completely unrelated note, is Kleenex Cottonelle on sale this week?

    • +1

      Be careful using tissues may catch fire

    • It is related to bloody.

    • Keep your toilet paper in the fridge!

  • +1

    My toilet it gonna like this..

  • +2

    This is one hot burning deal…

    And one hot burning Bumhole!

    • +1

      Or ring sting, as it is more affectionately known as.

      • Ring Burner

        • And it burns-burns-burns…

          …The Ring Of Fire!

  • Only try this if you want a volcano erupting out of your arse the next day. You have been warned!

  • +2

    Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Johnny Cash….

  • +1

    it is very hot, but not too hot. Of course it is subjective though.

    I must say even though i generally love lots of heat in sauce, my favourite is the hot peri peri, because any hotter and the other tastes (lemon, garlic etc) in the sauce are overwhelmed.

  • +1

    I like to mix the medium and extra hot. Retain the sour from the medium but ups the heat. About 60% medium and 40% extra hot.

  • +2

    This would create a seceond bumhole it's that hot

  • +2

    Had a Filipino housemate who loved hot sauces. Asked if she'd tried Burnhole Sauce. She was keen. Asked at the local store.

    Not Happy Jan.

  • Bought some today, coupon worked thanks! It surprised the check out chick…

    As for the "is it hot" question, I found it hot but not bloody hot. Quite nice actually. But I have been into hot foods for a good 25 years so my perspective will be different to others. If you love hot sauces, Mexican food etc, you'll like this. Not the best sauce I ever tasted but far from the worst. I'll probably buy a few more.

    I see no reason why this wouldn't work in the self serve checkout either. Not sure if you can do more than one per shop, would be interested to hear feedback on that.

    • -1

      it wouldn't work in selfcheck out cos the check out chick has to take your voucher and write something at the back. a self check out mashine can't do that.

      • erm, how does the terminal at the checkout know that the chick wrote on the back etc? its just a matter of scanning the bar code which is the exact same system as the self serve. i cant see how it wouldnt work unless theres a special "promotions" button on the checkouts

        • You're right, it scans and instantly applies the discount. I took an interest in watching because the checkout girl said "let's see if it works" implying it wouldn't. Yet it did :)

        • -4

          It's not like if you presented the voucher to the check out chick she will reject you. so why break the rules? what do you get out of it? the voucher clearly say STAFF will scan the voucher and write on back of voucher and keep it. if you self check out then what stops you from using it again.

          are you the guy that only does the right thing if you will get caught? it's not like you will be denied purchasing the item so why break the rules?

          so do you speed/drink when you drive unless you know theres a speed camera/RBT station?

        • +3

          @suicine94: wtf does using a self serve checkout have to do with breaking the rules? the whole conversation was about if it can be used at the self serve checkouts for people like me who prefer those.

          and how do they sign an electric voucher anyway? nandos say nothing about having to print them off just have to show them. i can and do do that on my fone when i have other electronic vouchers.

          are you the guy that once hes proven to be stupid he needs to ccome back and try and come off seeming like hes more intelligent to try and save face but then fails and looks even more stupid?

        • +1


          Great idea!!!! Now I can scam Coles by using this on the self service checkout then keeping the voucher and using it again and again and again. Using it multiple times simply wouldn't be possible at normal checkouts because they keep the voucher. So smart of Coles to make it so the voucher can't be printed multipl…. oh wait.

        • @nosdan:

          can you read? read the voucher see what it says. u need to give to the staff then they sign it. if you use some little "self check out" loophold and scam a company then thats your call.

        • +1


          Facepalm. Self checkouts have an attendant, and sometimes when using a voucher it asks for the attendant to come and approve it. They can then sign the voucher and put it in a slot in the machine to be emptied later. That may or may not be the case for this voucher, depending on the attributes applied to it when it was entered into the Coles POS system. In my experience, they generally only require that for $ off vouchers (like $10 off any purchase).

          There is no "loophold". There is no scam. The coupon states that each coupon can only be used once, but it does not state one per person. It's an electronic coupon. It can be printed more that once.

        • +1


          So smart of Coles to make it so the voucher can't be printed multipl…. oh wait.


          ive read the voucher, where does it say you have to print it? they give it to you electronically, how exactly can they sign electrons and put the electrons in the draw?

          common sense says that if its an electronic voucher that you can show/use electronically (ie on your fone) then the other 2 points are moot, and as puffinfresh pointed out so well, you can just go home and print another voucher if you wanted to use a physical voucher anyway, and as stated earlier at least some just throw the voucher in the bin anyway…. so the rest of it is just BS fine print that as is typical of big businesses trying to get into electronic/online market that fail to grasp even slightly how it works.


        • +1
        • +1

          @puffinfresh: BTW, you need to buy some toner.

        • +1

          Yeah, it refused to print earlier, but I gave the toner a shake and it continued. It also says I need a new waste toner cartridge, but I reckon I'll get another 3 weeks out of that. Hopefully a colleague replaces it by then :P

      • The checkout chick I saw didn't write anything, once it registered, she seemed to throw it away (didn't store it unless the bin is her storage system)

  • Its very hot but doesn't taste that great.

  • Could not find in store. Checkout lady did a price match on the extra hot (2 bottles).

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