This was posted 10 years 6 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Amazon US - Boardgames Sale 7 Wonders US $25.99 + Shipping

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In conjunction with Gen-Con 2014, boardgames on sale!!! until tomorrow 5pm or while stock last!

Game Name Sale Price Regular Price Lowest Camelx3 Price
7 Wonders $25.99 $31.99 $27.99 on 5/4/14
Axis and Allies Pacific 1940 $65.22 $65.22 $63.52 on 16/6/14
Battle Cry $35.99 $45.41 $39.46 on 2/4/11
Betrayal At House on the Hill $29.99 $45.36 $19.99 on 18/12/10
Bora Bora $27.99 $35.75 $29.99 on 28/4/14
BraveRats $6.59 $10.99 $10.79 on 14/8/14
Casa Grande $23.99 $29.75 $23.21 on 29/10/13
Castle Panic $20.99 $24.67 $15.99 on 5/12/11
Castles of Burgundy $23.99 $30.34 $20.00 on23/11/12
Diplomacy $17.99 $23.27 $18.99 on 5/4/14}
Dixit $18.99 $20.31 $18.74 on 2/12/13
Dominion: Big Box $57.99 $69.49 $53.99 on 5/4/14
Fate: Core System $14.99 $21.81 $19.82 on 20/4/14
Flash Point Fire Rescue $23.99 $28.20 $22.22 on 3/8/14
King of Tokyo $23.99 $29.58 $25.18 on 19/12/13
Labyrinth $19.19 $24.08 $14.99 on 15/11/11
Munchkin Deluxe $16.99 $21.17 $19.77 on 30/5/13
Niya $8.39 $12.53 n/a
Pandemic $22.99 $29.62 $21.75 on 18/12/13
Power Grid $24.99 $31.95 $24.99 on 2/12/11
Quantum $31.99 $37.80 $34.78 on 22/6/14
The Resistance $11.99 $15.66 $11.25 on 25/11/13
The Resistance: Avalon $11.99 $15.44 $12.62 on 30/5/13
Seasons $25.99 $32.70 $22.88 on 15/12/13
Sentinels of the Multiverse $22.99 $29.11 $19.48 on 16/12/13
Smash Up $17.99 $21.56 $19.46 on 15/11/13
Takenoko $25.99 $36.78 $26.99 on 4/5/14
Tokaido $23.99 $28.55 $23.99 on 5/4/14

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Shipping is fairly aggressive however still cheaper than oz.

  • +2

    Tried a lot of games, most would add about $16 for shipping. Dominion was like $35 :(

    • I tried Galaxy Trucker Anniversary edition - US$48 shipping to Syd :(

      • Not surprised with this one, the box weighs a ton! Well worth it for the game though.

    • +1

      Would have liked Dominion but shipping killed that one. Might grab Munchkin and King of Tokyo

  • Any recommendations? (I currently have Avalon, King of Tokyo and Pandemic)

    • +1

      7 Wonders is a brilliant game. And a fantastic price (assuming shipping doesn't kill it). I got it for AUD$38 delivered from a Fishpond sale just recently.

      • How would you compare it to other games?

        • +1

          Uhhh…. With difficulty? It's pretty different to everything else. You're trying to build a city, with a wonder in it. Everyone starts with a different wonder to build, which is open and gives different powers. There's three ages. Each age, everyone has a hand of cards. Everyone picks one from their own hands to play as a building in their city, and pass the rest to the next player (everyone is doing this simultaneously). Cards give you resources or military or money etc. Keep playing and passing until there's no cards left for that age. Then start on the next age's slightly more advanced cards. Then the third age's very advanced cards. Between each age you compare your military might to your neighbour's and get points if yours is higher. At the end score points for fancy buildings, building your wonder, advancing your sciences, etc.

        • +1

          The actual mechanics are reasonably easy to learn, but the depths of strategy take a while to master.

    • +2

      Power grid, Coup (I know it is not on this list but still a discounted item), love letter (not discounted but for USD8 you get endless fun too)

      • thanks! Grabbed Coup, love letter (boxed edition) and munchkin deluxe :)

    • +3

      It really depends on who you play with. Dixit is a huge favourite in my group, because it's a very simple yet very fun game. There are a large number of cards, so the same people could play many times, and it would still feel fresh. And if not, there are a number of expansions you can buy to mix it up.

      I also really like Smash Up and 7 Wonders, but the former has a lot of text so can be daunting for new players, and the latter (at least, in my experience) can be difficult to explain, despite being a relatively simple game.

      Of the other games in the deal (that you haven't listed), I've played Munchkin and Flash Point; if you like Pandemic, I suspect you'll enjoy Flash Point.

  • Thanks OP. I got Resistance Avalon and Saboteur. Shipping was $9.42 US which I thought was fair.

    • card games are obviously cheaper to ship, but you wont be disappointed with sabotuer, Coup is a faster version of resistance.

  • +3

    No Cones of Dunshire = no deal!

  • The post says the deal has expired but it's still 16/8 in the US so you can grab some deals for a few more hours yet :)

    Thanks for the post OP, good to see boardgames getting some love on ozbargain!

  • +2

    Some of those had good reviews from Moss at "Game Board".

  • +1

    King of Tokyo is fun

  • They just added lewis and clark.

  • Castles of Burgundy is a good construction type game.

  • +2

    Betrayal At House on the Hill sale no more. :(

  • Looked good until the $50 shipping

  • +1

    No Settlers of Catan… :(

    • Catan was awesome - last century.

      If you make a bad decision setting up, you're stuck for the next 2 hours. Lucky the game is luck based (unless you use a deck of dice) so you might be ok.

  • Recommend any games to get friends to start playing board games, these are complete newbies, as am I, but have always wanted to try and get a board game night started

    • +2

      Dixit and The Resistance/Avalon are always the games I break out when I'm playing with people who are new to board games; these are the games that kicked off my collection. I've yet to meet someone who didn't like either of these games.

      • I've gone with your suggestion, too. Thanks.

      • Dixit really shines at 4-5 players, Resistance at 5+. Might be worth noting, depending on how many people in your group.

        • Bugger, I don't think I have that many friends.

  • Waited overnight to make sure they weren't an impulse purchase (they weren't, had been looking at them for ages and they were good prices) and now out of stock for the 3 i wanted. Spending money is hard.

    Was going to get Bora Bora, Takenoko and Tokaido.

  • Castle Panic doesn't ship to Australia

  • -2

    Marked expired as many of them sold out. Although they still on the page but it is not the Amazon sale price anymore.

    • I just ordered several at the sale prices…

  • Any recommendations for games suitable for kids aged 4+? A lot of the games mentioned seemed too advanced for children.

    • +1

      Loopin' Louie.

  • Only four games left.

  • can anyone still get any games?

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