Dick Smith has deals 12pm - 2pm for Panasonic LED TV and Eneloop AAA batteries. Expiring in less than 2 hours.
Dick Smith Lunchtime Deal Panasonic 24" LED TV $149, Eneloop AAA Pack of 8 $19.98 + $4.95 Post

Last edited 13/08/2014 - 13:03 by 2 other users
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AA or AAA? Think they made a typo… Either that or it's the wrong picture.
Looks like AA in the pic, but title and description is AAA.
Also, shipping is $5.
Yeah the pic said AA but the product details said AAA
AAA on the pic
keep getting 404 error when loading the AAA page :(
Hmm… I havent really looked into these batteries before, why are they so expensive normally? DS ebay price is $100…. guess i will just buy it 1st since its such a big discount..
ebay dicksmith price: (sorry this is for AA)
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ENELOOP-AA-Chocolat-8pk-Web-/2516…I havent really looked into these batteries before, why are they so expensive normally?
because they want you to
just buy it 1st since its such a big discount
Congratulations for displaying Dick Smith's desired consumer behaviour!
It's not 1080p though, 1366 x 768 resolution.
Its only 24" so 1080p isnt that important at that size
That's the size of a desktop monitor. If the TV is going to be the same distance from you as a monitor, then 1080p is something worth considering.
If you're going to have it a few meters away from you instead, then it's not that important.
Say that to my 1440p 27"er :P
At least it appears to be an IPS/VA panel, based on the 176 degree viewing angle spec. I'll take that over a 1080p TN.
Use code LATENIGHT8 to get another 8% off. Works for batteries, don't know about TV
EDIT: Works for TV as well.
TOTAL $137.08 after above code
So that pretty much covers postage
Eneloops = $23.33 delivered with LATENIGHT8 coupon code.
great find- now need charger!..no deals there??
any AA battery?
Eneloops are not Sanyo, they're Panasonic. There was a long discussion on yesterday's multiple once in a lifetime Dick Smith specials.
Eneloops 4th gen onwards are Panasonic as they bought out Sanyo.
My Sanyo (pre-4th gens) are still working well…. not sure if i should get more.
So is the deal for AAA or AA?
As far as I know there are no 8 packs for AAA?
It's for the AAA. And as you can plainly see there is now a AAA 8pk in assorted chocolat colours. Note that these new Panasonic Eneloop batteries are made in China.
Dont know why people are so worried about Made in China. Half the products you buy in the world from top-notch quality to poor quality are all made in China. Get over it.
Japan has nuclear pollution
AAA, picture has AAA on kirts link above
What do you guys think of this charger to go with the above Eneloops?
Nitecore i4 Intellicharger Universal Battery Charger 26650
Ive got this charger it works really well and stops charging when its full.
If u dont mind waiting you can get it from overseas for around $22 delivered. Make sure its the latest version.
Good for charging 18650 batteries for torches as well.The online consensus is that Nitecore i4 are good for charging lithium ion batteries but only barely acceptable for nimh batteries.If you dont recharge Li-ion batteries i would advise you to check these out instead.
I believe the BC700 and MH-C9000/Memorex Pro1 Geniux charger are quite popular though expensive.
I have the Maha powerex MH-C401FS which is around 5 years old and still works although one of the slots went faulty couple of years back.
the picture is now showing panasonic and not sanyo eneloops
Panasonic bought Sanyo in 2010.
Says April 2013 is when the Panasonic Eneloop was introduced (which is actually incorrect). Not when Panasonic bought out Sanyo.
But i've got a good source that says it was actually April 2014 when the Panasonic Eneloop was introduced. http://www.realwire.com/releases/Panasonic-launches-new-enel…
Wikipedia has it wrong right month but wrong year. Try April 2014, not April 2013. What's new you can't use Wikipedia as solid fact.
yes i know they were brought, but the sanyo branded stock is all made in Japan, whereas the Panasonic branded stock is from China. they ceased making in Japan
Yep that's right the Sanyo Eneloop were made in Japan but the new Panasonic Eneloop is made in China.
i know quoting wiki is taking a risk.. but making a point that it is definitely not 2010.interesting point that you brought up is that the 'new' and 'improved' panaloops are made in china.
something i didnt know, and now i'm just heading back to dse to grab some spares. :)
whereas the Panasonic branded stock is from China.
Not true at all. There are still Panasonic Branded stock made in Japan. Which have 70% charge retention after 5 years.
@slowmo: You couldn't be more wrong if you want to quote wiki:
Say right there that Panasonic aquire the rest of Sanyo share in 2010. Wiki is most likely correct, your interpretation of it is wrong.
Going from the Panasonic website in europe:
They keep 70% charge and are rated 750mAh.But the ones from DSE keep 65% charge and are rated 800mAh.
So are the DSE Panasonic Eneloop an older or newer version?
The year 2010 was when Panasonic announced it made an agreement to acquire Sanyo in full. This PDF from Panasonic dated in December 2010 says so. Basically 2010 is when Panasonic announced it will buy the rest of Sanyo and April 2014 is when Panasonic introduced Panasonic Eneloop onto the market.
Also this Cnet article also dated December 2010.
@ieaki: DSE Panasonic eneloop are the newer version. They are most likely made in china as we being Australian are getting supply from china.
Other region like Korea and Japan are still getting Panasonic Eneloop made in Japan though soon most of the production will be shifted to China.
Not that it make any difference though. You are still getting pretty much the same quality battery.
As you can see 65% of 800 and 70% of 750 is pretty much the same after 5 years.
Ah you're right. I just read the title (which had Sanyo in it) and bought. Oh well.
TV is presumably the TH-L24XM6A (note the trailing 'A'). Specs/manual here:
If you google TH-L24XM6 that DSE gives the model as, you'll get the Panasonic Africa and other non-.au results that kinda make it appear as though this wasn't a locally-sold model.
LATENIGHT8 doesn't work anymore?
Nope they cancelled it. They follow Ozbargain comments. That's for sure.
Thanks OP, cant justify buying more, damn eneloops and their color range, so hard not to collect/catch them all.
damn just missed this - expired now in case you miss the lunchtime special
all the eneloops experts keep preaching the same jibberish about how theyre made in china now. Is it now a completely different and/or rubbish battery now? If so, please add some newsworthy info to the rest of your post
if not, then shut the ******** !!
Well would you rather new buyers be in the dark about where the batteries are actually made. People have the right to know where it's made.
Would new buyers know that is made in Japan before? Nobody was going through Sanyo Eneloop(Pre-Panasonic buy-out) post saying "This stuff is made in Japan".
It's not like they going to think: "Oh, this stuff is made in Japan, must be a good product".
People was buying eneloop because they are good quality battery. There have been no evidence that the quality have decrease. So where it is made is irrelevant.
People who buy stuff depend on where it is made and disregard the product actual quality is really really stupid.It's not like they going to think: "Oh, this stuff is made in Japan, must be a good product".
Lets say you're standing in DSE and have two packs of eneloops in front of you with identical specs, design, age, and price. One is made in Japan and the other is made in China. Which pack do you think most people would pick?
Japanese-made products simply have a better reputation than Chinese-made products. That's just how it is, for good reason - there are a lot of crappy products that come out of China. Meanwhile, anything that's made in Japan is very likely to be well-made.
Obviously not everything that comes out of China is of poor quality. Plenty of very well-made products are made there. But surely you can see why China has a poorer reputation compared to Japan.
Eneloops have always been made in Japan in the past - that could have contributed to their reputation and possibly quality. No one knows how tightly-controlled Panasonic's QC is at their Chinese Eneloop plant. Only time will tell.
There have been no evidence that the quality have decrease. So where it is made is irrelevant.
How can you say it is irrelevant when there is no information about reliability yet? The Chinese-made eneloops haven't been around for very long at all. They could be identical to the Japanese ones, or not.
Agree with you completely.If some tests come out proving that the Chinese made eneloops are as good as the Japanese made ones i will have no qualms buying those. But at the moment there is no such info and we can still get made in japan eneloops at other places or made in japan Fujitsu batteries so i intend to stick to those.And anyway it looks like Panasonic are only intent on increasing their profit margin and haven't decreased their prices even though its obviously cheaper to manufacture it in china. In fact I would buy made in japan eneloops or Fujitsu even if china made ones are good if i have to pay the exact same price.
Maybe people have the impression that made in China should now be 1/2 price of RRP compared to when it used to be made in Japan.
Need a charger now!
Link is here.