• out of stock

My Book Live Duo 8TB $319.99 Delivered (20% off Storewide) @ WD Store


thanks to scotty deal and wfdTamar
I found way to get this NAS for $319.99 delivered

1- you need to click in this link

2- just click back and click in this link http://store.westerndigital.com/store/wdau/en_AU/DisplayAcce…

3- add the item into the cart you will notice they give you $80 discount (20%)

note if this doesnt work from the first time you need to clear your browser history and cache

proof http://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/81226/24591/screen_shot…

not sure if this applies to other items

I tried couple of items and it works!

PLEASE GUYS to help each other post any items (with the links) you think its great buy!

promotion items


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closed Comments

  • +1

    Mother of pearl. Could you open this thing up and just use the HDD's?

    • +4

      Pretty sure yes…

      • yep.. warranty voided though

        • +4

          I don't think the warranty would be voided. Visit this page, click "Overview", go to bottom of page, and it reads "User serviceable. Want to upgrade a drive? Simply open the case and replace the existing drive – no screwdriver needed".

  • +2

    The 6TB comes to $240

    • Where's the link to the 6TB hard drive?

  • Bought one, crazy price!

  • Does the WDShop have a Return Policy. I wanna buy for my Dad but if he doesn't want it can I return it?

    • +1

      yes they have but I think you need to pay the postage to return the item

  • Awesome find! As Western Digital gets swamped with orders I just hope this doesn't get cancelled as a pricing error. I have a 4TB unraid server at home in a N40L but this deal is sorely tempting for the drives alone.

  • +5

    Top notch, scored a 4TB for 160 smackers. Thanks!

  • +1

    holy crap this is cheap. bought one!

  • All seem to average out to $40 per TB which is sweet!
    except the above 8TB one.

  • Stupid Question :HDD's included ?

    • +3


    • +6

      yes…thats why it is crazy price…

  • +2

    awesome deal and the fact that i was able to convince myself i did not need one..

    • +2

      …but you got one anyway didn't you

      • sorry to disappoint but sadly i really do not need one..and i know that is so not the ozbargain spirit..

  • +3

    Holy crap. Didn't need one but got one - thanks!

  • +1

    What drives are in these?

  • +1

    Does anyone know what model disks are inside?

  • thanks so much for the post!!
    crazy price!!
    couldn't resist and got one!

  • +2

    any comments on how these go as a PLEX media server, all I would use it for…TV and movies

    • +5

      From another post, alittlelewd
      Whilst it's a great $/GB ratio, it's a pretty average NAS that can't be used as a Plex server or download torrents even.

      • ok thanks man, I will skip this and just wait a bit.

      • Thanks Ahan for your info. I am currently using a QNAP NAS with two 1Tb WD green drives for past few years. It has served well as file storage and even downloading torrents, but its old CPU is too slow for Plex server. Seems like this My Book Live Duo is even worse. Move along.

      • Get a beefy NAS in raid 0 for performance and use the MyCloud to do automated backups of your NAS.

        • Phoebus, how much would those setup cost in total? Still qualified as OzBargain?

        • @edfoo:
          There's nothing 'wrong' with the speed of this thing. However if you're not satisfied then this would be good as a backup to your primary performance NAS. Other consideration is the apps for this device are limited, but for it's primary purpose, storage, it serves its purpose.

  • Awesome! Thanks msmhw and bonbon

  • Got one. Thanks OP!

    • +2

      So I call Western Digital.
      The My Book Live Duo comes with 2 x 4TB GREEN DRIVES in it. :(
      Just in case you need to know…

  • +20

    So much storage for porn

    • +11

      1080 porn takes space bruh

      • 1080p? mate its all about the 4K now ;)

    • Is it legal to watch at home?

  • +5

    Thought about getting it, but not going to due to the Amazon reviews. Seems like in many cases both drives can fail??!?!?! on Raid 1…I guess you are better of with the HP from earlier: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/156711

  • Got a 6TB, thanks very much!

    • Yes, that's tempting me. Seems better value.

  • +1

    Can't find any high capacity internal drives. Looking for a 4TB unit :-)

  • I cant get the 20% discount to apply. Has it changed? clearing cache didnt help

    • still working for me, if you logged in to your WD account try to log out and clear your history and cashes

    • After following the instructions, I initially didn't get the 20% discount appear either, so I clicked the link at Step 1 (again) and when the page loaded I noticed in the top-right corner the cart dollar amount reduce to the expected amount - in my case AU$319.99.

      • worked for me 20 min ago.

  • +2

    Why am i always broke when there are good deals…


    • And why is there always a deal immediately after I buy one of lesser value and of lower specs, guaranteed?

      Argh! I don't think people would pay much for a used HD, even if it has only been used for days.

  • What kind of drives will be inside? How many drives in total?

  • Got one thanks OP

  • Holy cow!

    Got 1!

  • don't need one, but bought it already ….bloody greed……

  • So if in raid 1 u only get 4gb of usable space??

    • 4TB

      • -1

        Yeh 4tb i mean… If so maybe only good for cloud for phones n tabletsss

  • is this model getting phased out?
    is that why they are so cheap?!

  • awesome deal, got one thanks

  • Thanks - got 1

  • +3

    Tried to resist but failed.
    I'll probably be in trouble when the wife gets home.
    Thanks all.

    • Same here, but I convinced myself I needed it. Then the OT got updated with the list of promo items so used another browser to order a 4TB drive as well!

    • DU MA!! Mee tooooo
      $319 out of CC soo sadddd

  • same here can't resist the bargain. thanks op

  • 4TB, 8TB, 12TB all out of stock

    • Try another browser? Got a 8TB 10 minutes after your post.

  • Is the 8TB one have USB and if yes is it USB 3?

    • USB 2.0 only.

      • Hmmm

        How would it go running it into a AC Wifi Router to my iMac?

        • isnt it ethernet into your router?

        • +1

          Yes but wifi AC to imac

    • Gigabit Ethernet

  • Too cheap, bought one. Thanks!

    Kogan's price $749.

  • +1

    The hdd inside are "Green" one. I found it from http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/review/western_digital/my_book…

  • -6

    Bought a bunch of these. It's worth it just for drives inside. Never run out of space! Wewt

    • +2


      • What is wrong with buying more than 1. Its like I committed to worst sin of the Ozbargain cult.

  • +1

    Looking at the fourth pic on scorptec's site - it seems to be extremely easy to get access to the drives:

    • Fingers crossed its that easy! planning on putting my 2 x 2TB drives (old ones from my NAS) into the WD enclosure after I gut it for the 2x 4TB's!

    • This is designed to be serviceable. It is quite literally a feature that WD advertises.

      "Want to upgrade a drive? Simply open the case and replace the existing drive – no screwdriver needed."

  • +1

    Excellent deal but Amazon reviews concern me. Great price just for the drives themselves.

  • Could not leave it there for that price! Thanks!

  • +2

    Thanx Heaps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bought One. No more external drive to carry upstairs and downstairs and wait while copying files.. FCUK YEah!!!
    So excited

    • +1

      The transfer speed through wifi would let u down.

      • NO way, Really? That was THE Only reason that I bought. Should I cancel my order?

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