Lazy to go to the GYM

Hi Guys, I have been very lazy last couple of months and this month i had been to the gym only for 4 days :( I think that if i have a proper bag ( me and my partner ) Refer this link : and some nice gym bag for guys/ and some motivation ( like a good yoga mat/nice new towels ( had a look at the kathmandu towels ) and nice water bottles and some nice books to read.

Just want to know what motivates people to go to gym?


  • +11

    Desire to lose weight or to get some serious muscle? The ridiculous prices of gyms have motivated me to go outside and go cycling. Gyms have a social scene, are open 24/7 and are an easy way to exercise while catching up on some reality tv.

    • The first for me… though I'm losing motivation since after a month or so my weight didn't budge… not even .2kg… so depressed. In fact, i think it might have gone up with no physical change -_-'

      • +10

        Being heavy (overweight) isn't really the problem. Being overly fatty (overfat) is the problem. You should aim to lose fat rather than weight.

        Almost everyone I know who is overfat has a food-addiction. They eat for pleasure.

        If that sounds like you too, you'll need to overcome your food-addiction to improve your health in the long term.

        • +2

          scroogeMcDuck, yes i am addicted to food,. i am tryin hard not to eat junk/fast food but just control. Yes i always make up my mind not to eat unhealthy stuff, i do it for 15-20 days ( my max was for 1 month) but then i give in, i just cant control passing by mac donalds,kfc,hungry jacks or any choc joint. thnks for that suggestion

        • +7

          Keep Going Ozzy!

          I was a fat boy, but now I'm slim (many people actually call me "muscular" now).

          Eating junk is totally NORMAL, but it's all about moderation.
          If you have 7 days of healthy eating with 1 "cheat" meal, you're fine, healthy and a normal human being. Don't punish yourself for eating badly - it's a downhill spiral.

          Also, check your exercise levels. Many people go to the gym and "exercise" (AKA: on the phone). Try to get a vigorous 20 minutes a day. It'll make you feel amazing.

          P.S: Decent results took me about 6 months. Substantial results took me about 2 years, but now I'm hooked and will never go back.

        • +6

          Actually, what I found in dieting is that cheating is not neccesarrily helpful in keeping you in 'weight loss mode'.

          What OP suffers from and many others also have is an addiction to sugar and carbs. If you want to kick the addiction, you have to go cold turkey on it otherwise your monthly 'cheat days' will suddenly become 'weekly cheat days' and then finally you will throw in the towel, making the diet a wasted effort.

          I stayed mostly sugar free during my Keto diet and what I found now when I ate a piece of cake or anything that was sugary, I found the taste overpowering and far too sweet than what I'm used to.

          It's like I've rewired my brain and tastebuds to reject foods that are simply too sweet. However, I still sweeten my foods slightly using Stevia and it hasn't impacted on my ability to keep away from junk stuff.

          Also, weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. If you are someone who leads a sedentary lifestyle, it's actually still possible to lose weight by simply changing how you eat without having to go into intensive cardio training. Exercise helps, but really not as much as you think it does.

        • +1

          Thanks massafiri :) inspiring

        • +1

          Yes i understand that i m up for it, havent had junk food last 2 days - green tea replaces coffee in the morning, got a bad headache because of no cofee ( i have milk and sugar in my cofee ) - Couldnt control having a cofee as i m typing now.. will go to gym in half hour from now. Thnks sugar is very addictive

        • +1


          I was never fat, but I became Lactose intolerant, so I now can't have ice-cream/chocolate/milkshakes/etc. After a while of not having this stuff, I also cut down on other sugary/shitty foods. I feel better, even though I weigh more (combo of growing and gym) and I don't really like the sugary foods that I once did, they are overpowering. This is the best way to in the long term, change your body fat percentage. Diets don't work for the simple fact that they are temporary, it's a lifestyle change.

        • +1

          @ozzyoi: I know try kick junk and fast food but 7 day good on one bad meal.

        • +1


          Agreed regarding 80% diet and 20% exercise.

          I find portion control helps as well with diet. Problem is that normal restaurant/fast food portions are ridiculous in size.

          Our brains normally want us to finish off all the food that is served to us, mainly because that's what we were taught growing up, and not to be wasteful.

          Helps to train yourself to eat just until you are full, not until every last crumb is gone and you feel bloated. Sometimes if I'm eating a sandwich I will just eat the filling and leave some of the bread or crust, which are just carbs. Taking your time and focusing on tasting each bite helps too.

        • +1

          I find portion control helps as well with diet. Problem is that normal restaurant/fast food portions are ridiculous in size.

          Depends on where you live and where you go to eat. Most places (even fast food restaurants) would happily oblige if you want to customize your meal. E.g i went to Grill'd burgers the other day and they made me a burger without a bun — they served me the meat patty in a bowl of salad.

          So long as you count your calories you should be able to maintain a calorie deficit. My Fitness Pal is a good website / smartphone app to keep track of stuff you've eaten. Takes some discipline and habit to use it though, I personally don't keep a food log because it's a real pain.

      • What about your body fat percentage? I went to gym for 1 - 2 months, my weight didn't change at all but my fat percentage reduced from 30+% to around 25%.

        • oh i dint check that, the pt that i had 3 months back wasnt bothered to check on that..thanks will do today when i go to gym today ( Hopefully :) )

      • +7

        .>Determine TDEE using a calculator
        .>Download myfitnesspal
        .>Eat ~300 calories less than TDEE
        .>Lose weight. Get bitches

        yfw people mirin' you. feels.jpeg

        • thnx ,looking at that now

      • +2

        Here's what I've learnt after going through the whole weight loss thing.

        Diet affects how much we weight
        Gym/training affects how we look at that weight

        To lose weight you should be eating at a calorie deficit (Calories in < Calories out).
        Go to the gym to help release those endorphins to make you feel better, it will make you feel better about yourself and give you more confidence; it'll also help tone up the body if you're losing weight so you won't get that 'excess skin' some people get when they lose weight.

        You won't grow muscles overnight, it takes months to SEE an improvement but you will be able to FEEL an improvement within a week.

        • +1

          Some days I really don't want to go to the gym, but force myself to go and just try to get through as much as I can (almost) every time I end up getting through my whole workout and feeling great afterwards. Hopefully one day my subconscious will figure this out and stop discouraging me from going to the gym.

    • Yeah, me too havent lost much .. feel dissapointed. may be i m not pushing myself

      • +29

        I used to be a personal trainer so I would like to offer up some candid advice.

        Weight loss is mostly diet with exercise thrown in, you can spend 4 days a week in a gym and not get anywhere if you diet is not up to scratch.

        The simple methods to getting motivated at the gym are things like the following.

        1) Make a reasonable and obtainable goal for your weight to start with, like 2kg off your current weight.

        2) Look at what you do all day. Do you sit down for most of it, do you snack at your desk, do you move around much?

        3) Have a look at way which you can add exercise into your day without making it a chore. Parking your car further from work and walking, taking the steps instead of the escalator, walking to the bus or train. The little things add up, get a fitbit and see if you can get to 10,000 steps a day.

        4) Look at what you eat and when you eat. Do you eat a lot of processed food? If you buy lunch do you opt for fast food or do you go with a sandwich. Start to substitute soft drink with water until you are weened off the sugar.

        5) If you go to the gym stick to a plan. Make a list of exercises to do and stick to them, if the machine or weights are being used then substitute them for another similar exercise. If you don't know what exercises to do, ask your gym desk for a free PT session or for a program review.
        Get involved with a gym class if they have them so you don't need to make a program.
        Go to the gym with purpose, you shouldn't be there doing a 30min slow walk on a treadmill, push yourself.
        And this word should be hammered into your head, compound. Do compound exercises, movements which require more than 1 muscle to perform the movement (e.g. do chinups instead of bicep curls, squats instead of leg curls etc.)
        Most importantly, change your exercise routine every month. Doing the same thing over and over again for a year will not give you the same results as changing it up.

        6) Don't look at the scales every day as it will only demotivate you. Look at it after a month and see what you have achieved.

        Hope this helps.

        • +2

          +1 on the importance of diet. You may have seen this slogan in some gyms "Abs are 70% what you eat and 30% how you workout"

        • +2

          Most importantly, change your exercise routine every month. Doing the same thing over and over again for a year will not give you the same results as changing it up.

          You should word that properly, obviously doing the same thing and expecting results is insane, BUT you don't need to CHANGE the exercise routine you can change it up by increasing the weight each session or doing more repetitions or adding more resistance etc each session you 'complete' it.

        • Thanks a lot :)

        • +5


          Yes, that would be beneficial for people looking to increase their strength in the same exercise but I am looking at this from the perspective of someone that doesn't want to get bored at the gym.
          Changing the exercises up means that you have something new to look forward to even if it means that there are 2 different programs you cycle on each alternate month.

        • @kangaberries: I've been doing essentially the same lifting routine for 18 months now, and the same basic training method for 3 years. I'm still getting measurably stronger. I change a few bits and pieces sometimes to help with deficiencies, or if I have some activity coming up (eg skipping and isometric training for snow boarding).

          Just getting stronger month on month is enough motivation for many people.

    • yeah , i decided to walk before, but then when i see many people exercising, i feel motivated. The prices are very high though

    • +6

      Sorry to be a cynic, but from my experience, gyms are hardly social and it's very hard to make friends.

      You go inside, do your workout, and go home.

      Try chatting, but it seems like everyone is doing the above; just do workout, and go home.

      (Social sports on the other hand, are actually social; you talk.)

      • +2

        agreed. didn't enjoy the gym or it's prices. Made my own ozbargain style ghetto gym at home. Saving money and gaining gainz.

      • It depends on the 'gym'. I train at a powerlifting club and the people are very social. I don't often hang out with them outside of the gym, but I do see them three times a week at the gym.

  • +20

    I read this while eating a chocolate bar … still not motivated

    • try having another

  • +7

    It's only a few lines, but that post was hard to read.

    • :)

    • +2

      I'm waiting for someone to write TL;DR because of the lack of motivation to even read lol

      • I'm sure they would if they weren't so lazy & dreaming of a TL;DR button…

  • +7

    A nice bag will motivate you to go to the gym? To each their own i guess. My motivation comes from seeing the results. Nothing like seeing your physique slowly transform into something you can be proud of. If you're not seeing any changes on the scale it will be 100% down to your diet. You need to exercise AND diet to see any results.

    • +1

      tat bag is a motivation for my gf, i think my post was not very clear.. I am motivated if my partner is motivated.. Yes diet is imp.. i know but when i see a cheese pizza cant control !! :(

    • My motivation comes from seeing the results

      My friend I'm amazed, the problem is the results take too long to be enough to keep up motivation…

      I am planning to get a better bike for my son so he can ride and I can run behind him…

  • +7

    You need motivation? It doesn't work for everyone but I tell myself that by going to the gym/exercising today I'm beating every other lazy bastard that chose to catch the train straight home and sit on the couch. I want to be better than them, I want to be stronger and faster than them. I want to beat them and the only way to do that is to train harder and smarter than them.

    And I can't stress that nutrition of 2/3 the battle, run all you want but if your smashing big macs every day your not going to change a thing.

    • thanks, very inspiring

  • +4

    Try setting some achievable goals. Reaching the goals is motivating and success breeds success. Fancy equipment doesn't motivate for long.
    Good luck!

  • +2

    A mirror is good enough motivation for me lol.

  • +3

    I think this is kind of a silly post really but I'll offer my feedback anyway.
    Firstly, if you're not bothered to go to gym, maybe try to find out why? Or even better, find another physical activity that you enjoy that gets you working out. Sex [not kidding] is a great one, and you don't even have to leave your home if you're lucky lol.
    Tried playing a team sport? My gym has squash courts so maybe you'd want to try something like that?
    I'm guessing you're a girl from your post, but you really don't need to have all the pretty bits and pieces to go to gym. Is this a troll post? You almost don't need a bag to go to gym, just a towel/bottle/jumper in this weather…
    Second, you said you go to gym with a partner. This person should be motivating you as much as you're motivating them to go! Doesn't sound like you're doing your jobs as proper gym partners!
    Third, very true about both diet and exercise being factors to weight loss/gain. Sleeping hours [6-8 hours a day] are also vital to the body operating properly.
    Just my two cents

    • Thanks for ur post, yes i believe it looks silly but yeah was being very truthfull.. No i am a guy ! the bag url link was for my partner .. Yes i agree sleeping is imp i am having a very disturbed sleep for past 15-20 days.. Dont know y. i m in late 20's ..

      • +2

        Disturbed sleep from lack of exercise? Exercise makes me sleep very well.

  • +4

    Why don't you use those things you want as a reward for going to the gym. You could base it on attendance or results. ie. Go 4 times a week every week or a month and you have earned yourself a nice new yoga mat, or lose 5kg and you've earned the bag…whatever would suit your circumstances and motivate you…hopefully once you've established it as a habit you'll be more motivated to keep going due to the results you are getting, or just because you are used to going and starting to enjoy it.

    • +1

      Thanks YTW.. very good idea. U r a legend

  • +2

    For me it was losing 16kgs in a year and gaining lots of muscle tone, and now being in the best shape of my life at 34. The results in the first few months along with the nice compliments from people are motivation enough. And things like nice gym bags to motivate you are not as strange as it sounds. For me it's nice gym wear.

    • Losing 16kg in a year wow thats amazing. Thanks for not cosidering the gym bag strange

      • +1

        Whatever motivates you I guess.

        I got given a fitbit a couple of months ago and that motivated me to get off my butt and do walking every day. I set a challenge goal for myself though, and I have to wake up every morning and go for a walk around the lake near my house and also do some walking at lunchtime to meet the goal. Now my morning walk has stuck as a habit which is great.

        • awesome i have just ordered fortis tracker from kogan, lets see. Even i get one good habit out of this, its worth the money

  • +2

    I found myself going to the gym once or at best twice a month, my work hours are too long during the week and on weekend I really needed to unwind without losing a whole morning on the gym (I know some people's idea of unwinding is going to the gym, I wish I could be one of those people but I'm not).

    What I did was bring the gym home to me - I bought a good elliptical exercise machine, bought a cheap 24" TV and mounted it in front of said machine and now squeeze in exercise at least a couple times per week.

    Can't remember where I heard it but you can't outrun bad eating habits - I've stopped eating junk food at work when I'm hungry and instead pack a piece of fruit, I'm measuring out a sensible quantity to eat for my lunch and dinner and I can really feel a difference in terms of weight loss and having more energy.

    • +1

      wow, thats good.. All the best for ur work out sessions

    • -4

      This irks me so much - people exercising on treadmills while watching TV or reading magazines. If your mind is not on to it,then you're wasting your time. You'd still be burning calories but won't be as much as when you focus your mind on the training. You really need to feel every muscle contraction, savour the pain when Lactic Acid burning up in your muscle.

      • +4

        You burn more energy on a treadmill and watching TV than on a couch and watching TV.

      • +1

        Heh don't misunderstand, it is with the resistance jacked very high up and my heart rate goes up to 170-180. The TV is there for music videos beats staring at a brick wall.

        That said per above I also subscribe to the idea that being on the treadmill at any intensity level beats being on the couch :-)

  • Why would you want to go to the gym? there is enough work in the world that needs doing without wasting your energy and health there.

    • I primarily work on Computers/IT stuff and mostly work from home. Have deadlines to complete, not muc exercise though except the gym

      • +1

        Then you are a perfect candidate for a walking desk!

        Buy a cheap used treadmill off ebay/gumtree, setup a bench on top of the treadmill or a hacked IKEA desk and do your work while performing a slow walk.…

        • seems cool, I hate walking so I might try and make one with a bike instead. I have seen those pedal things that you sit on the floor and use whatever seat but at a desk you will be kicking the table with your knees

        • +2

          IIGnomeII - This seems cool :) thnx

  • +5

    You don't have to be at the the gym for too long to lose weight, just 30-45min sessions can be enough. I reckon if you are able to stay longer than that you are not pushing yourself hard enough! If you stay too long you start getting bored too.

    Tuna and rice crackers ftw

    • +1

      ^ Pretty much this.

      30 - 40mins on cardio, 6 different exercises with a 1min break between sets and a 2min break between exercises and you should be out within the hour. You don't need to spend 3 hours at a gym each session to see progress.

  • +1

    I'm motivated NOT to go to the gym because they charge you for something you don't need. Google "Mark Sisson" or have a look at… and the only other 3 moves you need. Can do them anywhere, anytime. Even better if you and your partner motivate each other (clothing optional = cheaper still).

  • +7

    “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”


  • +4

    If you're fat, keep taking pics of yourself in your birthday suit (or in tight-fitting clothes) and take note of all the crappy parts you want to improve on. Look at it every day - It worked for me - lost 10 kgs in 1 year just cos I felt so grossed out looking at my flabs. I got a gym ball, skipping rope at home, I do push ups and sit ups and crunches and planks when I get bored of work or when I feel like snacking. Once you start losing a bit of weight and the compliments come from friends, colleagues,… you'll feel even more motivated to lose more.

    In short, motivate yourself to look good and feel better - don't buy products thinking they will help you (believe me, I've bought so many exercise clothes and bags and books, only to never use them).

    • +4

      Maybe beside the photos put the gym invoices. Those two combined would surely motivate anyone!

      • +6

        Upload them to icloud.

        • That way everyone gets motivated.

    • sourgr8p Thnx for sharing your technique, will get on to it. Good one

  • +4

    low carb high fat = food is fatty and taste good and i dont cheat. bacon is up there so its a win to have thta for brekky lunch and dinner with eggs …. ive lost about 40kg with no exercise. ketosis is a wonderful thing

    • how is your cholesterol?

      • +1

        the good cholestrol is perfect, the bad stuff is nearly non-existant

        tri-glycerides are the same

    • not sure if trolling or serious…

  • I find it so difficult to get motivated to exercise. I have to be the laziest person I know. I work from home, which pretty much consists of sitting on chair all day either working or playing games. I sometimes even go the distance to the couch…

    I was blessed with a good metabolism though, so that plus eating relatively healthy means I can stay skinny fat. Wish I had more motivation to get fit.

    • +1

      Same here. High metabolism, work from home, and low motivation for exercise.

      So I ended up buying a gym set from Rebel Sport and use it 3-4 days a week doing a hard gainer routine that I found online which I then put into an iPhone app, and eating alot more calories and drinking protein shakes. I'm making really nice gains and there's a real sense of accomplishment when you lift heavier so you start to enjoy it. You also end up looking better and feeling better, so I definitely recommend going that route.

  • citius and fortius (less interested in the altius)

  • +4

    For me I found that using the exercise programs on my Wii and now Wii U worked wonders. Certainly you'll never get anywhere near being ripped with these sorts of programs, but certainly they helped me shed some kilos and improve my cardio and basic muscle tone.

    Basically I just got in a routine to do it first thing in the morning, straight out of bed. No need to worry about getting ready for the gym, just stagger into the lounge room in your pj's and after five minutes or so you'll be warmed up and awake. It's definitely given me more energy throughout the day too.

  • Im a skinny white male 22 always wanted to go to gym but lack the confidence, one time I did go literally jerks would give me odd ball looks.

    Now I just do skipping, sit ups push ups at home daily but id like to do more :(

    On that note anyone in preston LF a partner?

    • +1

      I wouldn't worry about the other people in the gym.
      You will find that more than 50% of them are self conscious about their own image, get a workout planned and stick to it when you head in there, best of luck finding a training partner in any case!

      • u r right, everyone is worried about their own looks/exercise regime and most of them are not that friendly .. U jus do what u have to do

      • Thank you for advice

  • +1

    I find the gym has a bit of a snowball effect that has a mostly positive impact on everything in your life. My confidence and self discipline has increased so much so that I can make a pretty clear correlation between the gym and gains in my career and personal relationships. Just keep going, it'll become part of your routine and eventually part of a healthier life.

  • working out makes you feel good. the feeling you get after a work out session is what motivates me to go.

    • yes after work out session i feel motivated and decide that i will go the next day and everyday after that, but i am not able to go the session, feel very lazy and procastinate to tomo, and that tomo never comes. I am unable to motivate to go to the gym in the first place, once i am there, i dont feel like coming back .

  • +1

    Ditch the gym and go for a hike with your partner! Probably more a weekend thing but make sure you time yourselves each time to see how much you improve each week and then find other trails to explore :) might motivate, entertain and get you both outdoors :)

    • hiking? I dont even know where to start, places in perth? cost involved? equipment. Dont know hiking, but yes i would love to go.thanks for the idea though

      • +2…

        There are usually maps and brochures at your local information centre. When I say hiking I was thinking more casually then professional so cost should be minimal as long as you take water and wear good shoes you should be good to go :)

        • +2

          Hipmumma Thanks, i m looking forward to book one soon.

    • I train at the gym to make my hiking more enjoyable

  • +4

    Gym is a time and money wasted. Run, swim, cycle, walk, hike, do pushups etc. Just move more outside, enjoy Australian whether.

    • +7

      Also enjoy the Australian weather.

  • +4

    Ride pushies everyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy day. Go hiking or even just a 5 hour walk in a national park most weekends. You'll feel better than lurking in a sweaty cage full of suburban middle class white males trying their best to get massive for whatever musical festival/excuse2raveondempillz is coming up.

    tl;dr: Go outside, it will free your mind.

    • +3

      Agreed… I found the gym extremely boring and would be so eager for the hour to pass. But would spend 5 hours doing some hiking and kayaking and not feel tired. Just find something fun to do so you'll enjoy it but it'll still be a workout!

  • +2

    I joined a Karate class. Like having a personal trainer every session. More fun and very social. The whole class will try and motivate each other.

  • I'm using the 7 minute workout app which means I can be lazy and workout at home (…)

    It's not suitable for athletes or someone trying to build big muscle, but its good for regular noobs trying to keep fit

    • +4

      7 minutes… There's your problem right there

      • it's recommended you do 2-3 sets tho

      • 7 minutes is a start atleast. If done first thing in the morning its will be enough to bump your metabolic rate for the day. Provided your not fuelling junk and only eating clean you will loose fat at a quicker rate then just eating clean.

  • When you go to a gym, and are starting a new program like Starting Strength or any other. I find it is quite enjoyable as you are increasing your weight every session, learning more about your body, and other things.

    However it does get boring, and unless you have some sort of larger goal in mind. For me it was the idea of benching my body weight or close. I really would struggle to go. And even then I feel its only a temporary thing.

    In other words you need to search for your motivation. Which is short term and long term.

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