Rainbow supa IGA at doonside has 24 x375ml cans of pepsi or solo for $7.99
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Rainbow supa IGA at doonside has 24 x375ml cans of pepsi or solo for $7.99
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All Supa IGA, or just the one at doonside?
Not at my local VIC IGA.
Got Coke on the cover @ $16.99 for 30 cans [(375ml NOT 12oz or 330ml from Costco ;)]
The Pepsi is at a CRAZY price of $7.99 for TWELVE cans!
Rip off!
Who cares about the can size. It is the unit cost that matters. Costco's 30 x 330ml cans are $13.99. That's $1.41/litre. IGA's 30 x 375ml cans are $16.99. That's $1.51/litre. So Costco's price is cheaper which ever way you look at it regardless of size.
However, it's not cheaper than this deal though but it is Pepsi, the poor mans Coke.
Yeah, wished this was at my local IGA too. Ahhh… WA usually misses out on these deals :(
Wow it's amazing IGA managed to survive in other states after they deregulated shopping hours?
Sorry we just found out the plan for extended shopping hours have been killed off thanks to the average Perth moron and companies like IGA who control a government created monopoly called "small business exemptions" even though most IGA's dollar value turnover is nothing like a "small business". Here IGA can trade 7 days a week, 7 am to 7 pm … and no-other retailers can - except Bunnings, another obviously small retailer ;)
pats seat next to me we've got room for one more here in NSW :D
PS IGA aren't much of a thing here in NSW. Coles and Woolies still rule by a long while, not sure if that's the case in WA?
Does that mean Coles is shut at 5:30pm? That'd suck. I got pissed off when Coles decided to shut at 10pm on a Sunday a few months ago!
Yes Coles and Woolies shut at 5:30 (except Thursday nights … when you get to shop amongst the intelligent teenagers that hang around the shops wearing Wu-tang and Dada clothing). Also no Sunday trading!
People here can't understand that they are not forced to shop if trading hours extended (heck if more people are at the shops it leaves them free to do other things without waiting as long). I guess that's the problem with an aging population who don't like change … Nanna can shop anytime during the week (why would she want the shops open outside of normal working hours).
IGA spend a lot of money whenever the question comes up of deregulating trading hours. The local spin easily misguides a gullible and simpleton public who don't understand that the WA government is protecting the real "Independent Grocers of Australia" which is owned by Metcash, a South African based retailer and wholesaler (and is far from "small business", they employ more people than Coles and Woolworths in WA).
The brand may be owned by metcash, the stores are not. The stores are owned by individuals, who are considered small business.
@scatman00: They certainly should NOT be considered small business. A friend of mine worked at two different stores when we were at uni and their turnover (and profit) is massive. One may jump to the conclusion that they fund the ALP in WA.
I checked out the prices for the above item at my local store … currently on sale for $10.99, saving around $10 (which means the regular price of a 24 pack of pepsi is over the $20 mark here in WA).
Gotta admit I would find it hard to adjust to WA life. I practically go to Coles every day to buy stuff for dinner. I'd have to plan a whole week ahead for cooking :O
Not in my local IGA catalogue either… shame because now I have to pay $11 for the same deal at safeway…
sweet, just round the corner!!
will sus it out tomorrow. great post
very unhealthy. i dont think junk like this should be advterised on here
No offence, but I think that is an unfair comment to make. You may have the view that this sugary stuff is 'junk', fair enough. So does that mean that everything else such as consoles, games etc shouldn't be posted too given that they rot our mind with excessive violence games, offensive language etc?
video games rotting our mind is very debateable..soft drinks being unhealthy = not so debateable
Pepsi in SA is ridiculous at the moment…the iga next to my work is $27.10 (see image) for 24 cans.
cheapest in supermarkets is currently about $16.50
Sheesh! You occasionally (ok rarely) still see cans of Pepsi being sold cold/individually for $1 each at small pie shops etc. It'd be cheaper to stock up that way!
I got some this morning. They had heaps. Great find Thanks
33c a can, bargain (if you live near this store).