So, I tried freezing the cheeseburgers, and reheating it for a minutes in the microwave in its wrapper. Sensational!
I have bought 100 at the Maylands McDonald on Guildford road in Perth. They have no limit of 4. I've asked them twice now.
So for those searching through ozbargain and wanting a quick and cheap snack, this is great :) (also those having freezer room).
100 McDonalds Cheeseburger at $1 Each

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@ appleyuen
How many do you eat a week ?
(genuine question)
I can do one a day
You should change your handle to "heartproblems" ;P
I hope you didn't vote Liberal or there will be no healthcare left when you need it, appleyuen.
Generally I don't eat any a week. But may now up it to one a day! Plus with all the visitors we get… maybe 5!
When you thaw the cheeseburger in the mircowave, wouldn't the buns on the cheeseburger go all soggy? not a pleasant experience
Not sure if personal taste but you will find a microwave cheese burger from McDonalds will taste better than it normally is. Maybe because everything is hot and you can taste all the sugar content in the bun.
honestly I can smash 10 a day no problem, keep in mind I got gym and have a fast metabolism
Gym is all well and good but the excess amount of fat, sugar and salt in junk food is detrimental to overall health. Clogged arteries, high blood pressure, diabetes just to name a few problems that could occur from that type of diet on a regular basis.
Eat clean, train hard for optimum health.
Check this out:…
It's what you eat that is important, not what you do after eating fast junk food.
Also check this:
And good luck smashing 10 per day ;)
I said i can smash 10 a day, never said i did it, most i had was 5 on a cheat day, yes i could have had more, i meant my capacity would easily take 10, never said i eat 10 on a regular basis :/ you think I'm retarded lol, im well aware of proper dieting and exercise, its called a cheat meal search it up bro..
@striker5950: So you're just telling us it's possible to eat 10 in a day? Yeah, anyone can do that. No gym or "fast metabolism" (that's not a thing) required. It's only 2820kCal/11,800kJ. The average daily recommended intake is ~2,000kCal/8,000kJ. It'd be alot for a 5' tall person… but it'd have basically zero impact on even their weight and body if they had a normal diet for the rest of the time.
that's foul
no it's beef
I see what you did there ;)
That's a one way ticket to high cholesterol
I'd recommend not saying the location. Head office will be down to stop that asap.
i knew friends who freezing KFC and then reheat.. but burger? hmm next level!
Imagine fries!
Been there, tried that…
It's friggin' awful.
We half filled a deep freezer with uncooked KFC. Hot n spicy chicken pieces cooked in the oven or sandwich press were amazing. My housemate worked there and got to bring home the uncooked stuff a day or two before expiry.
Yeah it's pretty bad, but seriously my favourite fast food!
someone is gonna OD on cheeseburgers lol
This is genius
You gonna be sick soon
technically it's my freezer!
Looks more like an early death to me.
You can save money by using the fridge as your coffin.
You can save more money by donating your organs after your death, but who wants a fatty liver and polycystic kidney?
I think I'm going to be sick!
Oh my gosh you greedy ———-! Thats overkill
I lived in a house with a housemate that did this 20 at a time. It's a little disturbing how indistinguishable the fresh and frozen products are.
For all the haters, being able to eat a cheeseburger, hungover and from the comfort of your own home, is gratifying. If you do it before 10:30am, you're probably also the only person in Australia with this magnificent opportunity.
$100 worth of cheeseburgers. I dunno… seems like a waste of $100.
Thinking of them as $1 each sounds cheap. Multiplied, suddenly it doesn't seem like such a great deal (when you're taking it home to freeze anyway - you could buy kilos and kilos and kilos of frozen snack food for far cheaper).
But I guess frozen snack food isn't the same as a cheeseburger.
Still. $100. lol
What frozen snack food can be instantly prepared by zapping it for a minute in the microwave?
You couldn't buy the buns and cheese and meat for much cheaper…
I understand the difference between most frozen snacks that can be bought in bulk, versus a ready to go cheeseburger. I get the value of buying the cheeseburgers while they're $1 and freezing for later, since presumably the $1 deal won't last indefinitely.
But there's cheap, and there's cheap and nasty.
Guess which category 100 cheeseburgers fits into, in my mind. (edit - especially when the OP says "Generally I don't eat any a week. But may now up it to one a day!")
This made me laugh. It sounds disgusting but each to their own I guess
Thanks for keeping our 'free' healthcare system busy! Never know what those public hospitals are up to without being kept honest by venerable citizens such as yourself.
100 cheeseburgers will actually cost $107
Erm. 1 Cheesburger = $1 $1 x 100 Cheeseburgers = $100. Where'd the extra $7 come from?
Because they're about to charge $7 to go to the doc instead of completely bulk billing it
Don't feel bad I missed the joke too.
Just when you think you've heard it all. Thanks OP.
I used to buy 50 coming back from clubbing when they were $2 each, just to make the drive-through have a heart attack… They last forever in the fridge (SuperSize Me) so there's no downside
there's no downside
except an early death
That's if you eat them… judging from GaryQ's response… i think he just bought them for the sake of giving the drive through operator a heart attack.
Then kept the burgers incase of WWIII…
How long did you have to wait?
Probably only as long as it took for the cashier to hand them over to the OP, aren't they pre-made for the $1 rush?
You don't need to freeze them. Just leave them on a shelf and they will be fine for ages.
Because they are too small to absorb moisture, not for the reasons most people think they stay "fresh" looking…
1/10 Would not consume.
geez this is gross
you could make some quality burgers for $100 if you buy good mince meat in bulk etc. Maybe not 100 burgers worth, but certainly a good number.
I think that's a great idea. Just make sure you are exercising a modest amount to burn off those extra calories.
Asked my maccas today for $1.00 cheeseburger (12.10pm) and they said they don't do them. Is it only certain maccas?
That's bad. The advert is still playing. I saw it today!!
Didn't know that, and still got 2 from Boundary Rd (Braeside?) on Saturday. + a $1 small fries!
i've frozen big macs and subway sandwiches from all the freebie deals. not as good as a fresh one, but when you're hungry….mmmm heaven :)
How horrifying…
With the amount of preservatives in junk food there is no need to put them in the freezer
student at uni used go in get 200 of them do this eww but he love them.
i did the same thing with the zinger pies..but only 6 though..lasted 6 months..
I did this for a while for a snack here and there, they last 6+ months.
taste exactly the same
I'm sure the burgers will last even if you don't freeze them.
dear OP, please be careful of spoilage of your potential and surely delicious burgers.
It might be easy to over look but it is recommended you do not keep longer that 3-4 months in your refrigerator!!!
That's a US site. Maccas in the US is disgusting. AU Maccas is like Gourmet.
for those going on about heart attacks and diabetes, won't happen. From the age of 12 till 20 I use to have Maccas nearly every day and sometimes twice a day. I was fit as a fiddle. Now I eat a little healthier, I find that it's harder to get energy and lose weight.
GO THE HAMBURGLAR….You'd have to over 50 to make this statement. Otherwise your words mean nothing.
Now I eat a little healthier, I find that it's harder to get energy and lose weight.
That's called getting older.
Wouldn't have weight to lose if you didn't feast on hamburgers in the first place…
Should have taken a photo of all those cheezies
100 cheeseburgers is only 4.5kg of mince ($22.50 at aldi). 10 (?) loaves of white bread ($10). 100 slices of cheese. ($12).
tomato sauce, mustard, onion, pickels?
Even after that you might come in under $100yep .. those wouldn't add up to much
you could do it all, including electricity for well under $100 .. probably have $40 left over to pay yourself for your time. (assumes you substitute bread for the bun, but i reckon bread is just as good)
no way that would be as tasty as maccas cheeseburger
yeh .. there aren't any special ingredients in a cheeseburger. just lots of salt. it's easy to make something just as tasty.
good quality supermarket mince is already a lot better than what mcdonalds use, it'll taste and smell better (mcdonalds beef doesn't even smell right).
This is not bargain mate… This is wrong buy!
mcdonalds isnt really food, real food cant be reheated in the microwave for 1min and then be edible.
When I was in the music industry 20 years ago, there was a legendary roadie named "Speedie" who used to drive the bands equipment in a van on the Sydney-Melbourne-Sydney each week. He used to stop at a McDonalds on the outskirts of town, buy a dozen cheeseburgers and line them up on the dash above the air-con/heating vents, then heat one up with the hot air vent every time he needed a snack, without any stops on the drive. You don't want to know what he did about going to the toilet while he drove…
Is Speedie still alive? lol
10/10 deal if you love diabeetus.
this is what i like about living in a peaceful democracy, freedom of choice. spare a thought for our brothers and sisters living in conflict zones around the world for whom this discussion of bargainess is but a fantasy.
Why don't you just buy it when you need it or like 7 at a time every week? That way it doesn't get less fresh. I would be hesitant to eat something that is over 3 days old, let alone 100 days…
Going out each week, rather than just once, would burn too many calories.
Precious burgery calories.
Buying 100 is a wholesale purchase, so you should've got wholesale rates…
Just a heads up. DO NOT DO THIS WITH KFC MASHED POTATO. It's an easy way to get food poisoning.
I've worked there before and it is super important not to save this in your fridge, it's an extremely good breeding ground for bacteria. It's made with powdered potato mix and the company is incredibly careful about making sure all the holding drawers are 60 degrees celcius and only held for maximum of four hours from production.
Red Rooster were also super crazy about not putting their gravy mixture on rooster rolls for customer to take home. I don't know why but I'm assuming people left them in their fridge for a week and because it's made with powder mix unlike KFC gravy which is actually made from left overs in the chicken deep fryers it must also be a breeding ground for bacteria.
be careful mate…… I used to have a freezer dedicated to pizzas in my younger years. Cholesterol was sky high which I managed to drop to half in 3 months (dropped from 8 to 4.5) just by cutting out pizza's LOL
But now its not so easy……………depending on your age you may want to get checked out!
(Note how fat you are is not an indicator - I was much fitter on my old diet - but how you look has nothing to do with what its doing to your heart)Good luck with your diabetes, weight-gain and blood pressure goals for 2015. On a good start brah
Kudos to appleyuen! Good on you!…
"Yes, this should provide adequate sustenance for the Doctor Who marathon"
Ha ha, one hundred burritos for one hundred dollars… Champagne comedy right there….!
That is actually quite disgusting.. I mean I'm all for a bargain but not risking my health like that.
I had 2 on the way home today. That's me done for a while!
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jesus christ thats gross..