Kogan start dropping price from $850 to $750 today. I feel sorry to whoever bought this unit yesterday. Wish 13" MBA will have a good price soon.
Edited: Don't forget to sign in through cashrewards to gain 2% cash back.
Kogan start dropping price from $850 to $750 today. I feel sorry to whoever bought this unit yesterday. Wish 13" MBA will have a good price soon.
Edited: Don't forget to sign in through cashrewards to gain 2% cash back.
$735 after 2% cash back
I wish eBay would have another 20% off sale.
Yeah, wasn't this around $500-$600 in the Ebay deal?
I hesitated and have regretted it ever since.
$500, but that was a once in a lifetime kind of deal I think.
yeah pretty amazing deal, they must have had overstock and cleared it out with the low prices. It was definitely under their costs since Apple set very low margins for retailers.
More like ebay took a hit on that day. Was all a bit political as they were trying to increase total turn over before end of financial year to increase share prices. So yeah, Apple did not lose, Kogan still made a small profit, ebay made loss that day but gained for the year ( for share price ). Not a simple % profit/loss %.
@ozhunter68: Exactly this man, Ebay was the one who finance the 20% off.
Considering kogan price does not include tax and what not, i say they are still making a good profit base on the quantity of sale alone.
In the end, to a retailer making selling 100 laptop with %10 profit each in a day is hell of a lot better than selling only 10 laptop that day at 20% profit.
Do you think this was a one off thing, e.g. a certain set of circumstances such as the increasing share prices bit you mentioned that led to this, or are there similar circumstances (and thus deals like this) before every EOFY?
Possible price match in office work?
Lol. Good luck.
Officeworks will only price match Australian stock, which this is not.
This probably confirms the likelyhood of new MacBook Air with retina release before chrismas
Yup a 12"
Whilst a 12" MacBook Air is rumoured to be on the cards, and a retina screen also seems likely, the fact that Kogan has discounted some Apple products, confirms nothing at all. Apple is very secretive on product releases, and it is highly unlikely the Kogan/his dealers have any more information than the rumour mill about future apple products.
Good price, hopefully there is a 20% Kogan sale tomorrow and it comes down to $600, that would be good buying then. Fingers crossed!
I can dream, hopefully kogan has some super Sunday deals instead then.
this is overseas stock right? how does warranty and repair work for these? can I still take it in store locally?
Shouldn't be a problem for macbooks as they carry global warranty. I confirmed this via apple store when I got my MBA 13" through the Ebay 20% sale
Also ipad air 16gb Wi-Fi at $390 from the Kogan Ebay site.
Meh apple
How do you like them Apples? Not so much?
Wow! I just sold my 3 month old MBA 11 for $800 cash. Good for me!
but how much did you originally buy it for?
$980 for the Aus 1.4ghz 2104 model
Are you time traveler?
Really hoping the 13" pops up.
I used to have a 13" air and I sold it to buy the 11". The whole idea of the air is portability and I reckon the 11" is the way to go anyday. It also has a higher ppi and is in widescreen mode which is really nice for media consumption. Unless you really need the extra 2 inches or you can't live without an sd card slot, I would purchase the 11". Just my opinion though, all macs are quality and are built to last :)
Yeaaah Nah
I have the 13" and want another one for the misses.
Yeah I was about to buy the $499 one at Kogan Ebay a while ago, but the screen is really tiny. At $749 I'll easily hold off. 13" is the sweet spot. I already have an iPad for the small form factor.
13" is not the sweet spot for the air, the screen looks very pixelated and its a bit flimsy. The 13" retina is the sweet spot, its a portable powerhouse and is capable of a lot more than the air.
Yeh my mistake of waiting. I just didnt feel like paying 200 more for a couple inches of extra screen and some minor extras. Currently the 13 is only 100 or so more
Might hold out for the 13" iPhone 10 (with Retina)
something doesn't add up.
says "Mountain Lion", that suggests a MacBook Air "Core i5" 1.3 11"(Mid-2013) Intro Date: June 10, 2013
but also says "Core i5 1.4", that suggests a MacBook Air "Core i5" 1.4 11" (Early 2014) Intro Date: April 29, 2014 but they come with Mavericks.
and the i5- "4250U" had a clock speed of 1.3Ghz not 1.4Ghz
I suspect old stock, (Mid-2013) clearance selling cheap-ish.
The model number in the listing points to the 2014 refresh.
Based on the specs its the latest 2014 model. OS X version may just be a typo
Will there be a 20% kogan discount today?
Don't hold your breath.
Just Bought one.
Any idea if we get an australian tax invoice with this given that its from kogans ebay australia store.
I realise it ships from Hong Kong.
Going on holiday soon it would be godd to claim the tax back on it.
Personally I don't think that processor is fast enough. I have a i5 1.7 and that is as slow as I would go.
Haswell or Ivy Bridge?
get one, cheers~