Prices on local sites are around $500 each .
This is the high speed version of the card for use in high end SLR Cameras
Prices on local sites are around $500 each .
This is the high speed version of the card for use in high end SLR Cameras
Buy a trench coat with CF slots and sell them on a corner somewhere…
CF is physically smaller but electrically identical to ATA. Perhaps you could get an adaptor and use this as a poor man's SSD in an old laptop?
use this as a poor man's SSD
a poor man would get an SSD at half that price…
Possibly, but PATA SSDs are as rare as hens teeth and usually cost significantly more than their SATA cousins. I'm just trying to suggest a range of options.
Why CompactFlash so expensive compare with SD?
Why CompactFlash so big compare with SD?
In answer to both questions, because they're used by professionals, or by amateurs who will dispense with serious coin for camera gear.
Less cynically, to get speeds and reliability like this, these units use the creme de la creme of flash memory.
The general feel amongst pro photographers is that CF flash cards hold their speed or are true to the transfer rate claimed on the cards. Also CF are harder to loose or break in my experience!
MUCH harder to break. I went through numerous SD cards in the studio here (before switching to EyeFi) in a very short space of time, whereas I've never had a CF card break or fail on me. I've still got an old 128MB (yeah, megabytes) CF card that works just fine if you need it to.
128MB….sniff…. ah memory(s)…..
128?!?!? LUXURY. I've still got an 8MB CF and a 4MB MemoryStick!
I used to keep the 8MB card in my kit on the logic that it was too small to use, but in an emergency I could always pull it out if I absolutely needed to take a shot and all the other cards were full. That idea died along with ~20MB RAW shots.
You were too honest. Most eBay cards seem to be ~32MB but marked with waaay higher capacities. Coulda made a killing.
@tplen1: pffffft! 20MB Raw my 2 yr old Nikon does 78MB RAW, OUCH!! .
this deal/Card is great, but I don't do Video on my 1080P vid capable SLR, hmmmm, nice price none the less.
compare with SD?
Better question: why so expensive and slow compared to micro-SATA SSD ?
Surely that is where DSLRs should be headed.
Better question: why so expensive
Economies of scale…
Also, professional photographers are more willing to spend a lot of money on their kit…
pro video uses SSD, DSLRs are more compact and so the smaller batteries can't sustain the power draw of bigger storage.
This deal will appeal more to pro-DSLR bodies that don't accept other formats. In fact, my main shooter has an XQD card slot that has never been used :/
In terms of write speeds, it matters most with video. lots of burst capable DSLRS back up that capability with a decent buffer that will hold your shots while it writes fusioursly to your card. if you're shooting crazy at 4K-ready bitrates, that's where write speeds matter most to avoid 'rolling 'effect' issues. Some cams won't let you use high end modes at all without legitimately high speed cards - eg my gopro won't shoot HD protune unless the memory card is fast AND is the right model.
Hope this helps!
This is a fantastic price. I don't need them at the moment but its so tempting.
When i paid $130 for my 32GB Sandisk Extreme Pro CF cards, I considered that a bargain.
To pay just $20 more for 64GB Lexars is an absolute steal.
Anyone like to share? I just need 1 too (at the moment)..
Im waiting for 128GB x3400 to go down in price….
If you check out the speed for a high end SLR here for example the Canon 5D MkIII…
The Lexar CF writes at 80Mb/s in Raw and the fastest SD is 19.9 MB/s
So if you want high quality image files i.e. RAW and fast write speeds e.g. taking lots of shots in sports mode then you might consider something like this card.
I have a CF camera and use a CF to SD adapter. Works really well.
Hope it's faster than my adapter cause the one I have for my 7D is mega slow!
Really Ive never thought mine was slow (7D as well)
Canon 5d mark ii, iii use cf card.
But I only need one =p…