Firewall reccomendation

My current antivirus is Microsoft Security Essentials, OS is Windows 7 SP1 64 bit. Now I need suggestion for an effective and free Firewall product.

2-way protection is a must, mainly blocking programs in my PC from communicating with remote servers (a friend lost money from an online bank account, apparently the program transferred all info to a remote server without his knowledge!).

I have used PC Tools Firewall Plus, but Symantec discontinued the PC Tools brand from 2013 (yes, they have screwed another company after acquisition). The last build is dated 2010, so need a new Firewall software. Would love something easy to understand like the PC Tools one.

Thanks in advance!


  • +1

    The built in Windows one. You don't AV just common sense.

    • Need a simple interface like the PC Tools one. I have heard the built-in one is 2-way but not that strong as a separate program.

      • +1

        A third-party firewall is a power-user tool. If you are not particularly computer savvy, the default Win 8 firewall is your best solution. It does it's job thanklessly in the background, and prompting the user only at important events. It's also pretty configurable but it's simply not as user friendly.

        A 3rd party firewall gives you fine grain control as well with a different GUI, and mostly the same functionality, but if you're not one to ever go indepth with firewall rules there probably isn't a point in spending money on a firewall which you will simply 'install and forget that it's even there' because a modern OS will have one already.

        If you like being prompted everytime a new application wants network accesss, then I'd recommend 3rd party one, but I probably wouldn't spend more than a few dollars on it. If you have good common-sense and a basic understanding of computer security you won't ever need a paid firewall.

  • Is MSE not free? I'm using it on all my Windows desktop PCs and VMs. I thought only the enterprise version you have to pay for.

    • MSE does not have firewall, currently I use MSE as AV and it is free for valid windows license.

  • +2

    I have been using the free Comodo ( for a few years, and have been quite happy with it.

    Only thing to watch is on the installation it wants you to install some "bloatware" (i.e. remote support tool, maybe a browser/toolbar add on). It is a bit of a pain in the A, but if you go through the install options, you can remove them quite easily.

    • How difficult it is to understand the rules? I have tried few free firewall lately but seemed too much complex. Say I want to allow all standard programs and block unknown ones with a few click, possible?

  • Have a look at BiniSoft Windows Firewall Control - gives you a friendlier interface to the windows firewall if you're finding it a bit much.

    • Damn, that looks cool! Gonna try, Thanx buddy.

      Edit: Its actually an UI on top of Windows Firewall (Built-in), Very much user intuitive I must say.

      • It's great and well worth donating to, they're always releasing new versions so it never stagnates.

        Make sure you go through the options and enable the context menu stuff as I'm fairly sure it's off by default, makes blocking and allowing items incredibly simple.

  • Update: I have finally switched to BiniSoft Windows Firewall Control.

    Its basically a UI over the Windows 7 Firewall (Built-in), but it lets you to block/allow outbound connections easily which the default Windows one does not. Creating the rules are easy too!

    I have tried several advanced firewalls e.g. Comodo, Private Firewall, PCTools Firewall etc. All resulted in a mess and pop up warning in every minute.

    I'll also give this one a try at a later time, it should be identical to the Binisoft one -

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