The Intel i5 4690k unlocked quad-core (non hyper-threaded) devil's canyon CPU is at an all time low at amazon for ~AU$242 shipped to your doorstep. Goes for about AU$275 + shipping locally.
[Amazon] Intel i5 4690k Unlocked Quad-core Processor US$217 Delivered

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CPU very rarely dies.. even if you overclock them
Motherboard, GPU and PSU are the main risk factor of failure
Lets not forget RAM .. from my experience it is the single biggest point of failure.
and the harddrive, ssd, and video card.
everything except the CPU
Even cases would have a higher failure rate than the CPU
That's a joke right? RAM pretty much only needs to be reseated or it's the socket on the MOBO not the actual RAM. That's why even the cheapest RAM comes with lifetime warranty. Compare that with GPU/MOBO/PSU warranty out there.
Actually "lifetime warranty" infers product life time (not one's actual life period). That being said i would agree RAM rarely fails.
Although some manufacturers do tend to use cheaper chips/even with their own product lines (e.g SSD samsung evo TLC vs samsung pro MLC).
Most of the time it's not the ram but people's ignorance of correct ram for their motherboards/cpu. Just because it's the correct speed/pin type does not necessarily mean it will play nice! customers routinely point out their motherboard supports 2133mhz! not realising most default support is 1600 intel/1866 amd for cpus - going up from this requires overlocking.. albeit as small as it is.
Anyway, always check the motherboard compatibility list, cpu supported memory speed and do a memtest86 with ram.
yes i have had the buttons and ubs on a case fail.. the only part of the case that can lol haha ( power supple excluded )
Never had a failed CPU .. even i did cook an AMD thunderbird ones though but even after that it stilled worked at stock just could never overclock ever again!
In my experience it is ram thats the worst. Only a little bit of the memory fails though, windows still boots and works 99.5%, and that makes it hard to diagnose why you suddenly have systematic instability. Often it makes it appear like its other hardware thats the problem.
Fair enough, except that if you're buying a "k" series CPU and are overclocking, your warranty is already void.
Why would Intel develop a k series CPU specifically made to be overclocked and then have it void the warranty that comment of yours doesn't make any sense.
Its not his comment that doesn't make sense but rather Intel's warranty T&C.
It's like buying a car, the manufacturer may advertise the special design that is conducive to modifications and the speeds possible if you add this and do that but if you end up blowing up the engine, you're on your own.
@dogboy: AMD, NVIDIA and any other manufacturer that I know of has similar terms. These are businesses and they need to turn profits.
"Intel has not tested, and does not warranty, the operation of the processor beyond its specifications. Intel has not tested, and does not warranty, the operation of other system components beyond their industry standard specifications. Intel assumes no responsibility that the processor and other system components, including if used with altered clock frequencies and/or voltages, will be fit for any particular purpose."
Warranty on overclocking is essentially warranty on the skills of the overclocker. Intel cannot possibly do that as skill levels vary.
Most of the time though, they won't be able to tell. All overclocking is applied through software or the motherboard's BIOS, so as long as they don't do any intensive analysis of the CPU, they won't be able to detect it.
Change the title its misleading
Its not 217 USD delivered its 217usd + delivery…its $209.99 + $7.11 delivery.
I feel the itch for a CPU/platform upgrade after three years, but no matter how long I spend browsing reviews trying to sell myself on the idea, I can only come up with the flimsiest of justifications. Reckon my $218 i5-2500K is gonna serve out 4-5 years in my main system if I can avoid being too tempted by Broadwell.
Might be worth waiting a little longer for the Skylake, given from my readings the Broadwell is going to be short lived.
I'm in sort of the same boat but not as long, making the move from AMD to Intel, from a FX8350. AMD weren't what they were years back being a neck and neck competitor to Intel.
Same boat hold out a couple more years till DDR4 is the norm and hopefully the CPU will have improved a bit further atm there is so little between them it's just pointless.
This is a CPU…. There is no system, bare bones or what… You will need to purchase other things to make this work, including something with a power button.
Not sure if seriously stupid or trolling…
He's likely thinking of the Intel NUC.
There is still a lot of misconception out in the normal community that "CPU" means that big black box next to or under the monitor. Where that came from I don't know but I always found it irritating.
Or the 'hard drive'.
Guys I'm pretty sure he just has this mistaken for an Intel NUC box
… I hope.
There are lots of peoples think desktop tower is called CPU.
Good find but agree with Chocalate.
I've built heaps of PCs, never once had an issue with the CPU.
3.MoboFound local supplier for $245 pickup…
Sorry I didn't realize this is only the 4690 not the 4690k my bad.
Time for me to go to bed.
Being the CPU , I personally wouldn't want to risk it for warranty reasons. Its only a 12% saving anyway.