Dick Smith Deals Starts Tuesday
USB Mains Power Supply Cable $3.98 Save $16
JABRA Drive Handsfree Car Kit $42.69 Save $26
Kindle WiFi 6" e-ink Black $79 Using DS29520 Code
Any Belkin Mixit Cables Or Chargers 3 for $59
Sony Xperia M Vodafone Mobile Phone $89 Delivered Save $110. Using DS29520 CODE
Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 White Vodafone Mobile Phone $199 Save $50
LG Optimus F3 Telstra Mobile Phone + Bonus $10 Credit $179
HTC One (M7) 4G Mobile Phone $448 Save $100
20% off iPhone Cases- Excludes Genuine Apple products
25% off Screen protection
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7" And Note 8.0 Book Cover $19.98 Save $30
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1" Book Cover $39.98 Save $30
HTC One (M7) 4G Mobile Phone $0 ON Vodafone $30 PLAN PER MONTH for 24 months + Bonus Unlimited Data for 2 Months + Get 2 Months Off Your Access Fees When You Switch TO VODAFONE ON A 24 MONTH Contract - See in Store for Details.
10% off Kindle E Readers.
HTC One M7 4G $448 OR $0 ON Vodafone $30 24mth Plan, USB Main Power Supply Cable $4 @DSE.

Last edited 05/08/2014 - 22:02 by 1 other user
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closed Comments
That's cheap. And M7 is still a very good phone with all the updates it received.
To me the only thing missing is the Dot View case.
I would really love this phone, but there is no microSD slot for storage expansion
All Vodafone stores have had this phone free on the $30 for about a month. no need to go to DSE and get no after sales service and long term warranty issues, may as well deal with Voda stores direct.
Unlimited Data is a standard Vodafone offer on ALL plans
Two Months Free for porting in.. also a standard Vodafone offer.Is that still available? I can't see that deal on their website. Is it in store only?
The unlimited data is called "data workout" and you get two full months (plus your pro rata period)
the two months free for porting in.. is def in store .. not sure about onlibe
phone pricing is standard at all Voda stores.
Great phone for a very good price and confirmed to get updates by HTC.
I initially thought no SD slot would annoy me, but thus far I haven't needed extra storage anyway, the 32GB is plenty.
I use the Incipio Dualpro - Carbon case.it is the best phone for the $30/m plan on Vodafone ever. But I think the best deal to by this phone outright is the dicksmith ebay deal last month, which is $399(20% off of $498).
And compare to M8, UFocus function is the only thing I wish M7 could have.
Good price for a great phone. Now makes the choice between the Sony Xperia Z and the Htc One m7 on Vodafone's $30 plan. $720 over 24 months with the phones retailing for about $360, its about $15 per month for the plan.
If buying outright you are better off getting the Nexus 5:
Getting it on the $30/month plan is great value.
long time lurker first time poster here and potentially asking a silly question.
Can I use one of the prepaid vodafone phones with my post paid vodafone account?Sure can (as long as the sim card slots are the same size).
Which Sony Xperia for $99 is better? The Xperia M has dual core 1ghz, 1GB ram, 5mp camera and Android 4.3 while the Xperia E1 has dual core 1.2ghz, 512mb ram and 3mp camera on Android 4.4
Does the touted lower memory usage of Android 4.4 KitKat offset the reduced memory onboard?
I think for your own sanity's sake, get the one with more RAM. Android really flies with more RAM, and 1GB is the sweet spot. But if you can swing it, definitely look at the quad core phones instead.
On those specs, the M sounds better to me.
RAM and camera being the selling points.
CPU speed wont make a huge difference and Android versions are far less important than they used to be.
What's the screen size and resolution of each?
And is the GPU the same?The M is 480x854 with Adreno 305 while E1 is 480x800 with Adreno 302.
Both are 4 inches@Roja:
Definitely the M then. Faster GPU, more RAM and "better" Camera..
Just looked it up, the M has the Snapdragon 400 CPU so despite being clocked slower is actually going to be faster than the Snapdragon 200 in the E1.
It's a no brainer.
Thanks. The HTC Desire 310 is quad core and only $129. However it only has 512mb RAM so we end up with the same bottleneck
To add to the posted deal, Dick Smith are running a 2 day flash sale with some phones discounted even further when buying online. The HTC Desire 310 listed for $129 is only $109.59 while the LG Optimus F3 has dropped from $179 to $167.44
Would office works price match DSE's offer for HTC?
If they sell them yes they have to
That's the best $30/mth Plan+Handset deal that I've seen in a long while!