Is ME Bank as strict with numerous $99 payments as ING

My 5% rebate with ING ended earlier this month so applied for ME Bank account.
Just wondering if ME Bank is as strict with multiple $99 purchases one after another? Need to pay a bill soon and rather not pay over a few days if they are a bit more laxed.


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ME Bank
ME Bank


    • Needs to be under $100 for pay pass transactions

        • You were on the right track, Visa Pay Wave is actually up to $100 VISA.

          Mastercard Pay Pass is under $100 Mastercard

          No collusion going on here.

  • +1

    Wait, you can pay bills over a few days? :O

    I always pay 99 with ING and pay the rest in cash. Damn

    • Can you Bpay with Paywave at post office?

    • A mate of mine pays his electricity at auspost in random amounts. $80.63, $99.01, $87.13…

  • +2

    They'll probably just be grateful to still have a customer, after the sh1t they put us through with their recent "upgrade" :-(

  • In a word: YES
    They will cancel the offer if they detect you doing it.

    • So far I have split my car rego (8 transactions) and laptop purchase (7 transactions) and have not had any issues.

      • +1

        Did u just ask over the counter for people to split 7 and 8 transactions?? I always worry people get the sxits with that.

        • +1

          I just politely ask that the person serving me if it would be possible to split the payment as I get 5% cashback for contactless payments. Then it is their prerogative to split the transaction or not.
          The only thing I take into consideration before asking is how busy the place is.

        • Thanks utkarshgoel. I'll give it a go tomorrow.

          I've split a ~$400 bill at post office before without issue but that was early days of ING offer and heard reports of ppl being told off so more recently opted for numerous $90 payments across a few days.

          Now that im new to ME Bank just seeing whether that the inconvencience was required or not.

        • +1

          @andyman1908: Forgive my ignorance here, but I've never done this before. Do you mean you can go into a post office and pay an amount under $100 toward a bill, and keep doing this at different times until the bill is paid in full, rather than pay the whole bill in one visit? I've tried googling this and can't find a definitive answer. (I'd never used post billpay until ING's 5% cashback, so I'm a novice. I always just paid bills by internet banking before this.)

        • +8

          Good Day Mr XXXX
          We have noticed that recently you made multiple transactions under $100 at the same retailer on the same day within a very small time frame, This is not permitted as per the terms and conditions of our 5% cash back offer.
          As such please be advised the 5% cash back on the relevant purchases have been reversed and your access to this offer has been removed from your account.

          With Thanks
          Sarah XXXXX
          ME Bank

          I have edited the to only show the relevant info… but yeah

          Purchase made over a month ago…. got caught
          Offer removed.

          SO AS I SAID: IN A WORD YES!

        • @jimbobaus:

          Thanks jumbo. That's the info I was after!

        • +2

          Your thoughts are correct. Any bill that is able to be paid by credit card at post office can be done this way.

          Obviously if u get a pay on time discount youd want to pay the full amount by the due date so make sure the final installment is made by due date.

          Eg. If bill total is $350 due on 22/8. I'd pay $90 on 19/8, $90 on 20/8, $90 on 21/8 and $80 on 22/8.

        • @andyman1908: Thank you! I'll do this from now on.

        • -2

          @jimbobaus: That is different. That is "multiple transactions under $100 within a very small time frame". I would still like to see evidence that they object to $99 transactions.

        • @Boshait:
          Sorry maybe my op was unclear but I was asking about multiple $99 purchases in small timeframe. As in paying $210 bill by making smaller $99, $99 and $12 payments one after another.

        • -1

          @andyman1908: That is what I thought but it is different from what you said. Putting through $210 as $70, $70, $70 wont fool them. All the evidence I have seen (and I try to stay on top of this for my own benefit) is all that ING and ME look for are multiple tap-and-gos at the same retailer in a very short time span (minutes).

          If they were looking for $99+ transactions then that would be a new threat to rebate hackers. I doubt they would do that because so many products are priced around that mark.

        • @andyman1908:
          Can you pay credit card bills using this method?

        • @jaybmate:
          Yep u can. As long as the bill says u can pay by credit card at post office

        • @andyman1908:
          My credit card statement doesn't have 'Post Bill Pay' as what someone mentioned above, but it has this:

          Australia Post
          Present your card with your payment at any participating
          Australia Post retail outlet offering Bank@Post. A fee will
          apply for these transactions

          It doesnt say what the fee is but will call them tomorrow to find out about it.
          Would this still work? Or does it have to be Post Bill Pay?

        • @jimbobaus:

          Thanks for sharing. I stopped when ING warned me over the phone. Never pushed ME Bank as I assumed their t&cs were the same. Your post confirms it.

        • +1


          Just do it over several days. E.g. if you have a $400 bill, split it into 5 transactions of random amounts over 5 days.

        • +1


          Yep that's what I currently do and will continue to do. Cheers.

  • -1

    I have never had a problem splitting with ING or ME however I think the most I have split is three times, but am basically always splitting two times.

  • This is the first I've heard of either having a problem with multiple $99 transactions. Multiple tap-and-go payments on one transaction get you into trouble.

  • +1

    Their security systems should trigger an alert for suspect transactions such as multiple paywave transactions, and $99 transactions otherwise what is to stop someone stealing your card and doing just that. Personally I think that karma will get the greedy.

  • +1

    The trick is not to split the payment evenly. Try $90 + $70 + $40 for $200 etc.

  • Some bills like car registration, rates, water bill etc can only be paid by debit card if you pay at the Post Office(in QLD at least). Paywave registers as a credit card, even if it is a debit transaction, so it will not work

    • Just paid an installment (90 of my 230 total) rate bill by paypass this afternoon. I also pay my utilities (gas and electricity) the same way. I believe I can't pay car rego, water bill, or strata bill this way tho :( as u said some bills do not allow these type of credit card payments.

      • Hey mate, I'm assuming you are paying these bills at auspost?

        I've been doing this for my utiilty bills with red energy but the last two times I tried to pay by paypass at the post office the machines declined the transaction… really weird cause the card works everywhere else.

        • +1

          Same here mate. I was using my ME bank card. The bank is aware of the issue but no eta on when it will be fixed

        • Thanks! Well that sucks… hope they fix it (who knows when though).

        • I have tried this too (about 2-3 weeks ago) and was told that the "banks had likely caught on" (which is what I assumed too as it was a great loophole, lets be honest). I have since been under the impression that it will no longer work at AusPost outlets.

        • Well i sent a online enquiry regarding it so ill let you know what they say.

        • This doesn't seem right, is it really a loophole? I don't see any difference compared to buying food/groceries or any other essential items you pay for on a regular basis.

          Then again, I wouldn't put it past the bank at all. It seems more likely to be ME's fault rather than auspost's.

        • According to MEBank customer service, the issue was resolved on 27/11. I've got a bill to pay tomorrow so I'll let you know my findings!

        • +1

          Sucessfully paid my red energy bill today using passwave at auspost. So looks like the issue has been resolved!

        • Thanks heaps for the update, that's awesome news! Now hopefully my new mebank acc will give cashback for 5 more months (did the old close and reopen).

  • Just do a big amount, then lots of tiny amounts at some other place, then a big one again.

    That's the safest way.

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